发布时间:2019-09-23 20:44:35 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

无论是直接使食用或经过各种方式处理,牛油果的口味都是极佳的。除了会对胆囊产生刺激外,它称得上百分百健康。色彩丰富饱满又粉嫩清淡,牛油果的奇妙与独特,值得人们细细品味和探索。在Avocado Gang餐厅,牛油果的身影几乎无处不在,餐厅主理人甚至还独创出了牛油果口味的鸡尾酒。

Avocado is great raw, “as it is”, or prepared in 100 and 1 different ways.100% healthy but also a pretty solid attack on the gall bladder. Rich and saturated in color, but ‘pastel’- toned down at the same time. Wonderful – if handled well – or at least a bit different. Avocado gang should be the same, a place where you can find avocado in pretty much everything, maybe just with the exception of liquor – and that’s only before it’s “cocktailed”.


Avocado gang作为布拉格的第一间牛油果主题餐厅,坐落在Lyčka广场一间街角公寓的首层。餐厅简单的纵向空间内有一张9.3米长、配有22个座位的餐桌,其余座位则沿着墙壁分布。开放式的厨房可以让每位顾客见证各自餐食的新鲜诞生。五彩斑斓的中央桌面是由牛油果和其制品的丰富色彩衍生而来。 “无色”的灰色整体结构用作桌、椅、尤其是食物的背景。

▼色彩丰富的餐桌长9.3米,有22个相应的座位,the restaurant offers a 9.3 m long table with 22 seats

▼中央座位区域细部,details of the central seating area

The first avocado restaurant in Prague, Avocado gang, was founded in a ground floor space of a street corner apartment building on Lyčkovo náměstí (Lyčka square) in Prague – Karlín. The simple longitudinal space of the restaurant offers a 9.3 m long table with 22 seats in the center and more seating along the walls. The open kitchen allows any of the customers to verify the freshness of their brunch. The multicolored center table is derived from the strong colorfulness of the avocado and the foods prepared from it. “Non-colors” on the scale of grey are a background for colorful objects – be it the table, chairs around it or – and this especially – the foods served here.

▼其余实木桌椅座位分布在餐厅周围,the remaining solid wood tables and chairs are distributed around the restaurant

▼从餐桌向窗边看去,view to the windows from dining table


▼彩色花纹桌面与净色背景形成对比,there is a contrast between the colorful table and clean background

▼彩色花纹桌面细部,details of the colorful table

The table is composed of spruce solid wood square timber in a 160 x 100 mm profile on legs from heat galvanized steel. Spruce is further present in the interior in the form of a glazed bio-board, the heat galvanized steel as bases for other tables, chairs or as lighting and veneer for the longitudinal wall separating the customer area and the restaurant’s facilities, as well as in the form of sinks and other elements. Everything is tied together by the cement floor finish and the light grey walls. However enough space is left for the avocado itself – whether you expect it in the form of guacamole or avocado pancakes with bacon.

▼由云杉实木做成的桌椅,tables and chairs made of spruce solid wood

▼镀锌钢用作雅座隔断,galvanized steel is used as cubicle partition

仅仅是灵光一现,最后竟美梦成真。Avocado Gang就是这样一个色味具备、形神俱佳的餐厅。作为布拉格第一家牛油果餐厅,它是大家共同努力的结果。

Thoughts flow away, people dream. However, their dreams cannot come true without the help of other people. Avocado Gang is such a dream full of colours, tastes, shapes, enthusiasm, insanity, wackness…The restaurant – the first avocado restaurant in Prague. It has been the collective work of the great people.

▼开放式厨房,the open kitchen

▼厨房细部,details of the kitchen

牛油果的根悄无声息地从果核中冒出,起初,你甚至都注意不到主根的存在。但突然间,你会发现一团长短不一的根系缠绕在一起,把幼茎牢牢地固定住。当植物开始发芽、生叶、茁壮成长直到枝繁叶茂,这正是依赖于它的根系。根系深入地底,向四面八方扩张,有力地占据最佳位置。这一过程其实与开餐馆并没有太大的不同。因此,Avocado Gang和一颗简单的牛油果核有着绝对的相似之处,那就是创造了纯粹的美。

Roots come from an avocado stone slowly, unobtrusively and haltingly a little. At the very beginning you shall not even take a note of the main root that makes the way for other ones. And, suddenly, a generous tangle appears of longer and shorter roots which secure its young and small stalk. And as the plant starts to germinate, sprouts and thrives, boasts and longs, it may rely on them. The roots go into depth and all sides forming the best foundation that the rebelling youth can get. The process is not too dissimilar to the opening of a restaurant. The likeness of Avocado Gang and a simple stone giving the birth of pure beauty may be, therefore, deemed absolute.

▼牛油果主题餐厅,the avocado themed restaurant

“在餐厅正式开业之前,我们已经默默地、带着怀疑和不确定地试运营了好几个月。为了找到合适的经营模式,我们测试了各种可能。大家的想法时常变化,我们的期望也时高时低。我们渐入佳境,并最终站稳脚跟。现在,我们可以非常确定的对大家说,Avocado Gang一定能够蓬勃发展。”餐厅的老板兼副厨师Karolina Konečná感慨道。

“ We have worked on the restaurant for long months before opening it, slowly and inconspicuously, sometimes with doubts and an uncertainty. We have sought the proper way and tested various possibilities. Our thoughts and hopes grew and dropped in turns. We rejoiced, looked forward and meekly built the firm foundations in order to be ready to say that we have got it, we can grow and thrive. We can flourish! ” Karolina Konečná, the owner and sous chef of Avocado Gang said.

▼餐厅logo及招牌,the restaurant logo and sign




Avocado Gang餐厅,布拉格 / Mimosa architects
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