发布时间:2021-04-08 00:56:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

序章 Prologue — “水岸邊”新中式樣板房的設計,似乎天生自帶超然脫俗的文化氣質,它植根於五千年的文化肌理,從唐宋元明清的風雨中汲取元素,眉宇間滿是超然脫俗大隱隱於市的柔軟與平靜,身後跟隨而來的是潮起珠江的大浪洶湧。現代與傳統、喧鬧與平靜、樸素與艷麗、古典與現代在這裏共處,碰撞出完美的樂章。 The design of the "waterfront" new Chinese style model house seems to have its own transcendent and refined cultural temperament. It is rooted in 5000 years of cultural texture and draws elements from the storms of the Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. The eyebrows are full of transcendent and refined, and the citys softness and calmness are hidden. Behind it comes the surging waves of the Pearl River. Modern and traditional, noisy and calm, simple and gorgeous, classical and modern coexist here, colliding into a perfect movement.

項目位於珠海中央商務區橫琴片區的國際甲等寫字樓商務綜合體,與澳門一水相隔,在江水瀲灩、碧水藍天之間,在改革春風吹拂的大地上,我們開辟出一處獨具一格的住宅空間,致獻城市理想生活,致獻沈穩、內斂的歷史文化,致獻在前線引導人們的時尚藝術。 The project is located in Hengqin District of Zhuhai Central Business District, an international first-class office business complex, which is separated from one water of Macao. Between the river and the blue sky, we have opened up a unique residential space on the land of reform. We are dedicated to the ideal life of the city, the stable and introverted history and culture, and the fashion art of guiding people in the front line. 色彩的旋律 The melody of color — 貴氣無比的金線刺繡、雍容華貴的石雕玉璽、浮光躍金的暗金、手工精制的立體布繡、錯落有致的木質紋理、柔軟堅韌的綢布,設計師從2000多年來的歷史沈澱中汲取精華,從具備厚重底蘊又內斂含蓄的歷史文化出發,解構文化元素,並結合主要訴求進行具備藝術通感的重構。 The designer draws the essence from the history of more than 2000 years, deconstructs the cultural elements from the rich and implicit historical culture, and combines the main demands for artistic communication The reconstruction of sense.

項目以沈著內斂、具備厚重感的棕色木材、氤氳著斑駁紋理的大理石為地面,色彩的厚重感在很好地呼應了華貴又低調內斂的項目調性,同時跟空間的淡色系、水綠色形成對比,加強空間視覺層次感。 The ground of the project is composed of brown wood with deep and heavy feeling and marble with dense and mottled texture. The thick and heavy feeling of color well echoes the luxurious and low-key project tonality, and forms a contrast with the light color system and water green of the space to enhance the visual level of the space.

少則不及,多則繁雜。設計師摒棄了過多的元素堆砌,創設性地在居住空間點綴水綠色,為空間添加一抹奪目耀眼的明媚。“春樓不閉葳蕤鎖,綠水回連宛轉橋”,水綠色的運用更是使墻的邊界變得無限模糊,窗外景色與室內設計自成一景,江風輕語入夢來,春水共庭院一色。 Less is less, more is more complicated. Designers abandon too many elements, creatively decorate the living space with water green, adding a dazzling and beautiful touch to the space. The use of water-green makes the boundary of the wall become infinitely blurred. The scenery outside the window and the interior design become a scene of their own. The river breeze whispers into a dream, and the spring water is the same color in the courtyard. 硬軟裝的協奏 Concerto in hard and soft — 中華民族歷來的傳統文化講究尊崇禮序、中庸之道,風水上重視天圓地方,因而在硬裝上設計師傳承經典,選用了剛勁有力的直線,較強的幾何感和延伸感快速建立起秩序,圓形的加入讓空間剛中帶柔、和諧共融。 The traditional culture of the Chinese nation has always paid attention to respecting the ritual order and the doctrine of the mean. In geomantic omen, the designer pays attention to the round sky and place. Therefore, in the hard decoration, the designer inherits the classic, selects the strong straight line, strong sense of geometry and extension, and quickly establishes the order. The addition of the circle makes the space flexible and harmonious.

當我們在設計一個空間的時候,我們是在設計一種生活方式,在“水岸邊”項目裏,水墨色的精致物品,點綴在各處,它們蔓延開來,成為來客眼簾裏填滿心靈陰郁的亮色,它體現了東方的意境之美,空間的通透與朦朧在各個精致器物間巧妙轉換,多樣化的生活方式在不同的空間不斷呈現—— When we are designing a space, we are designing a way of life. In the "waterfront" project, ink colored exquisite objects are dotted everywhere. They spread and become bright colors that fill the eyes of visitors with gloomy soul. It reflects the beauty of oriental artistic conception. The transparency and haziness of space are skillfully transformed among various exquisite objects and diversified life styles The style is constantly presented in different spaces

它是在文房緩推開一卷宣紙,潤筆濃稠,輕輕寫下“寵辱不驚,閑看庭前花開花落”的恬靜淡然;它是在臥室午後慵懶地抱著梅花枕,夢甜難醒的自在安然... It is in the study slowly open a roll of rice paper, moistening thick, gently write down "flatter or disgrace is not startled, leisure to see the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court" of quiet indifference; it is in the bedroom afternoon lazily holding plum pillow, dream sweet hard to wake up at ease

浸潤在清透澄澈的意境裏,搭配精致尊貴的裝飾,花藝為空間註入了生機,獨具風韻的水墨綠,在空間內不斷跳躍,空間的層次感在一層層鋪開,隨之而來的是新中式所特有的層次感與意境感,大而不空,簡而不簡,華而不俗。 Infiltrated in the clear and clear artistic conception, with exquisite and noble decoration, the flower art has injected vitality into the space. The unique charm of ink green is constantly jumping in the space, and the sense of hierarchy of the space is spreading layer by layer, followed by the unique sense of hierarchy and artistic conception of the new Chinese style, big but not empty, simple but not simple, and elegant but not vulgar. 意境之曲 Space: Create Opportunities For Reimagining — 相比於西方崇尚的精確性思維,東方審美則顯得相對模糊,也正是這種模糊,延伸出了難以言表的意境之美,它汩汩而出,潤濕眼睛,直抵心靈。 Compared with the accurate thinking advocated by the west, the oriental aesthetics is relatively vague. It is this kind of vagueness that extends the beauty of artistic conception beyond expression. It comes out, moistens the eyes and reaches the soul.

一方天地,一方乾坤。 它來自方圓之間,卻遠在方圓之外。 作為東方審美的生活方式,它超脫於萬物,入世而不染繁雜,與江風對飲,沏茶、賞花、研墨、落筆,移步換景,舉手投足之間,無不是意境之美,設計師在傳承中式意境之美的基礎上,創新地融入現代元素,喚醒了我們心中的桃花源夢,回歸自然,營造詩意,為繁雜喧鬧的城市生活,打造一種意境美的生活方式。 One side of heaven and earth,one side of heaven and earth. It comes from between, but far away. As an oriental aesthetic way of life, it transcends all things, enters the world without being complicated. Drinking with the river breeze, making tea, appreciating flowers, studying ink, writing, changing scenery, and doing everything, it is the beauty of artistic conception. On the basis of inheriting the beauty of Chinese artistic conception, the designer creatively integrates modern elements, arouses the dream of Peach Blossom Land in our hearts, returns to nature, and creates poetry for us The complicated and noisy city life creates a life style with beautiful artistic conception.


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