发布时间:2023-04-14 09:35:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

WORKS I VIEWS I LICO +FOREWORD 前言面临日益激烈的社会竞争,家无疑是极为重要的能量给养与心灵休憩之源。于企业家而言,归处一片为其提供安全、私密、稳定的生活能量场域,不仅是促进和美家庭关系的根本,更是企业家得到情感上的支持、放松身心、调频充能的首要支点。—— LICO @ Huizhou,China 2023



庭院气序清和 自然共时之墅858 ㎡ Interior + 394㎡

CourtyardSerene and Harmonious Living in a Nature-Infused Villa服务



珑湖湾项目是北临江北CBD中央商务区,北望西枝江,南临金山湖公园的一处独栋别墅。主人是一对湘籍企业家夫妇,和一双女儿同住。性格直爽热心,尤为尊重女儿的意愿,对新事物的接受程度较高。多年的事业经营,有赖于家人的默默支持和陪伴,希望在此为家人创造一种更安心舒适、贴近自然的生活,近心灵,远喧嚣。Overlooking the Xizhi River to the north, the Longhuwan Villa project is located to the north of Jiangbei CBD and adjacent to Jinshan Lake Park to the south. The owners are a couple of Hunanese entrepreneurs living with their two daughters. They are straightforward, warm-hearted, and highly respectful of their daughters wishes, with a strong openness to new ideas. With years of business operations relying on the quiet support and company of their family, they hope to create a more secure, comfortable, and nature-close living experience for their loved ones, a sanctuary away from the bustling world.SOLUTION 理想生活全案

50%DESIGN:方圆内外 自然共时提升生命能量50% DESIGN: Harmonizing Indoor and Outdoor Spaces to Enhance Life Energy经现场勘察和需求分析,如何通过设计为主人解决负一层通风采光严重不足、提高空间利用率等户型问题,以及在重塑日常饮食起居、会客等生活方式的同时,重唤主人对自然生活的细微感知,以提升生活品质和生命能量的体验。是设计团队针对珑湖湾别墅设计提出的主要命题。After on-site investigation and demand analysis, the design team was tasked with addressing issues such as insufficient ventilation and lighting in the basement, maximizing space utilization, and reshaping daily routines like dining and entertaining. The primary goal was to revive the owners subtle appreciation of natural living to enhance life quality and life energy experiences.物有本末,事有终始,家是人们生息储能的源泉。基于LICO提出的“50%DESIGN”设计理念和“功能美学重塑生活日常”的创作主轴,围绕“方圆与内外”的创作思辨,提出“自然共时提升生命能量”的理想生活主张,以期为主人营造气序清和、自然共时的理想院墅生活。All things have their roots and branches; all matters have their beginnings and endings. With the belief that home is the source of human vitality and restoration, the design philosophy of "50% DESIGN" and the creative focus on "functional aesthetics reshaping everyday life" and dialectical thought are employed. The ideal living proposition of "harmonizing with nature to elevate life energy" is proposed, aiming to create a serene and harmonious atmosphere in the ideal villa.

上圆下方 外庭内院Circular Above, Square Below: Integrating Courtyards and Exteriors外圆内方,顺自然气序之变,处安定自若之静。得益于设计师在南向开具一圆二矩形制的采光天井、动线和功能布局的推敲以及玻璃材质的运用,自然光照和气流得以畅通于几乎负一空间全域。负一天花的打开,原电梯井平移、换位、置景,进一步提升了光照和气流的流通和家人访客之间的交互。使原本难以延展的昏暗空间明朗开阔起来,以形成可感天时、一庭四院的自然院墅格局。晨光鸟鸣、徐风晚香,轻盈可享。身心的倦意、紧绷的神经、眉间的焦灼 ,在自然的景象里不经意间从心口、眼帘、耳鬓处,隐隐消解,释然。Following the natural flow of Qi, the design achieves tranquility and stability. Thanks to the designers careful planning of lighting, circulation, and functional layout, as well as the use of glass materials, natural light and airflow can circulate throughout the basement. The opening of the basement ceiling, relocation and repurposing of the original elevator shaft further improve lighting, airflow, and interaction between family members and visitors. The result is a bright and open space, forming a natural villa layout that harmonizes with the changing seasons. Morning sunlight and birdsong, gentle evening breeze and fragrances, all gracefully enjoyed. The fatigue of body and mind, tense nerves, and anxiety between the brows subtly dissipate and are relieved through the heart, eyes, and ears amid the natural scenery, almost without notice.

设计师将负一原车库入户门厅,南移至圆形采光天窗处,以整面格栅将入户门厅与会客厅前院区隔形成入户玄关,气流互通,光线充足。不仅对车位进行了增补,玄关门厅也瞬间晦去明敞。格栅下方延出一方平台,为主人提供了片刻休整、置放临时物品等日常使用之便利。作为缓冲过渡区域,实用性、私密性、仪式感和美感兼具,隐约传递出几许自然美术馆的气质。The designer relocates the original basement garage entrance hall southward to the circular skylight area, installing a full-length grille to separate the entrance hall from the reception area, creating a well-lit, ventilated foyer. This not only increases parking spaces but also instantly enhances the entrance halls sense of space. The platform below the grille provides a convenient space for the owners to rest and store temporary items.As a transitional buffer zone, it combines practicality, privacy, a sense of ritual, and aesthetics, subtly conveying an air reminiscent of a natural art gallery.

气序清和 自然共时Serene and Harmonious Living in a Nature-Infused Villa从玄关入室至衣帽间,首先映入眼帘的是一方壁炉,此刻情绪更加放松,心头温热。往前就来到7米挑空带有独立小院的会客厅,自然光线淌漫下来,灌满全部空间,宁静惬意,节能环保。主人可在此迎宾会客,谈至半晌,管家备好午宴,即可移步至同样带有独立院落、厨房、影音室、休闲区的会餐区,享用美食、品茗、观影等。会客厅与会餐厅之间,设有棋牌室、酒窖,供主人与朋友休闲娱乐之用。前后院落之间分别设有健身房和画室,锻炼健身、绘画创作皆可呼吸自然。Upon entering the cloakroom from the foyer, a fireplace comes into view, providing a warm and relaxed atmosphere. Moving forward, a 7-meter-high living room with an independent courtyard welcomes guests, with natural light filling the space, creating a peaceful and energy-efficient environment. The host can entertain guests here, chat for a while, and when the butler has prepared the lunch banquet, they can move to the dining area, which also features a separate courtyard, kitchen, home theater, and leisure area, to enjoy delicious food, tea tasting, movie watching, and more. Between the living and dining areas are a card room and wine cellar for leisure and entertainment purposes. Fitness rooms and studios are available in both front and rear courtyards, allowing for exercise and painting in a natural environment.拾级而上,步入一层,主要由前后院、家庭厅、中西厨、餐厅组成全院落观景的主人家庭生活起居空间,室内语言简朴,材质肌理与表达形态也一以贯之,相互呼应,营造出一种稳定、安然的气场。拉开窗帘,晴时,任阳光尽情洒落在沙发、地面,和每一寸肌肤的亲昵;雨时,任水珠恣意逗留在池面、枝蔓,和每一片叶尖的点头。Ascending to the first floor, the space consists of front and rear courtyards, family rooms, Chinese and Western kitchens, and a dining room offering panoramic views of the entire villa. The interior design is simple, with materials and forms echoing each other, creating a stable and calm atmosphere. Draw the curtains, and on sunny days, let the sunlight freely spill onto the sofa, the floor, and every inch of skin in an intimate embrace; on rainy days, let the raindrops playfully linger on the waters surface, the branches and vines, and the tips of every leaf in a nodding gesture.晚餐后,主人可乘梯至三层主卧休息。两位女儿的卧室套房则安置在二层,中间的乐高房是姐妹情感交流的纽带。姐姐卧室床头的折叠窗,推开后便拥有更私人的空间,既可阅读独处,亦可观赏窗外自然之作。动静得宜,与天共时。After dinner, the owners can take the stairs to the third-floor master bedroom for a rest. The two daughters bedroom suites are located on the second floor, with a Lego room in between serving as an emotional connection for the sisters. In the elder sisters bedroom, a folding window by the bed, when opened, provides a more private space for reading and solitude, as well as enjoying the natural scenery outside the window. Striking a balance between activity and tranquility, in harmony with nature.

自然共时提升生命能量Elevating Life Energy through Harmony with Nature戴圆履方,抱表怀绳,顺应四时,辨物居方。灵性和能量的回复,源出于生活细微处的感悟,源出于和自然万物同频共时,源出于心灵的至简本真。心静孕生力量,没有什么比自然更崇高的生活理念,也没有什么比自然更易于助人回复能量的秘方。深深致谢,深深祝福。Embrace the circular and square, adhere to the compass and plumb line, follow the four seasons, and distinguish the placement of objects. The restoration of spirituality and energy originates from the subtle insights of daily life, from being in sync with the natural world, and from the ultimate simplicity and truth of the soul. A tranquil mind fosters strength; there is no more profound life philosophy than nature, and there is no better secret to helping people restore their energy than nature itself.With deepest gratitude and heartfelt blessings.SPACE RENDERINGS 空间效果图


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