The project is a renovation for a restaurant which has been in the business for the last 15 years. Facing invigorated competition, the owner decided to make a total transformation of the restaurant chain, and five have been commissioned to 1305 studio.
▼餐厅入口外貌,view of the entrance
Right inside Longemont Shopping Mall, the restaurant intends to be a visual and physical nexus of the orientation System by taking advantage of the visual flow guided by the floor pattern. Three colors, red, blue, and yellow direct the internal paths from three independent entrances. The path extends the existing curvature and then join together when the floor colors appear in the restaurant .
▼流畅的图案使得原本枯燥的地面平面流畅自然散开, the path extends the existing curvature and then join together when the floor colors
Most stores inside the mall are a fanfare to colorful embellishment, but the restaurant after renovation reveals a very simple texture. To balance the lighting quality between inside and out, the design added wood mullions outside a large horizontal window. They filter glare and provide a proper sun-break and calm the ambience of the interior.
▼格栅既遮光又烘托整个空间,the wood mullion provide a proper sun-break and calm the ambience of the interior
▼半弧形的彩色纱染,在屏蔽中传达了鲜活的意向,Curved color silk, inlaid in a dyed color silk provides a prominent impression of the restaurant
▼造价不高的纱染还可以定期更换图案,the dyed color silk is changeable due to its low cost
看过照片的人多会好奇以为染纱是玻璃贴膜,所以在我看来,很多设计不能只看照片,而是去到实地现场才是最直观的感受。好与不好,一目了然。在今天看来,固定染纱的不锈钢过于笨重, 另外在施工过程中地面未能保护好,实际现场呈现的效果一定不是照片这般精致的。诚然,望湘园能做到今天15年,在这个餐饮时代大潮里求新求变是必然。那份对家乡味道的念想大概也是他们的一种坚持和坚守。
▼纱染细节,detail of the dyed color silk
设计公司:1305 STUDIO
设计:申强 傅志刚
Reminiscence of Homeland
Designer: Shen, Frank
Photographer: Shen-photo
Category: Restaurant
Location: Shanghai, China
Materials: dyed silk, titanium plated metal, terrazzo, print motif tiles
Size: 508m2
Design period: September 2016-April 2017
Construction period: October 2016-Aprial 2017