发布时间:2022-01-22 05:54:14 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

该项目位于法国塞尔吉行政区公园中心,旨在通过大学食堂的重组为校园生活的中心设施赋予新的活力。原建筑建造于1993年,得益于其所在地形和开放于公共景观的特质,它有幸被纳入弗朗索瓦·密特朗公园内部。该设施很好地融入了行人网络,且恰好位于巴黎-赛纳大学区和Val d’Oise行政区的两条主要道路的交汇处。

Located in the heart of the Cergy prefecture park, the restructuring of the university refectory imparts a new radiance to this central facility of the campus’ student and tertiary life. Erected in 1993, the building has the privilege of being set in the François Mitterrand Park thanks to its topographical location and its openness to this large landscaped public space. The facility is thus ideally integrated into the pedestrian network, at the crossroads of the two main routes that connect the Paris-Seine University sector and the Val d’Oise prefecture.

项目外观,Exterior view© Clément Guillaume



▼轴测图:既有建筑上方增加了一个新的“亭子”结构© graal Axonometry:the kiosk is skillfully placed on the roof of the restaurant

Discreetly embedded in the topography, the initial building faces a paradox: while benefiting from a privileged position, the refectory suffers on the one hand from a lack of visibility and on the other from interior spaces that are little enhanced by its lack of links with the outside. Based on these observations, the refectory restructuring project is an opportunity to reappropriate and inhabit the landscape qualities of the site, in order to affirm it as a strong component of the park, well anchored in its context and uses. The original building also displays genuine architectural qualities: a durable, prefabricated, deactivated concrete envelope, a traced and flexible construction system, and a wealth of user features (paths, staircases, openings, etc.).

Through these intentions and the desire to highlight the intrinsic qualities of the original building, the project develops a double programmatic component: the in-depth renovation of the refectory’s 2000 m², and the addition of an extension, called the kiosk, enriching the refectory’s initial offer.

▼北立面:上层的扩建部分为宽阔的露台赋予了全新的功能维度© Clément Guillaume

North façade: the strategic position of the extension offers a new programmatic dimension to the terrace




The programme is spread over the two original floors, accessible on the same level thanks to the topographical movements of the land.

Forming a semi-subterranean mineral base, the garden level includes the dining room, which opens widely on the north side of the park and houses the kitchens in its rear part. The interventions on the existing structure consist in reinforcing the relationship between the interior and the exterior, in order to bring more light and views to the dining areas, and to enhance their uses. To achieve this, the openings in the façade were enlarged by removing the spandrels, the sloping ground was reshaped following the removal of the retaining wall and the new glazed façade became an opportunity to create entrances that were more visible from the park.

▼绿色边框的幕墙立面为上下楼层赋予了统一的观感© Clément Guillaume The glazed and green envelope creates a unifying mesh to assert its programmatic coherence



The interior is sequenced in three programmatic bands (relaxation, dining and kitchen areas) allowing the creation of a dynamic threshold between interior and exterior, notably through the new transparency of the façade. Given the thickness of the dining space and its low ceiling height, the materials used were dictated by the need to make the space as generous as possible. The light grey resin floor, the glossy white tiles with green joints, the expanded metal elements and the acoustic baffles made of partly replaced mineral tiles, guarantee the flexibility and legibility of the dining space required by its programme.

▼入口处设有自助服务区,同时开放于内部用餐空间和户外景观© Clément Guillaume A new low entrance welcomes the public via the self-service area, which is largely open to the room and the landscape

一层(花园层)食堂空间,Garden floor – refectory space© Clément Guillaume

用餐区,提供朝向公园和周围空间的多重视野© Clément Guillaume The dining room opens onto the park and adjacent spaces and offers multiple viewpoints

▼从朝向公园的立面到内部厨房,空间氛围、座位和层高的变化定义了不同区域的使用方式,From the façade overlooking the park to the kitchens, sequences define different ways of appropriating the space of the dining room through variations in atmosphere, seating and height© Clément Guillaume


A vault, also of expanded metal, enhances the original double staircase while providing a more intimate dining area. These sequences allow users to clearly identify the different ways of using the space. A bistro and an administrative area complete this vast, now luminous space, while the entire kitchen area has been restructured.

View to thedouble staircase from the dining area© Clément Guillaume

金属拱顶营造出一个更为私密的用餐区域,Alongside the kitchen, an alcove in expanded sheet metal defines more intimate spaces© Clément Guillaume

▼厨房区,Kitchen© Clément Guillaume

顶部覆盖层被移除,以最大限度地扩大体积并引入光线,同时强调出原始材料的质感,The cladding has been removed to maximise the volume and light and to enhance the original materials© Clément Guillaume

▼在尊重原有建筑的完整性的同时,空间中置入了一些必要且简洁的构件,The fittings are intended to be essential and sober while respecting the integrity of the original building© Clément Guillaume


The interventions on the original building are based on its intrinsic qualities, and it is in the continuity of the initial framework that the extension is positioned on the base of the restaurant on the upper level. In response to the existing glazed volume that constitutes this ground floor, the kiosk is designed as a pavilion that opens widely onto the park and its wooded spaces. Its flexibility and positioning allow it to channel flows, articulate the existing entrances and offer new possibilities for appropriating the large terrace on which it is placed.

▼透明亭子的屋顶分别向入口和公园延伸,The kiosk’s roof extends towards the entrance on the one hand and towards the distant views of the park on the other© Clément Guillaume

▼波纹不锈钢屋面倒映在亭子不透明的立面上,The lightness of the corrugated stainless steel roofing turns on the opaque façade of the kiosk© Clément Guillaume


The fast-food space is modest in size and consists of solid multi-plywood panels that can be skillfully positioned over the existing fragile structure. These four wooden porticos reach out into the park to extend the roof made of corrugated stainless-steel sheeting supported by a galvanised steel frame. On the near and distant urban scale, this roof makes the facility visible and visible from the Avenue du Parc and the François Mitterrand Park, which then stands out as a signal.

▼亭子内部的木质门廊带来温暖的感觉© Clément Guillaume The wooden porches are revealed inside the kiosk and create a warm atmosphere

▼亭子入口处,Entrance area© Clément Guillaume


On the existing side, the kiosk deploys an opaque technical band covered with a reflective cladding of corrugated sheet metal identical to the roof, interacting with the entrance. On the park side, the refectory area opens entirely onto the landscape through a transparent and rhythmic envelope made of a curtain wall of green spines. These elements, aligned with the original structure, are positioned in the continuity of the new glazed façade of the plinth, like a unique and assertive mesh. Designed as a light pavilion on a topographic mineral base, the kiosk becomes a unifying element between the different parts of the refectory, allowing it to assert its presence while ensuring the architectural coherence of the whole.

▼改建和扩建后的建筑与景观重新连接© Clément Guillaume The restructuring and extension reconnect the building to the landscape

▼从公园望向食堂,View from the park© Clément Guillaume


Through a sober and economical design, the project demonstrates how work on the existing building accompanies the repositioning of an ordinary programme, such as a “resto U”, allowing it, through architecture, to reinterpret its uses and its programming.

▼总平面图,Master-Plan© graal

花园层平面图,Plan – garden floor© graal

▼地面层平面图,Plan – ground floor© graal

▼北立面图,North facade© graal

▼西立面图,West facade© graal

▼横剖面图,Cross-Section© graal

▼纵剖面图,Longitudinal section© graal

▼细部,Detail© graal

University Refectory,Cergy

Client: Versailles’ CROUS

Surface area: 2,310m²

Schedule: 2019-2021 (work in progress)Team: I+A Laboratoire des structures (structure); Choulet (fluids); Eco+construire (economist); Arwytec (kitchen); 2IDF (civil engineering); SLAM (acoustics)Address: 5 rue du Parc, 95000 Cergy-Pontoise

Photo credits:Clément Guillaume


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