发布时间:2021-06-27 12:00:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

滨州,黄河之滨,钟灵毓秀,素有“九朝齐鲁重镇”“千年文化古城”之称。Binzhou, the shore of the Yellow River, Which is a place endowed with the fine spirits of the universe, is known as the "Qilu important Town of Nine Dynasties" and "Ancient City with Millennium Culture".

项目位于山东滨州,栖于山水人文间,滨州人有骨子里的自由豪放,性情中的闲和淡然,追求一种人文、惬意的国际化生活。The project is located in Binzhou, Shandong. Living in the atmosphere of landscape and humanities, people there are free and unrestrained in their hearts, leisure and indifferent in temperament, and they pursue a cultural, comfortable and international life.- Tentimes Impression Sales Center -

如何将东方传统融于当代打造一处具有人文意蕴的国际化空间给人们带来一种简雅、惬意的生活体验成为本次设计的思考出发点How to integrate the Oriental tradition into the contemporary eraTo create an international space with Chinese cultural implicationAnd to bring a simple, elegant and cozy life experience for peopleIt has become the starting point of this design

以“齐鲁文化”为设计灵感通过当代、简洁的设计语言重塑一种属于当代人的东方、惬意的生活体验The design is inspired by "Qilu Culture"Through a contemporary, simple design languageTo integrate tradition with the contemporaryReshaping an Oriental and comfortable life experience for contemporary people

朱红门墙衍脉传统风华,唤起当代人对文化自觉的情怀,引领一种人文、东方的惬意生活。The vermiline doors and walls reflect the traditional elegance, arousing the contemporary peoples feelings of cultural consciousness and leading a pleasant life of humanity and the Orient.

引入黄河、泰山、竹简等人文元素,水墨竹韵,浮石无声,捻一枝茶花,在古铜灯与自然光共映下,流水与月影共徘徊。The project introduces elements of Yellow River, Mount Tai, bamboo, camellia and other elements with rhyme of ink and bamboo as well as silent pumice stone. In the light of bronze lamp and nature, water and the shadow of the moon wander together.

沙盘区吊灯宛如蜿蜒起伏的黄河水,将自然人文融入空间,传统与当代相汇,让美好生活的想象触手可及。The chandelier in the sand table area is like the winding water of the Yellow River, which integrates nature and culture into the space. Tradition and contemporary combine here, which makes a better life within reach.

黄河九曲润芳泽,两片孤舟万仞山。在新与旧的交叠变换,古与今的文化碰撞中,传承与当下得以共存。The Yellow River is winding and flowing for thousands of miles, and some people go boating through the mountains and forests. In the overlapping and transformation of the new and the old, inheritance and the present can coexist.

石的重叠、木的温润与物的拙朴,在自然质感的空间中静默对话,延伸为空间无限的惬意、宁静。The overlap of stone, the warmth of wood and the humbleness of things meet in the space of natural texture, which by extends is the infinite comfort and tranquility of space.

宋代造极生活美学,宋徽宗更是向往诗意栖居,将这种美学追求和人文诗性带入空间,传达人们对生活的美好期许。Song Dynasty built the life aesthetics, and Song Huizong yearned for poetic dwelling. It brings this aesthetic pursuit and humanistic poetry into the space to convey peoples beautiful expectations for life.

“君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。”出自李白的《将进酒》一诗,从传统喻形美学中走来,融合当代审美,在简约中觅得人文生活的韵味。"Dont you see the Yellow River come from the sky, rushing into the sea and never come back?" It comes from Li Bais poem of Invitation to Wine, which comes from the traditional metonymy aesthetics, integrates the contemporary aesthetics, and finds the charm of humanistic life in the simplicity.

回归生活的本真,透过光影、材质、细节,探索过去、当代与未来之间融合的可能性,诠释对惬意、人文生活的追寻。It returns to the true nature of life, through light and shadow, materials and details, exploring the integration possibility of the past, contemporary and future, and interpretating of the pursuit of comfortable and humanistic life.

法式优雅165㎡样板房- French elegance -

设计从轻优雅代表的巴黎找寻灵感,用简洁开放的设计语汇,营造一处国际化人文栖居场所,引领属于当代新贵的时尚、浪漫的生活方式。The design finds inspiration from Paris which is representative of light elegance, and it uses simple and open design vocabulary to create an international cultural living place, thus leading a fashion and romantic lifestyle for the modern upstart.

静谧空灵的珍珠白,洒脱温暖的茶橘,带着一方惬意与随性,呈现着优雅的气度与质感。The design uses quiet and ethereal pearl white, free and warm tea orange, with pleasure and casualness, which presents elegant grace and texture.

主张多元化的互动交融,以沙发为界,将阅读、休闲融入居家生活,打造开放式家居动线。It advocates diversified interactive blend, with the sofa as the boundary, integrating reading and leisure into home life in order to create an open home dynamic line.

别出心裁的金属艺术吊灯,与浪漫的法式花艺惺惺对语,仿佛置身于巴黎香榭丽舍下的树荫,追逐内心的自由向往。The fancy metal art chandelier and the romantic French flowers decorate the space, as if we are in the shadow of the Champs Elysees in Paris, pursuing the inner freedom.

时尚感性的亮片交织,解开空间与花香的情愫,表达居者对自然和花朵热爱的肯定,浪漫、典雅、迷人。Fashionable and perceptual sequins interweave to unlock the feelings of space and flowers, which expresses the affirmation of the residents love for nature and flowers, which is romantic, elegant and charming.

水的灵动流淌其间,时光、留白、现代材质的结合,恰如其分地展现法式柔美的场所格调。The flexible water flows, meanwhile, the combination of time, blank space and modern materials appropriately shows the gentle French place style.

没有太多刻意的修饰,更多元地去挖掘居者的细腻体会,回归当代人简单、自由的生活向往,重拾一种浪漫、惬意却不失优雅的品位生活。There isnt too much sedulous decoration, and it try more diversifiedly to explore the delicate experience of the inhabitants, returning to the simple and free life of contemporary people yearn for, thus regaining a romantic, comfortable and elegant grade life.

探索一种属于当代人的人文、惬意的国际化生活也让设计美好人们的居住生活Through in-depth insight into customer demandsThe design tries to explore a kind of humanistic and comfortable international life belonging to the contemporary peopleWhile creating value for customersIt also let design beautify peoples living life

柳仪仪 王菲菲 李锋 张兴松 杜朋营销中心 510 ㎡、样板房A 165㎡、样板房B 140 ㎡成都基准方中建筑设计有限公司上海泽柏景观设计有限公司


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