这是一个包含着年轻化与现代元素的汇聚地,这是一家未来科技感的火锅店,打破了传统火锅“老字号”的桎梏,兼具了市井味道和时尚气息。 This is a convergence of youthful and modern elements, a futuristic hot pot restaurant, breaking the shackles of the traditional hot pot "old", with both urban flavor and fashionable atmosphere. ▼项目一瞥丨再設計空间事務所
项目愿景 | Project Vision 物质消费品或文化艺术相结合 Combination of material goods or culture and art 结合地区特色,深入挖掘品牌文化,以建筑特色与饮食文化等来进行创作,风格上以未来科技感与年轻人生活息息相关,物质消费品或文化艺术相结合,当地特有的市井气息为主调,打造充满热辣气息的店铺。 Combining regional characteristics, digging deeper into the brand culture, with architectural features and food culture, etc. to create a style closer to the future sense of technology closely related to the lives of young people, material consumer goods or culture and art combined with the unique local flavor of the marketplace, to create a store full of hot air. ▼效果图展示丨再設計空间事務所
空间视觉 | Spatial vision 规则和灵动之间的自由跳跃张弛有度 The free jump between rule and flexibility 整个空间采用红色为主色调,体现出松弛而饱满的热情,以及当地特有的热辣气息。空间布局上,自助餐台动线流畅,消费者在这里自助选择喜欢的小料,强化了用户体验感,行至卡座区,在规则和灵动之间的自由跳跃张弛有度。灵活多样的落座形式,充分满足不同类型消费者的需求,紧密衔接起人与人、与空间之间的情感连接,恰如其分地铺陈出舒适、愉快的用餐氛围。 The entire space is colored in red, reflecting the loose and full enthusiasm, as well as the hot atmosphere unique to the region.In terms of space layout, the buffet table has a smooth flow, where consumers choose their favorite small ingredients on their own, strengthening the sense of user experience, and the line to the card seating area, where the freedom between rules and flexibility jumps in a relaxed manner.The flexible and diverse seating forms fully meet the needs of different types of consumers, closely connect the emotional connection between people and space, and appropriately pave the way for a comfortable and pleasant dining atmosphere. ▼效果图展示丨再設計空间事務所