发布时间:2019-11-02 06:41:28 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



▼杭城商业文艺新地标,a new commercial and art landmark in Hangzhou

The Hangzhou Canal Culture and Art Centre recently opened its doors to the public. Benoy was involved in the master planning, architecture, interior design and landscaping of the project. The centre is located opposite Hangzhou Joy City mall, a project also designed by Benoy, and built on the site of the former Chengbei Thermal Power Plant. It is the first urban park-style cultural and art space jointly developed and operated by Joy City and the government of Gongshu District in Hangzhou. The aim was to create a new commercial and art landmark in Hangzhou – one that not only leads the district’s modernization, but also combines its historical features with modern commerce.

▼沿街立面,streetside facade

▼主入口,main entrance


▼场地抽测图,axon drawing of the site

In order to reflect the change of development concept from a “thermal power plant” to a “green park”, the design deliberately blurs the conventional boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces and uses spatial elements such as courtyards, corridors, and roof shading to integrate architecture, industrial elements, and outdoor green spaces as organically as possible, so as to add new experiences for future users. The old power plant’s big chimney was once a landmark on Moganshan Road in Hangzhou, and city residents still wax nostalgic about it. Benoy maintained respect for this history in its design while making industrial upgrades. So although the smoke from the plant has vanished into history, the new Chimney Square Park, centring around the site of the former plant, has been developed to preserve this historical site.

▼以人行绿坡从场地外公共公园直接引入文化艺术中心的二楼,将内外景观融合,the sloped outdoor green area

▼让建筑、工业遗存和户外绿色空间尽可能的有机融为一体,integrate the architecture, industrial history, and the outdoor space into one

▼创造了双首层概念,”the second ground floor”


▼剖面透视图,section in perspective

The physical space of the Hangzhou Canal Culture and Art Centre is simple, clean and restrained. The first to third floors are unevenly-sized and intertwined. The diverse open function space, under the cover of a complete roof, creates an urban space that is suitable for sitting and lingering, allowing people to enjoy the sunshine, fresh air and natural landscape.

▼室内概览,interior overview

▼一至三层错落有致、交错连接,the first to third floors are unevenly-sized and intertwined

▼开放式功能空间体块在一个完整的顶层体量掩盖下,制造出了宜坐,宜留的城市空间,the diverse open function space, under the cover of a complete roof, creates an urban space that is suitable for sitting and lingering

建筑语言的表达上,引入当下业界最新潮的“灰空间”设计概念。建筑整体的“灰”作为底色,将清水混凝土大面积使用既是一种体现中立的高级表达方式,显示出一种最纯粹和本质的美感,同时呼应出颇具工业遗存韵味的复古内敛和现代简约的时代美感。 立面同时镶嵌了页岩砖,木材及金属网。这种整体的“素颜”内敛的材料选择和质感呈现,提供了更具年轻感的文化艺术空间感受,也很好地契合和表达了“都市年轻人精神氧吧”的内容设定与氛围。内部功能从“静”与“慢”的角度出发,聚焦当代年轻人喜闻乐见的文化艺术形式,以全国著名的剧场品牌为核心,通过网罗青年人喜欢的艺文剧演、生活市集、艺术交互装置以及其他各类主题展览和分享沙龙,在满足周边居民日常文化休闲需求之余,打造杭州首座街心公园式文创空间。比如,在剧场外立面的处理上,采用页岩砖砌筑表面,意在用其粗糙的机理与具有时代感的颜色呼应热电厂的历史特质。整个四层的体量使用了双层立面,内表面为窗系统,可供室内开窗做自然通风,外表面为穿孔板,给建筑体量带来一种若隐若现的轻纱效果。整个建筑面积为10,000平方米的运河文化艺术中心,坐拥独特的基地位置,毗邻工业遗址,同时接壤城市公园。历史底蕴与周围生态环境有机融合,营造了适宜于文化类建筑独天独厚的美好环境。这里空间由内之外延展,景观从外向内渗透,功能性多层级叠加,将为莫干山路文化商业休闲创意产业带焕发出全新活力,也使得运河文化艺术中心势必成为杭州夺目的城市新名片。

▼页岩砖砌筑表面,意在用其粗糙的机理与具有时代感的颜色呼应热电厂的历史特质,the red bricks reflet the history of the site

▼立面细部,facade details

Benoy used the “grey space” architectural design concept for the main building. Using grey as the overall construction colour serves as an undertone, and the use of concrete materials is a high-class approach to express neutrality, to showcase the purest and most essential beauty, and to reflect the aesthetics of the times by matching nostalgic connotations of an industrial past with modern simplicity. Demand for cultural experiences has been growing year by year in the area, along with a surging performance art market. However, there are very few theatres and exhibition facilities in the Gongshu District. The Canal Culture and Art Centre, featuring culture and performance arts, is sure to fill the void in the district. The Centre will bring together young people’s favourite art and drama performances, lifestyle fairs, interactive art displays, and various other thematic exhibitions and sharing salons, to forge the first open-air cultural park in Hangzhou while at the same time meeting the daily cultural and leisure needs of surrounding residents.

▼整个四层的体量使用了双层立面,the double facade system for the 4th floor

▼四层的外表面为穿孔板,给建筑体量带来一种若隐若现的轻纱效果,the aluminum panel used for the facade looks like a curtain


▼平面图,floor plan








项目负责人:唐威、刘剑颖 等


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