America International Center of Photography Museum
设计方:Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
跨国设计公司Skidmore, Owings & Merrill用简约的混凝土、钢铁和玻璃,在纽约曼哈顿将一个原先废弃的房间改造成了国际摄影中心博物馆(简称ICP)。这一影像和视觉文化的领先机构的新址,位于下东城区一栋住宅建筑的一楼,一度破败不堪的下东城区如今已经声名鹊起,正在逐步走向繁荣。
建筑附近有日本设计工作室SANAA打造的新艺术馆,还有英国设计公司Foster + Partners打造的Sperone Wastewater画廊。在这种情况下,SOM的设计将百老汇充满活力的新兴艺术街区联系在了一起,因为这种氛围会蔓延。博物馆里除了前半部分的那个艺术长廊,还包括后半部分的一个大型艺术画廊,以及地下部分的另外一个展示区。
Global firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill used a restrained palette of concrete, steel and glass to create a new home for a photography museum in a once-derelict area of Manhattan. The International Center of Photography (ICP) is a leading institution dedicated to photography and visual culture.Its new home is located at the base of a residential building in the Lower East Side – a formerly rundown district that has gentrified in recent decades.
Nearby buildings include the New Museum by Japanese studio SANAA and the Sperone Wastewater Gallery by British firm Foster + Partners. SOM’s design enables the museum “to connect with the energy and dynamism of an emerging arts district on the Bowery,” the firm said, in reference to a main thoroughfare that stretches through the area.In addition to the front gallery, the facility contains a large gallery in the rear and another exhibition area below ground.