发布时间:2021-07-05 07:00:52 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

项目坐落于东京板桥区某住宅/购物区的拱廊尽头。场地周边有很多小住宅与有趣的小店铺,整体氛围宁静安详且充满怀旧之感。春天的时候,竹井河畔到处都是赏花的游人。建筑的形态由场地边界生成,它静静地伫立于后巷,完美融入于社区环境之中。作为一个小型的会员制音乐沙龙,Maly Koncert音乐厅既要保证与大型音乐厅相媲美的室内音质,同时也要考虑到噪音的问题,使音乐厅在密集的城市环境中做到不扰民。场地呈不规则的旗杆状,人流从“杆”状的通道进入建筑,而后自然地汇入室内的交通流线。此外,建筑内还设置了一个附属房间,以集成各种功能设施,如音响设备等。

The site is located at the end of an arcade leading from a quiet residential / shopping district in Itabashi-Ku, Tokyo. The surrounding area is very nostalgic, has many houses and small shops. In springtime, the Shakujii River is filled with people to see Sakura blossom. The architecture shape is formed by the shape of the site and merged into the neighborhood, standing quietly in the back alley. When planning a small membership-based music salon, you need to ensure the sound quality is the same as a large-scale music hall and, set a high noise control for the dense neighborhood. Natural circulation is created with the irregular flagpole-shaped site, entering the space from a “rod” shaped part of the site, and flows into it. The plan was to lift an attached room that integrates various functions such as sound equipment.

▼建筑外观,appearance of the project © Keiko Chiba / Nacasa & Partners

在规划阶段,建筑师常常扪心自问,“我喜欢什么样的空间来听古典音乐?” 答案很简单,那就是“高品质的音效,空间、音乐以及演奏者的高度融合”

In the planning stage, I often question myself, ” What kind of space would I like to listen to classical music?” And the answer turned out to be quite simple, I would like to make, ” Great sound effect, and space where music, musician and space and unite.”

▼项目入口,entrance of the project © Keiko Chiba / Nacasa & Partners

▼粗糙的墙面纹理,Rough wall texture © Keiko Chiba / Nacasa & Partners


A musical instrument has universal beauty, and it is contrasted with the delicate sound and player’s action. Musical instruments have universal beauty, contrast with delicate tones, and performers’ actions. Space was constructed based on powerful and raw materials. The material helps to create a natural focal point on the musician and their performance. Aiming for an instrument-like space, that gets deeper over time; intended for modern classic architecture.

▼底层空间,ground floor © Keiko Chiba / Nacasa & Partners


For the main music salon, the proportion of the space is designed based on the acoustic simulation, to ensure that the sound can evenly reverberate throughout the space within the limited building height. Normally, flutter echoes occur when the ceiling, floor, and wall are arranged parallel to one another. To avoid the flutter echo, numerous acoustic panels are added to ensure that the sound can spread evenly throughout. The plan and site are shaped as an irregular quadrilateral, and a square roof is adopted for the double height of space. Achieving a uniform acoustic effect, and is also practical for equipment to be placed under the sloped ceiling.

▼主要音乐厅概览,overall of the main music hall © Keiko Chiba / Nacasa & Partners

▼二层通高的演出空间,Double height performance space © Keiko Chiba / Nacasa & Partners

▼二层观演台,the viewing platform on the upper floor © Keiko Chiba / Nacasa & Partners

▼俯视舞台,overlooking the stage © Keiko Chiba / Nacasa & Partners

▼演出场景,performance scenario © Keiko Chiba / Nacasa & Partners

▼音乐厅细部,details of the hall © Keiko Chiba / Nacasa & Partners

主要空间采用了无柱钢筋混凝土墙,以确保低音的回声。线性空间的设计充分利用了狭小的场地,进一步优化了整体噪音的控制,此外,室内设计也纳入了必要的设备区与缓冲区。充满力量的刚性建筑与柔和的音质效果为Maly Koncert音乐厅赋予了迷人的气质,营造出和谐且平衡的空间氛围。

The main space is designed to be pillar-free with reinforced concrete walls to secure the echo of base sound. Linear space is designed to make good use of the small site, to improve the overall noise control, necessary equipment and buffer zones are also incorporated to space. The space proportion is mixed of hardness and softness, hardness from the architecture, and softness from the sound effect, giving the space a balanced harmony.

▼走道与二层楼梯,the corridor and the staircase in the hall © Keiko Chiba / Nacasa & Partners

▼走道细部,details of the corridor © Keiko Chiba / Nacasa & Partners

▼楼梯细部,details of the staircase © Keiko Chiba / Nacasa & Partners

▼门牌细部,detail of the logo © Keiko Chiba / Nacasa & Partners

▼区位图,location plan © Ryo Otsuka Architects

▼平面图,plans © Ryo Otsuka Architects

▼剖面图,sections © Ryo Otsuka Architects

▼剖面分析图,section analysis © Ryo Otsuka Architects

Location:Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, Japan Program:Music Salon Client:Maly Koncert Architects:Ryo Otsuka Architects / Ryo Otsuka Structural Engineers:TETSUYA TANAKA STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS / Tetsuya Tanaka Acoustic Consulting:NAGATA ACOUSTICS / Keiji Oguchi・ Ryuichi Wada Construction:WADA Construction / Masahiro Wada・Yoshikazu Arai Greenery SOLSO Site Area:144.80 m² Building Area:90.11 m² Total Floor Area:199.04 m² Maximam Building Height:9.995 m Stories:3 Stories Structure:Reinforced Concrete (Load Bearing Wall Structure) Construction Term:May 2020-April 2021 Photography:Keiko Chiba / Nacasa & Partners


Maly Koncert 音乐厅 | 空间、音乐与演奏家融为一体的现代古典建筑
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