发布时间:2024-06-18 09:36:35 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Moxon Architects:​Moxon 和 COWI 在为奥斯陆新开发区设计三座桥梁的竞赛中胜出,为奥斯陆新开发地区带来了三座优雅独特的桥梁。三座桥分别采用木材、石材和钢材,其设计解决了在敏感环境中进行建造的复杂性难题,同时为开发商 Mustad Eiendom 规划的新区带来了具有创新、特色与连通性的标志性结构。

该系列桥梁中的前两座桥被称为文化桥,位于新总体规划中心地带的两道瀑布之间,河岸陡峭,植被丰富。这两座跨河大桥将连接该地区的主要文化中心,既是横跨 Lysaker 河两岸新街区的重要纽带,又与周围的自然景观相呼应。这些桥梁在材料和风格上独具特色,但又具有微妙而和谐的整体性。

Moxon Architects:Moxon and COWI win competition to design three distinct bridges for emerging Oslo district. Moxon Architects and COWI have won a design competition to produce three new bridges as part of the Lilleakerbyen development – a new, vibrant and sustainable district in Oslo, Norway. The three bridges, in timber, stone, and steel, address the complexities of building within a sensitive landscape, while bringing innovation, identity and connectivity to this emerging district by developer Mustad Eiendom.

The first two bridges in the series, known as the Culture Bridges, lie at the heart of the new masterplan, midway between two waterfalls, where the riverbanks are steep and rich in vegetation. The crossings will serve to connect the district’s main cultural hubs, respondingto both their role as vital links within the new neighbourhood, which will span both sides of the Lysaker river, and the natural features around them. Unique in their material and style, the bridges were commended by the jury for their subtle but harmonious kinship.

▽项目视频 video

01 文化桥-北侧直跨木桥

North Bridge

最北端的文化桥是一座直跨 40 米的木桥,桥身高出河岸,桥面高度不一,给人一种如同穿越树梢漫步的体验,鼓励人们停下来欣赏河景。

The northernmost Culture Bridge is a straight timber span of 40m, elevated above the riverbank with landings at varying heights, to give a crossing experience similar to a treetop walkway, encouraging users to pause and enjoy the river views.


The externally exposed structural timber edge beams will follow the arcing profile of the path, that transitions from sloped on the west bank to level on the east. The use of timber as the load-bearing structure Is designed to reduce weight, foundation requirements, and environmental impact. The design was commended by the jury for its clear concept, elegant appearance and thoughtful planning.

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

Moxon Architects 公司创始董事 Ben Addy 表示:“Mustad Eiendom 对奥斯陆西部历史悠久的 Lilleakerbyen 地区进行的再开发,是长期生态型城市建设的典范。循环性、城市特色与可达性是其开发战略的关键,因此我们很高兴能参与设计这三座新的特色桥梁。”

Ben Addy, founding director of Moxon, said: “The redevelopment of the historic area of Lilleakerbyen in west Oslo by Mustad Eiendom is a model of ecologically minded city making for the long-term. Circularity, urban identity and accessibility are key to Mustad’s strategy and so we are excited to contribute to this with the design of three new bridges at the centre of the masterplan that both draw from and reinforce these ambitions.”

02 文化桥-南侧石桥

South Bridge

最南端的文化桥坐落在河谷深处,在材料和形式上都是自然景观的延伸。作为从 Møllertorget 到 Sportsplassen 的主轴线,该结构尽管跨度不大,但设计却非常坚固,能够承受大量的人流与车流,并能抵御季节性的洪水。

The southernmost Culture Bridge, nestled deep within the river valley, reads as an extension of the natural landscape in materiality and form. Serving as the main axis from Møllertorget to Sportsplassen, the structure, despite its modest span, is designed to be robust, capable of withstanding heavy pedestrian and vehicle traffic and seasonal floods.


The primary structure is an assembly of regionally sourced stone blocks strung together to form shallow arching beams, offering a contemporary design in a timeless material. The jury praised the proposal for its thoughtful integration into the landscape.

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

Moxon 公司的总监 Ezra Groskin 补充道:“三座桥梁相距很近,这给了一个机会来推动我们的务实设计方法。三座桥的形式、结构和材料都适合它们的具体位置、跨度和功能,而相同的衔接和细节处理方式又将它们连成一个整体。”

Ezra Groskin, director of Moxon, added: “Developing three bridges in proximity has givenus a chance to push our pragmatic approach to design. The form, structure and materials ofeach suit their specific location, span and function while shared articulation and details tiethem together as members of a single family.”

03 自行车桥

Cycle Bridge

自行车桥呈动态的 S 型轨迹,提供了一个无障碍坡度,将高度相差 4 米多的两岸连接起来。

The Cycle Bridge follows a dynamic S-shaped trajectory, providing an accessible gradient to connect two banks that are over 4m different in height.


The meandering path provides cyclists and pedestrians with shifting perspectives of the river, encouraging users to engage with the natural surroundings. The jury commented on the elegant design and meticulous attention to detail.

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

COWl 的顾问 lan Firth 表示:“该项目提供了一个创造特殊桥梁组团的绝佳机会,每座桥梁都独一无二、与众不同,而且每座桥梁都有不同的结构挑战,以应对其所处环境的特殊限制。通过对这些限制因素的分析,我们选择了三种不同的结构类型,分别使用钢材、木材和预应力石材等当地材料,以实现低碳、可持续的解决方案,使其与优美的环境相得益彰。”

Mustad Eiendom 首席执行官 Olav Line 评论道:“在 Lilleakerbyen,我们的愿景是开发一个充满活力的城区,将美丽的 Lysaker 河无缝连接起来。Moxon 和 COWl 设计的桥梁与景观融为一体,相互之间以及与周边历史环境之间关系和谐,因而从 42 个设计方案中脱颖而出。这些桥梁展现了对脆弱河流环境的深切关怀,其形态优雅,细节处理细致入微,为沿河新的自然体验创造了基础。”

lan Firth, Consultant at COWl, said: “This project provides a great opportunity to create aspecial family of bridges, each unique and different, and each with its own structuralchallenges responding to the specific constraints of their setting. Analysis of theseconstraints led to the selection of three individual structural typologies using appropriatelocal materials – steel, timber and prestressed stone – to produce low-carbon sustainablesolutions that are well suited to the beautiful setting.

Olav Line, CEO of Mustad Eiendom commented: “In Lilleakerbyen, our vision is todevelop a vibrant urban area that seamlessly connects across the beautiful Lysaker RiverThe bridges play a crucial role in enhancing accessibility, and through our architecturalcompetition, we have received a wealth of innovative concepts and inspiring designproposals. The bridges designed by Moxon and COWl stand out for their thoughtful integration into thelandscape and their harmonious relationship both with each other and with the historicalsurroundings. Demonstrating a deep respect for the delicate river environment, thesebridges showcase elegant design and meticulous detailing, creating a framework for newnature experiences along the river.”

“ 三座桥梁的设计展现了对脆弱河流环境的深切关怀,其形态优雅,细节处理细致,为沿河新的自然体验创造了基础。”


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