MCK Architecture
MCK is a young team of multi-award winning architects based in Sydney, Australia.We specialise in residential and commercial projects of high-quality finish and detail that are sensitive to context and brief. Our distinctive aesthetic is known for its classic proportion and geometric form.
On the site of a compact former quarry, a steep rock escarpment defines almost 2 edges of the buildable area, within which sits a plan-efficient new home. The lack of space at the ground plane inspired a vertical outcome, which ultimately created access to district and coastal views to the upper levels.
入口 生活区仍然固定在地面上,并结合了一系列朝向街道一侧的服务,这为公共边缘提供了隐私,并鼓励计划开放至适度的后院,岩石悬崖在视觉上占主导地位。在这里,三个边缘上的可操作玻璃与岩石形成视觉连接,从而成为房间的边缘。
The Entry Living zones remain anchored to the ground plane, and incorporate a sequence of services towards the street side which provides privacy to the public edge as well as encouraging the plan to open up to the modest rear yard where the rock escarpment is visually dominant. Here, operable glazing on three edges creates a visual connect ion to the rock such that it becomes the edge of the room.
A double height void above the Living space incorporates a large glazed opening that permits the inhabitants to experience the theatre of the vertical rock face and existing mature eucalypts. A small internal balcony inter-connects the first floor bedroom level to the Living Zone, which appears to physically hover above the ground floor massing not unlike a floating timber box.
The Living level fills the negative space beneath the Bedrooms, which in turn remain quite solid with smaller penetrations that provide light and ventilation but preserve the amenity of privacy to and from the neighbours in the compressed context.
Above this a third level appears visually to be housed within a cranked roof form which provides a negligible level of impact to the southern, much higher neighbour. This level continuously opens itself up to the north and provides the top floor with an abundance of natural light and district views.
Quarry Box项目为一个成长中的年轻家庭提供了一个高效规划的家,在这里可以分享时刻和记忆,但不会影响人们对“我”时间的需求。这个家是由场地的自然和建筑限制以及对内在谦逊的渴望所定义的。
The Quarry-Box project provides a young growing family with an efficiently planned home where moments and memories can be shared but not without compromising ones need for "me" time. The home is defined by the sites natural and built constraints and by its desire for an inherent modesty.
内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :Design Poem
图片版权 Copyright :MCK Architecture