一旦問題被捕捉到,事情就開始運轉了(Carlo Scarpa,1984) ,第一層次為切入建築的方式,第二層次即為動線以及局部空間的連動關係,第三層次亦為注重細部工藝,注重親近人尺度和質感
Once the problem is caught, things begin to work (Carlo Scarpa, 1984). The first level is the way to cut into the building, the second level is the linkage between the moving line and local space, and the third level is also to focus on the details of the process, and pay attention to the human dimension and texture
Carlo Scarpa建築理念闡述著一種自由體驗的可能,就如同置身於自然之中,來自形式的隱喻,如涓涓細流般,微妙地與心靈形成作用,人們的記憶與情感得到釋放,喚起自由的感官體驗
Carlo Scarpas architectural concept expounds the possibility of free experience, just like being in nature, metaphors from the form, like a trickle, subtly form a role with the mind, peoples memories and emotions are released, and free sensory experience is aroused
With pleasure as garden tour and soul as the main axis of design, from the angle of experience oriented and product assisted, we create artistic concepts and products in space, integrate exhibition, and create illusion of time and space, escape from reality, and experience joy close to reality through free transformation
The bionic design is applied in the open area to walk the stairs in the space, so that the rich changes of light and shadow interlace can make the architectural form be built in the hall
The scene presentation is divided by materials. Elements, lines and frames run through the overall style, shaping a new generation of aesthetic thinking. With the placement of metal screens and the use of special coatings, the light reflects layers of shadows in the space, forming a perfect shade of beauty, tranquility and depth, as if conveying the scene
Project name: Gujia Exhibition Hall
Project location: Hangzhou
Project area: 1500 square meters
Design unit: near environment production
Design Director: Tang Zhonghan