发布时间:2020-01-17 15:02:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

办公室是现代城市人的第二空间,我们每天至少有3/1的时间生活其间,我们才是空间的主人。我们向往安静、平和,拒绝喧繁杂乱;向往绿色、自然、拒绝形式主义。我们留出足够的空间,静待故事发生... 柒构把自身定位为一个共同成长型的设计公司,这个团队里面没有明显等级划分,意在日常激烈的思维碰撞中发现并提取独有的价值观和创造空间的故事性,完成令人耳目一新的设计作品。 SFORM DESIGN positioned himself as a design company of common growth type. There is no obvious grade division in this team. It aims to discover and extract unique values from the daily fierce thinking collision, create stories and space, and complete refreshing design works.

我们追求简洁的叙事和空间的张力,在这个沉静又不失激情办公空间里,大家可以畅所欲言,各抒己见。 We pursue simple narration and space tension. In this quiet and passionate office space, everyone can speak freely and express their own opinions.

本案是柒构为迁新址打造的办公空间。原址是某铝业厂房,工业建筑的结构感和遗留的历史感,是打动我们的最初原因。空间挑高、窗外绿色框景同样为自由办公的理想之所。 This case is an office space built by SFORM DESIGN for moving to a new site.The original site was an aluminum factory building. The structural feeling of the industry and the historical feeling left behind were the initial reasons that moved us.  The high space and the green frame outside the window are also ideal places for free office work.

▼空间结构简示,Brief Description of Spatial Structure

办公区一层是主要办公空间。工作区域挑高,天花不设光源,全部采用间接光源和桌面工作灯照明,意在使空间更为开阔,同时避免过多射灯带来的杂乱感观。柔和的光线营造了一个轻松愉悦的办公环境,可以毫无拘束,实现更多想法的交流,最终选择一个最优的答案交付给公众。 The first floor of the office area is the main office space.  The design of high area, lighting the space with lamp belt and matching the desktop strip lamp instead of spot lamp, aims to widen the space and avoid the messy perception caused by too many spot lamps.  The aim is to create a relaxed and pleasant office environment, which can be free from restraint, realize more ideas exchange, and finally choose the best answer to deliver to the public. ▼光照示意图  ,Illumination diagram

▼升降式的工作桌,A lifting work table

材料样品库,设计过程中可直接进行材质选款、对比、选版、定样。 In the sample area, material comparison, edition selection and sample decisions can be made on site, while a design scheme is discussed. Efficiency is the priority.

二层为会议区和会客区。我们把二层通过空间安排对使用效率较低的会议室,提高空间利用率。会客室则位于最里,通过台阶越过原有的三角结构梁,在这里进行更多私密性的交流。会客区除了会客功能,也是进行团队学习、分享、交流、共同成长的空间。 The second floor is a meeting area and a reception area.  We arranged the second floor for less efficient meeting rooms through space to improve the utilization rate of space.  The reception room is located in the innermost part of the room. It passes over the original triangular structural beam through the steps, where more intimate communication can be conducted.  In addition to receiving visitors, the reception area is also a space for team learning, sharing, communication and common growth.

▼保留旧的建筑肌理,Preserve architectural texture

背景画:黑白丙烯画《克制的激情》,由设计团队现场制作完成。设计既要感性的灵感也需要理性的秩序,设计师需要把控这两者之间的微妙平衡。 Background painting: black and white acrylic painting "restrained passion" was produced by the design team on site.  Design requires both emotional inspiration and rational order. Designers need to control the delicate balance between the two.

▼桌面灯:照度经过专业照明设计计算,适合日常手稿绘制。 Desktop light: The illumination is professionally designed and is suitable for daily manuscript drawing.

▼平面图,Floor plan


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