发布时间:2022-01-08 14:30:01 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Milky’s officially opened their second location, Cloud Room, on October 10th, 2021 in a shipping container at Stackt Market. Embracing slow coffee, the new location features dynamically changing lights and a brew bar for making hand made coffee and tea.

▼集装箱改造建筑外观, The building was converted from a container ©Riley Snelling


The Space

“云之屋”得名于空间中变化的光线效果,灯光在带有纹理的洞石墙壁与天花板上形成阴影,而阴影的形态宛如一片慢慢飘动的云朵。室内光线移动的速度很慢,视线几乎无法察觉,而在点单和等待的过程中就会在不经意之间意识到这种动态的光影效果。本项目由新成立的Full Fat Studio事务所设计建造,设计理念由Batay-Csorba建筑事务所为Milky’s设计的建筑语言和图形模式发展而来。“云之屋”给人一种熟悉而又新鲜的感觉。材料、颜色、图案和细节的变化将它与Milky’s首家咖啡店区别开来。

Cloud Room earns its name from moving light that collects shadows in the three dimensional travertine pattern covering the walls and ceiling, The effect mimics the shadows of moving clouds across the wall. Light moves at a very slow pace; imperceptible when stared at, but noticeable over the time it takes to order and make a coffee. Milky’s Cloud Room was designed and built by newly founded Full Fat Studio. Developed from the architectural language and graphic patterning created for Milky’s by Batay-Csorba Architects, Cloud Room achieves a familiar, yet new feeling. Changes in material, colour, pattern, and details create two distinct spaces.

▼室内空间概览,overall of the interior ©Riley Snelling

该咖啡店坐落在集装箱中,整个店内空间都是特别定制的,洞石墙壁和天花板由Marbela用机器雕刻而成,智能灯具则由Anony设计,以控制灯光氛围创造出云的效果。其他固定装置,如光纤计数器灯等,都是根据空间特别定制的。地面上的微型人字拼花木制地板则来自Relative Space品牌。“我们希望第二家分店是与众不同的,同时也要拥有自己的个性。‘慢咖啡’是一个很有吸引力的概念,所以我们开始思考如何创造出一个慢节奏的空间,”Milky ‘s创始人兼Full Fat Design合伙人Fraser Greenberg说,“我们选择了石材作为主要材料,因为它能营造出具有年代感与庄严的氛围。而‘云’则是我们为该店定义出的概念,暗示出‘慢’节奏与不可预测的特点。”

The entire interior was custom designed and fabricated to outfit the interior of a container. The travertine walls and ceiling were machine sculpted by Marbela. Anony designed intelligent light fixtures to control the ambiance and create the cloud effect. Other fixtures, such as fibre-optic counter lights, were customized to suit the space. A miniature sized herringbone wood from Relative Space covers the floor. “We wanted the second location to be distinctly Milky’s, while having its own personality. Slow coffee was an appealing concept, so we started thinking about how to create a space for slowness,” said Fraser Greenberg, founder of Milky’s and partner at Full Fat Design. “Stone was our material choice, because of its age and solemness. Clouds were our concept because of their speed and unpredictability.”

▼灯光在雕刻有纹理的天花板与墙壁表面形成云一般的阴影, The lights create cloud-like shadows on the sculpted ceiling and wall surfaces ©Riley Snelling

▼统一和谐的空间色调, Unified and harmonious space tone ©Riley Snelling

▼慢节奏空间氛围, Slow paced space atmosphere ©Riley Snelling


The Concept


“At Milky’s D*ndas, our initial thought was how we could use someone’s morning coffee routine as an opportunity to put them in a good mood. At Cloud Room, we started with how it’s an opportunity to slow down and appreciate the moment,” said Greenberg. The idea that everything surrounding the offering is as important as the product – from presentation to hospitality – has helped shape the concept of Milky’s Cloud Room. Thoughtful design is everywhere in the space, from the narrow colour palette to the unique cups used for each drink, all to create a space that slows down time.

▼洞石墙面细部, detail of the wall ©Riley Snelling


Product Offering

“云之屋”中设有一个特别的冲泡吧台brew bar,以向人们展示出更多Milky’s产品。倒冲和虹吸冲泡方法创造出更多特色咖啡与茶饮,为顾客提供了特多选择。此外,Milky’s还将芝加哥的Spirit Tea引入加拿大,为人们带来了从原产地采购的高质量茶叶。

Cloud Room features a brew bar to expand Milky’s product offering. Pour-over and siphon brewing add more ways to create specialty coffee and tea. Milky’s is introducing Spirit Tea to Canada, a Chicago-based tea company focused on sourcing high quality teas direct from origin.

▼冲泡吧台brew bar,the brew bar ©Riley Snelling

Brew bar将以Milky’s的第二款招牌产品为特色 —— Milky’s Filter,这是一款由荷兰DAK烘焙师烘焙的优质咖啡,而咖啡师将会把咖啡豆与饮品一同呈现在顾客面前。全新的工具为每一季推出的特色饮料提供了新的可能性,每种饮品配方都是根据当季口味、感觉与创意特别调配的。此外,Milky’s还会根据本店的空间氛围特别推出一款独家饮料。

The brew bar will feature Milky’s second signature blend: Milky’s Filter, roasted by DAK Roasters in The Netherlands. It will be served alongside beans from a rotating roster of roasters. These new tools provide new possibilities for the specialty drinks that are released every season. Guided by seasonal flavours, feelings, and originality, the drink recipes are all made in-house. Each Milky’s location will also have an exclusive drink that suits the space and area.

▼零售区域, Retail area ©Riley Snelling

▼货架与产品细部, Shelves and product details ©Riley Snelling

除了饮品外,Milky’s还将与11月在“云之屋”推出以季节性食物和咖啡为特色的美食菜单。店内零售区域将上架由当地设计师Foris Workshop, Anony和制造商Anson Ng at launch为Milky’s设计的新产品。其他品牌,包括TOiNZ, Arita 2016、 Taiwan Glass、Mighty Jaxx在内直供的新产品也将陆续上架。

Milky’s will also release their own food menu at Cloud Room, featuring seasonal foods to enjoy alongside coffee. Menu to launch in November. Retail shelves will be stocked with new items designed for Milky’s by local designers and makers: Foris Workshop, Anony, and Anson Ng at launch. New items from original suppliers, TOiNZ, Arita 2016, Taiwan Glass, and Mighty Jaxx will also be available.

▼光影细部, Light and shadow detail ©Riley Snelling

Technical sheet

Architects / designers: Full Fat Design

Project Manager: Full Fat Design

Milky’s Cloud Room Data Sheet

Project Name: Milky’s Cloud Room

Location: Stackt Market – 28 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5V3W3, Canada

Client: Milky’s

Photo:Riley Snelling


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