发布时间:2021-11-23 05:31:54 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


This design empowers the site space by the means of investigating the basic needs of residents, sewing up the old and new spaces and extracting the spatial emotion. We aim for the construction of street micro space around dynamic campus.

▼项目概况,General view©Voyager21 建筑摄影


江苏省昆山市,连续 16 年位居全国百强县首位,素有"上海的后花园"之称。伴随着经济的发展,昆山市也经历了快速城镇化的过程。现如今,城市可利用建设用地、可改造绿地面积日益减少,城市空间建设逻辑简单化,场地文脉缺失、功能缺失。2020 年初,昆山市政府启动了"昆小微·共享鹿城"专项行动计划来应对以上问题,以"共建、共享、共治"为指导理念,采取"针灸式"的小微空间更新方式,实现"建筑可阅读、街区宜漫步、城市有温度、社区更和谐"的建设目标。


"Kun Xiaowei"- the exclusive name of the urban-micro renewal in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, is the residents’ anthropomorphic cognition of the urban micro-renewal project.

Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, known as “the back garden of Shanghai”, ranks first among the top 100 counties in China for 16 years. With the development of economy Kunshan City has experienced the rapid urbanization, which brings problems such as the decrease of available construction land and transformable green land, the simplification of construction logic and the fading of cultural memory and functions.

At the beginning of 2020, the Kunshan Municipal Government launched the “Kun Xiaowei-Shared Lucheng” action plan to deal with these problems. Guided by the concept of “together constructing, sharing and governing”, the action plan aims to “acupuncture” the micro public spaces to achieve the construction goal of “Readable buildings, Walkable streets, Warm city and harmonious communities.

▼淘气街角,Naughty Street Corner ©Voyager21 建筑摄影

由 H+L 景观工作室、苏州大学建筑学院联合金螳螂园林绿化景观有限公司,对昆山中环以内进行了实地调研,收集到包括了“活力街巷”、“魅力街角”、“艺术建筑”、“口袋公园”等 9 大类型共约 600 个节点,并完成了淘气街角、青年广场和积木天地三处项目的设计工作。这一批项目的落地,进一步提升了“昆小微”行动计划的影响力,提升了城市居民的获得感与幸福感。

The project was leaded by HL studio, Gold Mantis School of Architecture and Gold Mantis landscape Co.,Ltd, who conducted a field survey within Kunshan central. About 600 nodes of 9 types including “dynamic streets”, “charming corners”, “arts buildings” and “pocket park” were collected and 3 projects of “naughty street corners”, “youth square” and “blocks world” were finished. These completed projects has further enhanced the influence of “Kun Xiaowei” action, promoting the sense of acquisition and happiness of urban residents.

▼青年广场,Youth Square©Voyager21 建筑摄影

▼积木天地,BlocksWorld©Voyager21 建筑摄影

在设计中,如何重新构成场地空间的结构,让原场地上无序的空间变的有序,是需要被重点关注的。景观的赋能,首先就是让每个空间都有着顺序、流线及方向的联系。就此次三个地块而言,从停车区-- 等待区-- 接送点-- 等待区-- 停车区的有序动线,不仅仅可以合理利用好场地的闲置用地,还能够影响着大人小孩的动态体验,从而产生空间的情感体验。

In this design, how to reconstruct the space and make the disordered space on the original site orderly need to be paid attention. The first thing of empowerment is to make each space share the connection of sequence, streamline and direction. For these 3 plots, the orderly streamlines from Parking – waiting –picking up – waiting – Parking not only make full use of the spare land, but also affect the dynamic experience of adults and children, resulting in the emotional cognition of site space.

▼空间结构调整,Diagram©H+L 汉兰景观工作室


Through the requirement analysis of residents, the functional layout is completely improved in this design. The common feature of the three sites is that they all have a deep streamline connecting various districts, guiding the overall experience trend of parents and children. The function is arranged by the streamline, which changes the single original function and provides users with pluralistic choices and interactions.

空间功能完善,Improving the space functions©Voyager21 建筑摄影


Nowadays, the users’ demand for “experience” has become a standard part in landscape projects. Through the improvement of space function, this design adds many experiential interactive scenes with the goal of “small investment, multi interaction and valued participation.

▼空间的参与体验,Spatial experience©Voyager21 建筑摄影


The regional atmosphere of site is the unique emotional sustenance of users on the plot, which is the embodiment of culture. In this design, the culture of each plot is emphasized and the school characteristics are extended to the outside of the campus to the pocket park.

▼空间的文化性,Cultural space atmosphere©Voyager21 建筑摄影

淘气街角,位于鹿城路振华实验幼儿园东侧围墙外,鹿城路西侧,北临庙泾河的一处狭长的用地,占地面积约 2300 平方米。场地现状为家长接送该处幼儿园及小学学生的等待区,放学高峰期时停放大量电瓶车,人行流线交叉混乱。场地内乔木高大,树荫浓密,但无等候休息功能。

The corner is located outside the east wall of Zhenhua experimental kindergarten, west side of Lucheng Road, and a long and narrow land adjacent to Miaojing River in the north with a total area of 2300 m2. The current site situation is a waiting area for parents who pick up their children, but the original condition of the site is a large number of electric bikes are parked during the rush hours after school, and the pedestrian streamlines are crossed and chaotic; there are tall trees with dense shade, but there is no waiting function.

▼草图方案,Design sketch ©H+L 汉兰景观工作室

方案过程中,设计经过几轮的方案调整,努力实现非机动车停车数量最大化、停车-- 接送-- 娱乐游线最合理,最终形成了落地方案。

In the process of project, after several rounds of adjustment, this design aims to maximize the number of non-motor vehicle Parking and rationalize the streamline of Parking – picking-up – entertainment, and finally the landing design is formed.

街角入口鸟瞰,Entrance aerial view©Voyager21 建筑摄影

▼入口景观廊架,The pavilion at the entrance©Voyager21 建筑摄影

▼人与廊架的尺度关系,The human scale©Voyager21 建筑摄影


After the design, the most obvious change is the relationship between the children and the site. Our design is to empower the space by organizing landscape which can be felt by kids. The original part, crowded electric bikes, noisy pick-up environment and fast passing channels can be used to run, jump, sit down, write, listen and smell, feel the natural energy and the power of growth. Perhaps it’s the most beautiful campus in kids’ hearts!

▼停留娱乐区,Recreation and seating area©Voyager21 建筑摄影

▼小朋友在场地里,Children playing in the site©Voyager21 建筑摄影

▼夜景,Night view©Voyager21 建筑摄影

▼淘气停车场,The naughty Parking area©Voyager21 建筑摄影

▼停车场航拍,Park aerial view©Voyager21 建筑摄影

青年广场,位于娄苑路周市高级中学入口两侧,占地面积约 1500 平方米。娄苑路道路机非混行无人行道,校园门口处接送高峰期时十分拥堵,学生无独立通道通行,安全隐患大。场地内雪松高大且蓬径大,但大树分枝点低林下空间阴暗,地被植物生长条件差。

Youth Square, located on both sides of the entrance of Zhoushi senior high school on LouYuan Road, covers an area of about 1500 m2. LouYuan road is mixed with motor/ non-motor vehicles without sidewalk. It is very congested at the gate of the campus during the pick-up peak period. Students have no independent access, and there are great potential safety hazards. There are cedars in the site which are tall and have large canopy diameter, but the branch points of the trees are low and the forest space is dark. The growth conditions of ground cover plants are poor.

▼青年广场俯瞰,Aerial view to the Youth Square©Voyager21 建筑摄影


The design of Youth Square is a supplementary design for road traffic. The pedestrian space belonging to the roads is neglected under the site condition with limited space. It is the landscape that solves this most basic demand.

▼建成后的青年广场,Youth Square after renovation©Voyager21 建筑摄影

积木天地,位于鹿城路鹿城幼儿园入口处,占地 500 平方米。原场地是一处简单覆绿的交通环岛,外侧临城市主干道,内侧临幼儿园消防通道。

Blocks World is located at the entrance of Lucheng kindergarten on Lucheng Road, covering an area of 500 m2. The original site is a simple planting covered traffic roundabout, with a main road on the outside and a kindergarten fire access on the inside.

▼积木天地概览,General view of Blocks World © Voyager21 建筑摄影

▼平面图,Site plan©H+L 汉兰景观工作室


For such a small area, it is very difficult to design landscape in terms of structure, function, emotion and culture. It is necessary to focus on the user experience and feelings to establish a characteristic image and embed it into everyone’s heart

▼场地上的大积木,Huge blocks in the site©Voyager21 建筑摄影


The children’s favorite “blocks” are put to create a new sense of space and to make “image” at the same time.

▼互动体验,Experience©Voyager21 建筑摄影

▼场地上的大木凳,The big bench©Voyager21 建筑摄影

2020 年期间,工作室参与了“昆小薇”行动计划启动区的设计,与前面三块完整的口袋公园地块相比,20 年的部分更像是老旧街巷的“缝补”。一年过去了,拿出来作为拾遗。

During 2020, the studio participated in the design of the launching area of the “Kun Xiaowei” action plan. Compared with the first three complete pocket park plots, this year’s part is more like the “sewing” of old streets and lanes. A year later, we take it out as addition.

▼昆小薇书房,Kun Xiaowei book store©Voyager21 建筑摄影



景观面积:总约 4500㎡

景观设计:H+L 汉兰景观工作室






建成时间:2021 年 8 月

项目摄影:Voyager21 建筑摄影

Project name: “Kun xiaowei” – Renovation of Zhenhua Experimental Primary School and other plots

Client: Kunshan Municipal Bureau of Housing and Construction

Project area: 4500m²

Landscape design: HL Studio

Chief designer: Wang Hui

Design team: Li Xingyi, Huang Baolin, Chen Wenting, Li Shuoxing, Liu Ting

Construction drawing design: Gold Mantis Landscape Co,.Ltd

Design team: Chen Geng, Zhang Heng, Tang Chuantao

Landscape construction: Kunshan Urban Landscape Engineering Co,.Ltd

Year completed: 2021.08

Photography:Voyager211 Architecture Photography Studio



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