onnnnnne more 是调酒师 seven 多年的梦想,在城市的一隅有一个属于自己的小酒吧,可以和朋友有个喝酒聊天,分享生活的地方。虽然扛着创业的压力但也给了自己不断成长的自由空间。
“onnnnne more” is bartenders seven years dream, in a corner of the city has its own bar, and friends can have a drink chat, share life. Although carrying the pressure of starting a business, but also to their growing free space.
现在的onnnnnne more 已经经营了一段时间,俨然成为了当初seven想象的样子。越来越多生活的故事在里面分享,工作的烦恼在里面排解,好似一个乌托邦。 但在设计的时候我们却选取了一个反乌托邦的“赛博朋克”风,因为它位置虽在杭州市中心地段,但周围街区并不是高大上的商场写字楼,而是一个充满生活气息的街边小店,所以我们想到了赛博朋克的那种“高科技,低生活”的基调应该很符合这个氛围。我们在设计中采用了充满着未来主义的形式,让它与周边的氛围有一种跳脱感。
Now“onnnnne more”has been around for a while, becoming what seven had imagined. More and more life story to share in it, the work of the troubles in it, like a utopia. But in the design we chose a Dystopian “cyberpunk” style, because it is located in the downtown area of Hangzhou, but the surrounding blocks are not high-rise shopping malls and office buildings, it’s a street-corner shop full of life, so we thought of cyberpunk’s “high-tech, low-life” theme, which would fit the mood. We used a futuristic form in our design, giving it a sense of detachment from the surrounding atmosphere.
▲项目外观局部,partial view of the restaurant
▲窗口细节,Window detail
▲机能风格墙面涂鸦,Functional Style Wall Graffiti
▲走廊区域,Corridor area
▲走廊尽头,End of the hall
The overall bar space is not large, but it is fully functional and well-defined. In addition to the night bar, seven also sells matcha drinks during the day, so at the entrance we set up an area that looks like a ticket window, and then an outside area, through which we share matcha with our guests. The window area is set so that there is only a narrow passageway to the right, extending to the deepest point through the floating linear LED screen at the top.
▲西湖形状的洞口,In the shape of a West Lake
▲墙面涂鸦,Wall graffiti
Following the motion of the screen into the interior, is the bar in the most central area of the bar. The whole bar area is full of a sense of the future, the dim light through the shape of the future sense of this bar area is very comfortable and relaxed, there is a moment to take people into another dimension. Here you can sit at the bar and chat with seven or watch him mix drinks. To the right of the bar area is a broken window in the shape of the West Lake. The broken wall is covered with graffiti from many guests, just as they have left their mark on the city.
▲客座区,Seating area
▲动态视频,Dynamic video
Through the hole you can see that there is also an area, this is the three or five friends get together to chat seating area. Low and comfortable seats are also easier to unload the old tired, fully immersed in this “future world. “. The area also has a mirror-like motion screen that is constantly looping over some of the technology-filled images, while also expanding the sense of space.
▲道具细节,Prop details
▲空间细节,Spatial detail
这就是我们和seven在一个仅几十平米的小空间为大家创造的一个未来聚集地。也希望onnnnne more给更多这个城市的人们带去温度。
This is where we and seven, in a small space of just a few tens of square meters, create a future for everyone. And hopefully “onnnnne more”will bring heat to more people in the city.
▲轴测图,Axonometric drawing
项目名称:onnnnnne more|杭州酒吧
项目地点:杭州市下城区 建国北路486号
摄影:或者设计OR Design