发布时间:2023-08-01 09:38:31 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Bluepha BioFAB位于江苏省盐城市滨海县沿海工业园区,是XINGDESIGN行之建筑事务所为蓝晶微生物Bluepha设计的微生物材料创新工厂。

Bluepha BioFAB, located in the Binhai Coastal Industrial Park of Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, is a biomanufacturing facility designed by XING DESIGN for Bluepha.


▼游戏版漫游,RPG game journey

▼BluephaBioFAB位于广袤的芦苇原中 © 苏圣亮 BluephaBioFAB is located among the vast marshes of coastal reeds


Bluepha is dedicated to nurturing new biomaterials and molecular materials, driving innovation in various aspects of life, including clothing, food, housing, transportation, and medicine. Its core product, a naturally synthesized microbial polymer known as Bluepha PHA, aims to replace plastic to create a sustainable green future.

▼未来材料的旗舰,The Flagship of Future Materials © 苏圣亮

▼白天旷野鸟瞰,Aerial Wildness during the daytime © 苏圣亮

▼巨大的风力发电机在建筑上投下影子,The huge wind turbine casts a shadow on the building © 苏圣亮

▼夜晚灯光从建筑缝隙里透出,Lights come through the openings of the massing © 苏圣亮

生产车间的发酵恒温水排走之前,在办公区屋顶汇成浅池。建筑像培养皿一样 ,孕育新的生物材料。水上的涟漪仿佛叩响生命与物质的存在边界。

Before the temperature-controlled fermentation water drains away, it forms shallow ponds on the rooftop of the office building. The architecture resembles a petri dish nurturing new biomaterials. The water ripples bridge life and matter.

▼建筑形体如同培养皿,Petri-like Architectural Form © 苏圣亮

▼会议室与展厅凸出水面,Conference room and showroom protrude above the water’s surface © 苏圣亮


Life begins at the water’s edge, above there are eternal laws of nature. The ascent of human technology and civilization depends on understanding and harnessing the laws of nature. So does synthetic biology.

▼水面反射天空,象征自然法则,The surface of water reflects the sky, symbolizing the natural law © 苏圣亮


The exhibition hall, reception room, and executive conference room protrude above the water’s surface, offering a panoramic infinite view of the water and sky.

▼夜幕降临前水面呈现超越时间和尺度的永恒感,A sense of timelessness just before nightfall © 苏圣亮

▼早晨阳光正好从阶梯上射入,The morning sunlight shines from the space upon staircase © 苏圣亮

▼通往水面会议室的楼梯,Staircase to the meeting room above the water © 苏圣亮


Most of the space, including the office area, meeting rooms, employee canteen, kitchen, and multipurpose hall, is submerged below the water’s surface with spatial flatness and extensive transparency. Structural elements and rooms are scattered freely like organelles allowing excellent diffused lighting. This is where scientists and engineers work every day.

▼办公区空间开放自由,An Open and Free Office Area © 苏圣亮

▼中心会议室裸露结构呈现力量感,Exposed structure in the central meeting room presents a sense of strength © 苏圣亮

▼下沉沙发区使空间更加通透,The sunken sofa area makes the space more open © 苏圣亮

▼门厅休息区,Lobby waiting area © 苏圣亮

▼开放的空间在阴天也有很好的漫射采光,the openness allowing excellent diffused lighting © 苏圣亮

▼夜晚-周围一片漆黑时,建筑仿佛悬停于宇宙中心,When the surrounding is dark, the building seems to hover at the center of the universe © XING DESIGN行之建筑设计事务所


The design of the pillars combines with the planting pools and printing cabinets, giving them a sculptural form with openings at the roof. The interplay of light and water ripples creates a dynamic of shadows, reminding people of their noble mission beyond daily life. In the vast wilderness, it is this sense of purpose that binds people together.

▼水光映射进室内,柱子作为承接水光的容器,The interplay of water and light shines into the interior, and the pillar serves as a container of the shimmering light © 苏圣亮

▼水光使人感知到日常工作之上的使命感,The water reminds of the noble mission beyond daily life © XING DESIGN行之建筑设计事务所

▼水光映照,空间呈现动态,Shimmering light enlivens the space © XING DESIGN行之建筑设计事务所


The vast and boundless surroundings of the building, while visually stunning, may evoke a sense of solitude over time. Therefore, on the south side of the building, we have created a linear courtyard that encloses a green space of pleasant scale, combining it with the factory’s security wall.

▼厂区移轴,Tilt–shift photography of the factory zone © 苏圣亮

▼窄院局部,连接值班室、瑜伽、交流空间等,Linear courtyard connects gards’rooms, yoga room, communication space and etc. © 苏圣亮

▼办公区面对着窄院,Office Area facing the Linear Courtyard © 苏圣亮


Inside the courtyard, there are guards’ rooms, contemplation rooms, salon lecture halls, gyms, and MEP, engagingly connecting various spaces and infusing daily work with inspiration.

▼在广袤的平原大环境中,围合出小尺度的活动空间 Enclosing small-scale courtyard in the vast plain © 苏圣亮

▼院落里的瑜伽室,A yoga room on the side of courtyard © 苏圣亮

▼小院提供休憩活动的空间,The courtyard provides space for leisure activities © 苏圣亮

▼院落的每个功能空间形状各异,Each functional space with a different shape is scattered in the courtyard © 苏圣亮


Dealing with the saline-alkali land, the building is elevated by 1.2 meters, additional soil is added to the courtyard to facilitate quick tree planting. The temperature control of the building utilizes a constant water circulation system from the factory and floor air vents to fully utilize the space beneath the floor slab and release the ceiling height.

▼轴侧鸟瞰,Axonometric Aerial View © 苏圣亮



Written in Bluepha’s New Year card: “We are fortunate to stand on the shoulders of giants, just as in all initial explorations, paving a path for the new world of creating with biotechnology.”

The space we have constructed is filled with such belief.

▼夜晚旷野鸟瞰,Aerial Wildness after sunset © 苏圣亮

▼整体模型,Model © XING DESIGN行之建筑设计事务所

▼局部模型,Section Model © XING DESIGN行之建筑设计事务所

▼总图,Siteplan © XING DESIGN行之建筑设计事务所

▼首层平面,1F Plan © XING DESIGN行之建筑设计事务所

▼二层平面,2F Plan © XING DESIGN行之建筑设计事务所

▼立面,Elevations © XING DESIGN行之建筑设计事务所

▼剖面,Sections © XING DESIGN行之建筑设计事务所


蓝晶微生物Bluepha BioFAB,盐城 / XING DESIGN行之建筑设计事务所
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