发布时间:2023-08-18 17:05:29 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


01 东风楼改造 | 百年名校的传承和更新 Renovation of the Dongfeng Building | Inheritance and renewal of a century-old and famed school

“南有大溪,西有黄溪流入焉……景泰三年,析丽水之浮云元和二乡,县名曰云和。” 丽水市云和县深隐浙江西南部,但从古到今从未和中国江南意蕴深远的脱离过,似乎注定是云蒸霞蔚中被自然环抱的隐士之地。

“There is Daxi in the south, and Huangxi flows into Daxi in the west. In the third year of the Jingtai, Fuyun and Yuanhe Townships were established in Lishui, leading to the naming of the region as Yunhe.” (Selected from famous ancient Chinese poems Journey to the Yellow River). The village Yunhe of the city of Lishui has never been separated from the profound meaning of Jiangnan in China. It seems destined to be a hermit’s place, surrounded by nature in the midst of rosy clouds.

▼云和中学校史馆:东风楼,Yunhe Middle School History Museum: Dongfeng Building © 阿奇

▼东风楼俯视图,Top view of the Dongfeng Building © 阿奇


Zhejiang Yunhe Middle School is located in the hometown of terraced fields, surrounded by mountains and rivers, where there are naturally high levels oof moisture. Yunhe Middle School is nourished by the educational fruits of the famous educator Tao Xingzhi. Thanks to the flame of free education that has been passed down from generation to generation, Yunhe Middle School is what it is today. While the campus has undergone general renovation, the faculty and students expect that the reorganization of its architectural space will only rejuvenate the school’s history and culture.

▼云和中学鸟瞰图:台地之上,群山环绕,Aerial view of Yunhe Middle School: Above the terrace, surrounded by mountains © 阿奇

▼朴素的校园与丰富的活动是一代人脑海中共同的美好记忆,The simple campus and enriching activities represent the beautiful memory of generations ©丰间


In 2020, VON Architects was entrusted by Yunhe Middle School to renovate the school history museum to create a learning space that respects both individuality and diversity. The project seeks to carry out an overall renovation of Dongfeng Building, reflecting the school’s heritage and spirit.

▼修缮后的东风楼夜景,Night view of the Dongfeng Building after renovation © 阿奇

▼改造后的校史馆室内,The interior of the renovated school history museum © 阿奇

由于学校升学节点密集和疫情冲击,校史馆项目周期较长。但云和中学从上到下对此项目给予了极大的投入和支持,各方的共创之下,校史馆作为延续传统的文化容器,让家校情怀和育人精神在东风楼展现的人文历史中交汇融合。Due to the high enrollment periods in schools and the impact of the epidemic, the project cycle for completing the school history museum is relatively long. However, Yunhe Middle School has provided significant investment and support to all aspects of the project. With the joint efforts of all parties, the School History Museum will serve to carry the torch of its cultural tradition and foster the familial and education spirits of the school.

▼东风楼外观,Appearance of the Dongfeng Building © 阿奇

02 校史馆展陈 | 灵活性和连贯性兼备的多功能空间 Display in the School History Museum|A multi-functional space that is flexible and coherent


Yunhe Middle School creates an ideal path of development for each student. The school employs history as a mirror to disseminate and perpetuate its spirit of education. After its reform, the school has gained a complete and distinctive curriculum system as well as a wealth of cultural activities on its campus. Therefore, the school expects that the building function of the school history museum echoes these achievements

▼校史馆空间设计原则:适性发展、和而不同,Appearance of the Dongfeng Building © 阿奇

▼室内空间的材质使用木质墙面与吊顶作为主基调,Appearance of the Dongfeng Building © 阿奇

▼空间氛围强调柔和典雅的质感,Soft and elegant spatial atmosphere © 王俭


The school history museum showcases four main elements: the daily activities of teachers and students, historical and cultural exhibitions, alumni back-to-school activities, and festival celebrations. It has organically grown as part of the campus environment. The building appearance of the school history museum is intended to parallel the appearance of the surrounding buildings. Under the premise of a unified overall style, it highlights the visual characteristics of the school history museum itself.

▼校史馆独具云和特色的内部空间,The unique internal space of the school history museum in Yunhe © 阿奇

▼通过设计传递温馨的家校情怀,以及和众育人的善意,The design conveys the warm, homelike quality of the school and the goodwill of educating people © 阿奇


The entire exhibition hall is comprised of four main areas: the Model and object exhibition, Historical axis exhibition, Alumni activities and Multimedia exhibition, and Temporary exhibition.

▼模型与实物展厅,Model and physical exhibition hall © 阿奇

▼历史轴线展厅,Temporary exhibition hall © 阿奇

▼校友活动与多媒体展厅,Alumni Activities and Multimedia Exhibition Hall © 阿奇

▼临时展厅,Temporary exhibition hall © 阿奇


The entire exhibition space is designed with a clear two-way “back-shaped” flow line. This design is flexible and coherent, allowing visitors to freely choose their route and experience the coherent transition between different exhibition areas.

▼双向“回字形”的展览流线,Two-way “back-shaped” exhibition streamline ©丰间


Visitors complete the entire exhibition flow line by order of the reception hall to the model and physical exhibition hall to the historical axis exhibition hall to the multimedia exhibition hall and finally to the temporary exhibition hall. The exhibition area progresses step by step, transitioning naturally, from models to natural objects and from exhibits to historical axes. These elements are combined with multimedia and other forms of display to provide visitors with an experience of the full range of school history.

▼校史馆序厅,Preface Hall of School History Museum © 阿奇

▼陶行知树立“教育救国”、“手脑并用”的办学宗旨,是理念之源,Tao Xingzhi established the principle of running schools with the purpose of “saving the country through education” and “using both hands and brains,” which continues to inspire the school © 阿奇

▼展厅前言,Foreword © 阿奇

▼魏兰遥承“辛亥风骨”,开启云和现代中学教育的开端,是精神之脉,Wei Lan inherited the ” Spirit of the Xinhai Revolution” and initiated Yunhe’s modern middle school education, which is its spiritual pulse © 阿奇

▼纵向深长的历史轴线展厅,让参观者在行进中细细品味历史,The longitudinal and deep historical axis exhibition hall allows visitors to appreciate history in detail while traveling through the space © 阿奇

▼多媒体展厅展示了师资风貌与电子校友名录,The multimedia exhibition hall showcases the style of teaching staff and displays an electronic alumni directory ©王俭


Each area is designed with an appropriate display method according to the varying exhibition contents and methodologies. The exhibition table in the model exhibition area is upright and sturdy, while the exhibition table on the historical axis is of a flexible and extended streamlined shape. The multimedia exhibition area is designed as an experiential display space.

▼方正沉稳的模型展台展示校园沙盘的整体风貌,The square and steady model booth showcases the overall style of the campus sandbox ©王俭

▼历史轴线的展桌采用灵活延展的流线型,The exhibition table of the historical axis adopts a flexible and streamlined extension ©王俭


The choice of a plane effectively utilizes the old layout structure. It also maximizes the use of natural lighting and ventilation based on the original building layout. Regarding the walking experience, a similar layout takes into account the flow of individual visitors and audience groups with different needs.

▼展厅概览,Exhibition hall overview ©王俭

▼从模型展台看向历史轴线展厅,Viewing the Historical Axis Exhibition Hall from the Model Booth ©王俭

03 室内外细节 | 通过深度设计折射的云和精神 Indoor and outdoor details|The spirit of Yunhe County refracted through in-depth design

▼东风楼建筑外观修旧如旧,The architectural exterior follows the principle of restoring the old to its original state ©王俭


Cultural themes should be precisely defined. Once the humanistic connotations that the school history museum aims to express are identified, understanding its campus history and culture becomes a top priority. In the indoor and outdoor design of a school history museum with a story, VON emphasizes the intention for the Yunhe School History Museum’s design to be harmonious with the overall environment—including the original architectural appearance and the interior.

▼东风楼的建筑外观和室内空间相统一,The architectural appearance and interior space of Dongfeng Building are unified © 阿奇


The surrounding mountains and rivers make Yunhe Middle School an idyllic educational location. The architectural exterior follows the principle of restoring the old to its original state, tracing back the historical context.

▼东风楼前的东风桥,Dongfeng Bridge in front of the Dongfeng Building ©阿奇


The design of the space was inspired by the natural scenery of Yunhe County. The source of the pattern, structure, and textural elements of the interior and exterior design of the school history museum reflect their derivation from the country’s culture, history, and natural landscape. Such an architectural language, including transformations of mountains and rivers of- Southern China into architectural features, are characteristic of of Yunhe County.

▼空间中的图案、纹理要素挖掘自云和县的历史文化与自然景观,The pattern and texture elements in the space are derived from the historical culture and natural landscape of Yunhe County © 阿奇

▼借鉴自然的设计:内外相呼应的弧线、拱门、坡顶等几何元素,Reference to natural design: geometric elements such as arcs, arches, and slope tops that echo the inside and outside © 王俭


The grand stairwell and the front hall area where the exhibition hall space transitions leave a strong first impression on the audience. The combination of wooden ceilings and wooden walls emphasizes the integrity of the tone of the atmosphere. The light gray flake decoration near the ground symbolizes a sea of clouds.

▼校史馆入口,Entrance to the School History Museum © 阿奇


In the early stage of creation, VON refined the “cloud” as a symbol of natural objects. Doing so employs nature as a mirror and thus displays feedback on personal growth. As a result, students can absorb intellectual “nutrients” in the beautiful teaching environment designed by nature, grow, and reach for the clouds with their fingertips.

▼临时展厅设计了云状的吊顶,这样即便在阴雨天和夜晚,也能时刻透过云层看见“阳光”,The temporary exhibition hall is designed with a cloud-shaped ceiling, so that even on rainy days and nights, the “sunshine” can always be seen through the clouds © 阿奇

▼不同的光线被丰富的组合应用在了校史馆空间中,Different light is applied in the space of the school history museum © 丰间

当地的梯田、 云海等元素都在这里体现,丰间将其转化为建筑语言以容纳校史之萃。可以看到展厅顶部的阶梯型吊顶是校史馆中独具特色的造型,不但用设计的手法将梯田景观抽象到了室内,而且利用原有的坡屋顶的造型增加了空间的层次。

Local terraced fields, a sea of clouds, and other elements are reflected here. VON transformed these elements into an architectural language that expresses the essence of the school’s history. It can be seen that the stepped ceiling on top of the exhibition hall is a unique shape within the space. It uses design techniques to abstract the terraced landscape in the interior and the original sloping roof shape to increase the level of space.

▼模型和实物展厅的田字格吊顶,Mats ceiling in model and object exhibition hall © 阿奇

▼室内云海、山林、梯田等元素,Indoor sea of clouds, mountains, terraces and other elements ©丰间


The fold-line-shaped exhibition wall is used to display campus photographs from different periods. Historical materials of the school are shown in the display cabinets one by one. These range from the documents and books of Wei Lan and Tao Xingzhi to course materials across the ages. Here, we are exploring the history of the Yunhe education. Booths are set up near the outer windows and partition walls to display calligraphy, stone carvings, plaques, the school motto, teaching philosophy, the school’s spiritual culture, and more. A model sand table is located in the middle of the exhibition area in order to demonstrate the development of the campus.

▼序厅的折线型展墙展示重点历史节点的珍贵照片影像,The fold-line exhibition wall in the prologue hall displays precious photographs and images of key historical moments © 阿奇

▼不同形式的展桌用于展示校徽奖牌、 旧报纸、 旧证件和校刊等实物,Different forms of exhibition tables are used to display physical objects such as school badges and medals, old newspapers, certificates, and school magazines ©王俭

▼展厅中的校园沙盘,Campus sand table in the exhibition hall ©王俭


The primary wall of the exhibition area is designed with a historical axis display board. This is employed to display the development of the school and highlights of its history. A booth is located near the window to display teaching achievements, medals, teacher honors, and other pertinent content. The “S”-shaped booth in the middle has been used for historical school materials since the institution’s establishment. It complements the wall’s individual exhibitions of historical figures who have significantly impacted the school, forming the central part of the historical axis exhibition hall.

▼校史馆丰富的展陈,The rich exhibitions of the school history museum ©丰间

▼历史轴线展厅:中心展墙呈现了从1938年建校至今的重要事件节点,Historical axis exhibition hall: the central exhibition wall displays important events from the establishment of the school in 1938 to the present day ©阿奇


The electronic display on the wall is used to showcase alumni interviews, graduation photos, and other audio and video materials of interest. The introductions of previous principals and notable alumni will also be displayed through multimedia. The designer also set aside a small communication area that can accommodate five to ten people. This space is convenient for alumni activities, unique round tables, and other limited gatherings.

▼多媒体和校友活动展厅,The multimedia and alumni event exhibition hall © 阿奇


Similar fields make different campus activities possible, so that alumni across different generations can further communicate through the new multimedia exhibition form.

▼多媒体和校友活动展厅是促进不同代际间校友交流很好的场所,The multimedia and alumni event exhibition hall is an ideal location to promote exchanges across different generations of alumni ©王俭


The reproduction of cultural space is also the reflection and precipitation of culture itself. VON Architects expects the school history museum to facilitate relationships between generations of teachers at students at Yunhe Middle School and to display the wisdom and spirit of the academic institution.

▼百年枫香林环绕的东风楼,The Dongfeng Building Surrounded by Centennial Sweetgum Forest © 阿奇


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