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素水设计:一张白纸上有固定的两个黑点 F1 和 F2,还有一个游移不定的黑点 P。黑点 P 被 F1 和 F2 拉扯着:点 P 到 F1 的距离与其到 F2 的距离之和始终恒定。黑点 P 在这样的束缚下游荡的轨迹被称为“椭圆”。

Sushui Design: There are two fixed black points F1 and F2 on a piece of white paper, and a black point P that is indeterminate. The black point P is pulled by F1 and F2: the sum of the distance from point P to F1 and its distance from F2 is always constant. The trajectory of the black point P that sways downstream of such a restraint is called an “oval”.

数学中的椭圆由两个焦点 F1 和 F2 以及动点 P 定义。在椭圆形的涡旋中,边缘溅起的白色水沫离漩涡中心时近时远,与此同时,当它们靠近 F1 时就远离了 F2,靠近 F2 时又远离 F1。这样此消彼长的矛盾变化是椭圆涡旋比正圆涡旋更加迷人的特质。

The oval in mathematics is defined by two focal points F1 and F2 and the moving point P. In an elliptical vortex, the white water splashing from the edge is near and far from the center of the vortex, and at the same time, when they are close to F1, they are far away from F2, and when they are close to F2, they are far away from F1. This contradictory change is what makes the elliptical vortex more fascinating than the perfect circular vortex.


We are struggled between work and life;

Between Illusion and reality;

Between id and superego;

Day after day, being bound, we walked one after another ellipse.

The life track of the oval is large and small, wide and narrow……

However, there must be an absolute center, where we can find the true self, the hotbed of our souls and the spring of vitality.

而我们的生命里总是充满矛盾:工作与生活,伪装与真实,欲望与道德… 矛盾的 F1 和 F2 已然恒定,真实的自我却稳居漩涡中心。

But our lives are always full of contradictions: work and life, disguise and truth, desire and morality… The contradictory F1 and F2 are already constant, but the true self is at the center of the vortex.


The “perihelion” is where the location of the earth is the closest to the sun. In our twists and turns with life and work, (Or in a saw with other indispensable contradictions in life) the spring of the vortex center is our own sun.

生命总不如正圆般完美,既然矛盾是生命的常态,愿我们总能抵达近日点,平衡我们同 F1 和 F2 的距离,在或宽或窄的椭圆轨迹上,始终铭记泉眼深处的“自我”。

Life is not as perfect as a perfect circle. Since contradiction is the normal state of life, we can always reach the nearest point, balance our distance from F1 and F2, and always remember the self in the depths of the spring on the wide or narrow elliptical trajectory.

景观设计立意-- 观澜(罗朗景观)由于月球和太阳的引力作用,使海洋水面发生的周期性涨落现象。平均周期(即上一次涨潮或退潮至下一次涨潮或退潮的平均时间)为 12 小时 25 分。海水的前进与后退,是筑浪的过程,而无数次的筑浪后,最终还是汇聚于海之中。就像是起伏的人生中得到与失去,最终都会用海的心境去包容一切,以海的豁达去审视人生。故水景采用双层跌水的形式,隐喻着海纳百川的包容;也写照了海浪与礁石的博弈。

技术难点 Challenges

根据我们以往的经验,漩涡多发生于正圆,因为 F 点的距离一样,圆弧是等分均衡的,旋转的速度也是均衡的,可形成稳定的漩涡效果。如果要在椭圆的容器中实现漩涡的效果,由于 F 点的距离不一样,圆弧不均衡。漩涡能旋转的起来吗?

According to our previous experience, the vortex mostly occurs in a perfect circle. Because the distance of the F point is the same, the arc is equally divided, and the rotation speed is also balanced, which can form a stable vortex effect. However, if you want to achieve the effect of the vortex in the elliptical container, the arc is not balanced because the distance of the point F is different. Can the vortex spin up?

▼1:10 模型推敲 Model 1:10

为了模拟达到旋转的效果,我们在设计之初就做了一个 1:10 的椭圆形实体模型,来验证可行性。通过实体模型,我们解决了椭圆旋转的问题。没错,可以旋转。

In order to simulate the effect of the rotation, we made a 1:10 elliptical solid model at the beginning of the design to verify the feasibility. Through the solid model, we solved the problem of elliptical rotation. That’s right, it can rotate.

但是,通过实体模型却发现了另外一个技术难点。椭圆 F 点的距离天生不一样,意味着旋转的速度始终无法均衡。就像,当你在一条直路上急速开车,突然拐弯,形成飘移。水也是一样,水容易在短边“拐弯”的时候,“飘移”出去。

However, another technical difficulty has been discovered through the physical model. The distance of the elliptical point F is inherently different, meaning that the speed of rotation is never balanced. Just like when you drive fast in a straight road, you suddenly turn and form a drift. Water may have the same problem, when water is “turning” on the short side, it “floats” out.


In actual construction, the scale is much larger than the physical model. Assuming that the speed and the amount of water are not balanced, it is easy to produce water accumulation in an instant, which is bound to produce "floating", and the beauty of the waterscape will be greatly reduced.

技术设计及控制 Solutions



Based on the full consideration, in the construction drawing of the technical stage, we focus on solving these certain problems.

First, we set the position of the water outlet that is more conducive to balancing the water according to the shape of the ellipse. We advised the landscape design consultant LAURENT on the civil construction practices. They also optimized the civil construction practices to ensure the realization of the functions and the aesthetics of the finished surfaces.


Second, we considered the threshold range over which the speed can be adjusted for detailed possibilities for later commissioning. The speed adjustment of each outlet is the top priority of this project, which is also the most difficult one, so we set a variety of speed combination modes for adjustment. In the debugging phase, we tested a variety of speed superimposed modes and finally chose the most satisfactory one.


Third, we considered a mode that is basically non-rotating. Even when the vortex is not turned on, the pool can maintain a relatively static state with a slight dynamic rotation.



The difficulty of civil construction of the elliptical pool is originally high, and the double-layer structure of the whirlpool is also very complicated. It also solves the problem of waterproofing and strict water level, which undoubtedly brings great challenges to the garden construction companies. If the civil and decorative surfaces of the ellipse are not finished perfectly, it will have an adverse effect on the aesthetics of the landscape. The far-reaching effect is that it will affect the formation of the vortex effect.


The civil engineering pool is the container of the vortex. There are many problems with the container, and the vortex is naturally impossible to form. Resistance may occur if the pool is not smooth enough and if the elevation of the top of the pool has a few millimeters of error, it will increase the “floating” problem of the water.

建造的过程 The process of construction


Thanks to the full support and active cooperation of Shimao Group, landscape Design Laurent, the landscape contractor Bainian, as well as the professional dedication of Sushui Design team, the presentation of this project is proved to be a great success.





建成时间:2019 年 06 月

景观设计:LAURENT 罗朗景观

设计团队:江雨龙、杨斓、毕洋、吴宏伟、袁佳丽、熊瑶、宋俊丽、刘伟、朱丹丹、杨发俊、BIM 团队:王翰、侍文、杨燕国







Project name: SHINE TIMES

Project address: intersection of aodong road and torch road, high-tech zone, Qingdao

Developer: Shimao Group shandong company

Landscape area: 3,455 ㎡

Completion date: June 2019

Landscape design: LAURENT

Design team: Yulong Jiang, Lan Yang, Yang Bi, Hongwei Wu, Jiali Yuan, Yao Xiong, Junli Song, Wei Liu, Dandan Zhu, Fajun Yang,BIM team: Han Wang, Wen Shi, Yanguo Yang

Technical support: Yanming Chen

Client team: Zhigang Chen, Shan Zhong, Fanchao Du, Guixue Zhou

Waterscape consultant: SUSHUI Design

Architectural design: Shanghai Didong architectural design office co., LTD

Interior design: Shanghai Dayan architectural design consulting co., LTD

Construction: shandong century garden co., LTD


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