发布时间:2021-06-30 10:48:46 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


A reasonable balance of space exists so that one can break away from the tradition of sensuality, routine, and personal experience, returning to the reality of rationality and sincerity.

▼餐厅概览,preview © 形在摄影

物理学的任务是发现普遍的自然规律。 因为这样的规律的最简单的形式之一表现为某种物理量的不变性,所以对于守恒量的寻求不仅是合理的,而且也是极为重要的研究方向。——劳厄

The task of physics lies in the discovery of universal laws of nature. As one of the simplest forms of such a law manifests as the invariance of some physical quantity, the quest for conserved quantities is not only reasonable, but also is of great importance as a research direction. —— Lauer

▼内部光线,internal lighting © 形在摄影


The project is situated in the sky garden of Xiamen Baolong Yicheng Mall, with box-shaped buildings of different sizes scattered around. The building per se enjoys the advantages of independence and floor height, which renders the pursuit of returning to rationality more meaningful. Irregular interlocking folds can create a deep spatial and temporal sense in the limited interior, which controls the environmental perception within the human walking path.

▼餐厅入口,entrance area © 形在摄影

▼等候区,waiting area © 形在摄影

▼座位细节,seating area details © 形在摄影


The scene to be conveyed by Anyway Restaurant is emotionally connected to the diners, and the spatial carrier will deliver a sense of surprise during the transformation of the background and role assumed by the food perse.

▼用餐空间,dining area © 形在摄影


In the relationship constructed by rational nature, what remains unchanged must be the rebirth of nature, seeking out a certain almost primitive expression. Endowing the material world with a smooth, graceful and aesthetic equilibrium.

▼主用餐区,main dining area © 形在摄影

▼从用餐区望向吧台,view towards the bar counter from the dining area © 形在摄影

▼吧台,bar © 形在摄影


There must be a faint order and a strong disorder to establish order in the passing of disorder. We emphasize the natural evolution of erosion, fragmentation, and weathering by processing the raw building walls and the materials per se, which highlights the process of the material being compromised by the forces.

▼墙面细节,wall surface detail © 形在摄影

▼用餐空间细节,dining area detailed view © 形在摄影


We shape Material shaping, sense of history, conflict and dramatic representation are realized on physical spaces. The game between exquisite and crudity is more like the game between the present and the past, where materials inherently are not related, but rather concerned with the creation of fiction.

▼窗边用餐区,dining area with city view © 形在摄影

引导光; 产生神秘; 实现探索; 构建出虚构的浪漫主义场景。

Guiding light; Generating mystery; Realizing exploration; Creating fictional romantic scenes.

▼自然光,natural light © 形在摄影

“自然界中的所有物质是发出来的光,山岭,小溪,空气,以至于我们自己,都是发出的光。这块皱成一团叫物质的东西投射一道影子,而影子属于光。” —路易斯康

All substances in nature are light emitted; mountains, streams, air, and even ourselves, are light emitted. This so-called substance, which is a crumpled mass, casts a shadow, which belongs to light. —  LouisI.Kahn

▼傍晚的光影,sunset light © 形在摄影

空间布局上并没有采用过多的分割空间与明切区分,餐厅内部的砖墙、混凝柱都被保留下来,融入整体设计之中。光滑的大理石桌面和墙壁上裸露的自然原石的肌理相互映衬,以简单的材质  提炼出深渊一般的时空感。


▼轴测图,axon ©反正建筑事务所

Regarding the spatial layout, there is no excessive division of space or clear-cut distinction, and the brick walls and concrete columns within the restaurant are preserved and blended into the general design. The glossy marble tabletop and the texture of the exposed natural stone on the wall contrast with each other, bringing out an abyssal sense of time and space through simple materials.

The soft light from diverse lighting sources intermingles and falls in front of the eyes. The design of wide floor-to-ceiling windows and doors enables light and wind to pass through freely, filling the room with a sense of fluidity. The sunset of evening is mesmerizingly magnificent.

▼混凝柱被保留下来,concrete columns within the restaurant are preserved © 形在摄影


The afterglow sprinkles on the diners, where nature and space converse at this moment.

▼细部,detail © 形在摄影

▼餐厅入口立面,entrance facade © 形在摄影

▼平面图,floor plan ©反正建筑事务所

项目名称:厦门反正餐厅(宝龙一城店) 设计公司:反正建筑事务所 项目地址:中国 厦门 主要材料:石材、肌理漆、木材 完工时间:2021.01 项目面积:300平方米 摄影团队:形在摄影

Project name: Xiamen Fanzheng Restaurant Design company: Fanzheng Project address: Xiamen, China Main materials: stone, texture paint, wood Completion time: 2021.01 Project area: 300 square meters Photography team: shape in photography


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