The site for the Biblioteca Municipal da Parangaba is located in the area of Parangaba, on the waterfront of the Lagoa da Parangaba, contained only by the Avenida Américo Bezerra on the western side.
The program of this project holds a Public Library, a Children's Library, a Exposition Area, Auditorium and all the administrative area for these functions and support areas for the whole library. Besides all these functions, due to its location, the project needs to be integrated with it surrounding and is planned as part of reurbanization process of the Lagoa da Parangaba.
By organizing the program in the site given, using principles such as ventilation, insolation, pedestrian permeability and visual orientation, it was defined the following schematic:
After proper development of the program prioritizing functionality and permeability, the functions were divided by different volumes on the building. Being the western most building the service and administration areas, and the cantilivered structure holding the libraries and the other volume that works as structural support being the auditorium.