发布时间:2024-02-03 07:47:18 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The distribution of physical space in contemporary cities is still defined by the urban structure and architectural settlements, while our lifestyle is under the influence of increasing online and offline interactions, presenting increasingly diversified cultural tribe types and constantly updated aggregation and dispersion. In this context, how can large-scale public activity centers with certain function adapt to these changes architecturally? Can the spatial production of public buidings accommodate and even arouse more possibilities of public activities in the future? Scenic Architecture Office has explored and responded to this question with its new work of Pudong Adolescent Activity Center and Civic Art Center

▼南侧鸟瞰,Aerial view from the southwest © 苏圣亮

转变中的类型 Types In Transition


China’s adolescent activity centers in modern cities are derived from the ” adolescent palaces” from 1950s to 1990s, a type of concept imported from the Soviet Union in the early to mid-20th century. They are invested and operated by the government as a base for primary and secondary school students to have extracurricular activities and to cultivate their specialties in science, liberal art, sports, and so on. Civic art center was born from the “public education center” of the Republic of China era in the 1930s. After 1949, it was transformed into the “civic art center” from the “civic culture center”, and gradually became a governmental institution for fostering and cultivating civic cultural and artistic activities. Around the world, “children’s museums”, which began in the United States at the end of the nineteenth century and gradually expanded to Europe, Asia and Latin America, are also similar types of buildings, with the difference that investment and operation generally come from social capital and private non-profit organizations.

▼西南侧鸟瞰,Aerial view from the southwest ©苏圣亮


Although China’s adolescent activity center and civic art center faces different age groups, their contents and activities are basically similar: the institutions plan the activities and classes, provide space, instructors, and organize class scheduling; the students are selected through registration, and go to each class to receive tutoring at a predetermined time, and at the end of each semester, they conduct exhibitions, performances, and other exchange activities of their achievements. This stable mechanism that has been in operation for more than half a century has also shaped a relatively solid architectural pattern. In cities with limited land, the activity centers or art centers often turns out to be a compact amalgamation of a school building and a theater.

▼东侧外观,exterior view from the east ©苏圣亮


Entering the 21st century, extracurricular educational activities for students and spare-time cultural life for adults have seen a shift towards greater diversity, experientialization and informatization. People’s interest in and demand for offline activities are increasingly related to natural environment, hands-on experience, multi-interest crossover, online activities or face-to-face communication. Many of the existing public activity buildings have fallen behind the times in terms of experience, and are only able to provide basic functional services. At the right time, the new Pudong Adolescent Activity Center and Civic Art Center provides a precious opportunity for architects to think structurally about combining the original model with the emerging needs, and to explore the changes and new possibilities of this building type.

▼概念图解:交互平板,Concept Diagram-Interactive Slabs ©山水秀建筑事务所

从功能分配到共享减量 From Functional Allocation To Shared Space and Reduced Construction

2015年,浦东新区计划新建一座活动中心,容纳一同搬迁来的区青少年活动中心和群众艺术馆,选址在锦绣路东侧的绿地中,在规划上与北侧现有的浦东图书馆(株式会社日本设计Nihon Sekkei)和南侧待建的浦东城市规划和公共艺术中心(David Chipperfield Architects)一起构成浦东新区的“文化街坊”。 青少年活动中心和群众艺术馆虽然分别隶属教育局和文广局两个机构,但新区政府前瞻性地考虑到两者相近的城市功能和运行机制,决定将两馆整合在一个建筑群中,为未来的资源共享、配置调整和可持续发展提供更加灵活的空间结构。在为项目举行的国际设计竞赛中,山水秀建筑事务所获得第一名,并与同济大学建筑设计研究院联合得到了整个项目的设计委托。

In 2015, Pudong New District planned to build a new activity center to house the relocated Pudong Adolescent Activity Center and Pudong Civic Art Center. Located in the green space on the east side of Jinxiu Road, it will form a “cultural neighborhood” along with the existing Pudong New District Library (designed by Nihon Sekkei) to the north and the Pudong New District Urban Planning and Public Art Center (designed by David Chipperfield Architects) to the south. Although the Adolescent Activity Center and Civic Art Center are governed separately by the Pudong New District Education Bureau and the Culture and Broadcasting Bureau, the district government wisely decided to integrate them into a single complex in order to provide a more flexible spatial structure for resource sharing, configuration adjustment, and sustainable development in the future, taking into account the similar urban functions and operational mechanisms of the two centers. In the international design competition held for the project, Scenic Architecture Office won the first place and was commissioned jointly with the Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co, Ltd..

▼总图,Masterplan ©山水秀建筑事务所


The production of space in terms of public resources is often decided by operational mechanisms. Government cultural institutions have been organizing themselves in each way, and the inherent pattern of courtyard-and-wall has been formed. This time, the sharing of part of the resources of the two centers is reformative integration of similar operational mechanisms and spaces from the perspective of space sharing and management intensification, reflecting the sustainable development of the efficiency of public resources, and posing new challenges to the corresponding architectural design.

▼手绘草图,Sketch ©山水秀建筑事务所


In the initial design program, all kinds of activity classrooms of the two centers, including science, information, literature, art, music, dance, Chinese opera, martial arts, etc., are owned and operated by the two centers; at the same time, public resources such as foyers, exhibition halls, theaters, restaurants, underground garages, and other public resources are shared by the them, and after the completion, their property management will be unified by a single property company. In more than 10 years of practice in the past, Scenic Architecture Office has been advocating merging different public buildings as a way to achieve multi-functional sharing and improve the space utilization rate, and to contribute to the carbon emission of buildings through the reduction of construction scale. Compared with this primary strategy, the green building energy-saving technology is the second level. This proposition coincides with the construction ideas of the Pudong Adolescent Activity Center and Civic Art Center. We recognize that this new pattern of division and consolidation is an important entry point for the design. How to deeply understand this pattern and express it in full combination with the site conditions becomes the key to the building’s layout.

▼模型照片,Model ©山水秀建筑事务所

交互平台 Interactive Platform


The site is located between the Pudong Library and the Pudong Urban Planning and Public Art Center, and is divided by a river called Yanmaotang running in north-south direction. If 1 or 2 large and solid volumes are used on both sides of the river, they will be similar to the adjacent library and Urban planning center, and the big and regular volumes will also lead to too strict functional layout, which is not suitable for creating an intimate atmosphere for cultural and sports activities; Considering the 80,000 m2 area, a completely split and scattered layout will be easy and lively, but will lose the efficiency of the space and circulation; at the same time, the entire ground floor of the cultural neighborhood and both sides of the river need an open space to form a walking and landscape vein. Combining these internal and external conditions, we propose a new giant spatial model, i.e., a “three-dimensional settlement” composed of “interactive platforms”.

▼南侧外观,exterior view from the south ©苏圣亮


The “Interactive Platforms” consists of platform, and each units of 1500-2500 m2 platform carries a settlement of 3-10 boxes to accommodate different functional groups. These platforms, which are about 30m wide and 50-80m long, establish a scale correlation with the urban space, while the box settlements on the platforms are compact and organic like villages, providing intimate scale for teaching and communication activities. The boxes are of different sizes, ranging from the large theaters, foyers, exhibition halls, and restaurant, to the small classrooms for various activities such as arts, science and technology. All the boxes and the “huts” with pitched roof that are scattered in different locations use the platforms as carrier.

▼平台与盒屋,Platforms and Boxes ©锐境建筑空间摄影


▼ 概念图解,Concept Diagram ©山水秀建筑事务所

These large-scale platforms not only cross the river, but also release a large amount of ground floor space through suspension, creating an open and unobstructed outdoor space between the library and the Urban planning center, and becoming the hub of the pedestrian network of the entire cultural neighborhood. We finally designed two interlocked courtyards with such platforms: connected to the subway plaza near Jinxiu Road Station of Metro Line 7 in the southwest, the western courtyard mainly accommodates a theatre with 1000 seats and the Civic Art Center; surrounded by green space, the eastern courtyard mainly accommodates the Adolescent Activity Center. The overlapping and connection between the platforms stimulates the communication and interaction between different areas and functions. The platforms of the Adolescent Activity Center and that of the Civic Art Center are crisscrossed on four floors, forming a three-dimensional settlement of overlapping and staggered units and providing many indoor and outdoor communication places. The garden platform across the river connects two lobbies on the east and west sides of Yanmaotang River, becoming the backbone of the public circulation. The west lobby accommodates the west entrance foyer, the ground floor gallery, the front hall of the grand theater, and the west entrance of the garden platform, while the east lobby accommodates the east entrance foyer, the café, the small theatre, youth center entrance and the east entrance of the garden platform. The corridor on the garden platform bridge connects the East and West Lobbies, connects to the foyer of the Civic Art Center hall in the middle of the east side of the river to the north and connects to the restaurant on the first floor and the underground garage through the elevator.

▼一层平面图,PLAN-1F ©山水秀建筑事务所

▼二层平面图,PLAN-2F ©山水秀建筑事务所


This “dumbbell” space connects the east and west lobbies with a bridge, which becomes the core public space shared by the two centers and defines the scope of operation of each center. Inside the two centers, the large and small boxes as activity spaces are not aligned in plan and section to create an easy and free settlement atmosphere, while the vertical transportation, restrooms, and equipment rooms are set up as basic service modules at the corners of the square layout, and are strictly aligned up and down to ensure the logic of the equipment and efficient accessibility. The large and whole platform responds to the collective city, while the small and scattered box responds to the individual body and mind. The combination of the two not only provides a friendly and active place for the activities in the pavilion, but also makes the building become a public stage for the city life through the intermingling with the environment.

▼平台与盒屋,Platforms and Boxes ©苏圣亮


All types of activities in both centers are booked by registration. Besides visitors, each person coming to an activity has his/her first destination, such as a particular classroom or a particular theater. Users enter the center from the east lobby, west Lobby or the garden terrace before they go to different platforms, and they come to their destinations through a staging space that changes level by level. On each platform, the public space between classrooms is no longer a monotonous transportation corridor, but a pedestrian zone of different sizes and variations, including indoor streets and also outdoor terraces out of the platforms, so that people can step outdoors at any time on any floor, rest and talk among the small trees and seats, and enjoy the view of the city and greenery outside; and between different platforms, we have also designed a variety of stairs and bridges, hoping that they will invite users to pass by to roam around other platforms in a welcoming manner – we hope that this three-dimensional platform settlement can stimulate positive interaction between people and nature, not only allowing users to interact closely with their peers during their own scheduled class time, but also to explore other hobbies freely in other time. In our vision, encouraging multiple integration and cross-border interaction is also an important quality that future public buildings should possess.

▼交错的平台与灰空间,Overlapped Platforms and Grey Space ©苏圣亮

群组建构 Cluster Tectonics


The integration of spatial and structural order is very important for this 80,000 m2 public building. The structural unit module of the entire complex is 8mX8m, which corresponds to the area requirement of about 65 m2 for the basic unit of a classroom, as well as the dimensions of the three-car parking spaces in the basement. At the design level, this square modulus provided great convenience in terms of box allocation and orientation adjustments. The 8m modulus with sub-modules of 2m and 1m helped us to coordinate the misalignment of the platforms with the boxes and to control the dimensions of the minimum aisles, double doors and single doors. Most of the boxes are separated from each other, giving the interior corridors constant access to natural light, natural ventilation, and exterior views, giving the interior spaces of the boxes many corner windows while prompting and encouraging users to enjoy the semi-outdoor terraces. It is this layout logic that allows the cluster of boxes with their large numbers to break away from the staid center-corridor pattern and create a village-like settlement atmosphere. These basic structural units grow along the two square courtyards, eventually forming the structural system of the whole complex, and through the elastic change of the secondary modulus, it forms a cluster of overlapping platforms and boxes, as well as the spaces rhythm of alternating single-story and double-height.

▼庭院空间,Courtyard  © 锐境建筑空间摄影

▼平台与庭院,Platform and Courtyard ©苏圣亮


▼局部模型照片,Detailed Model ©山水秀建筑事务所

In order to meet the requirement of public buildings’ prefabrication rate, the aboveground part of the building adopts a steel frame structure. Within the standard column grid of 8m and 4.5-5.5m floor height, the steel column section is a 400-500mm square. In order to increase the efficiency of space utilization of the indoor classrooms and outdoor terraces, it was decided to make most of the box facades flush with the columns and to combine the walls with the columns by tectonics. The window frames on the walls are reversed to the exterior, with the surface of the window frames flush with the column surface; at the same time, each column is split into four corners in the aluminum finish over the rust and fire-resistant coating, with concave dark gray aluminum slats in the center. In this way, a column is split into left and right on the façade and integrated into the window frame system on each side, completing its own dissolution. Inside, the column has a depth of approximately 450mm, which is digested by window seats or bay storage cabinets depending on the needs of the interior use – with this detail, the wall of each box creates a width of approximately 600mm, integrating the column, the wall, the window and the fixed furniture into a whole, providing a more complete and convenient indoor and outdoor space. The window and door system units in the boxes are 2m wide and 650mm high, providing different heights of window openings through several horizontal divisions to meet the needs of light and ventilation for different types of activity rooms, such as dance, martial arts, instrumental music, choral music, fine arts, calligraphy, and smart technology.

▼平台与盒屋,Platforms and Boxes ©锐境建筑空间摄影

▼青少年大堂,Lobby of Adolescent Activity Center ©苏圣亮


▼Y形柱与天窗与细部构造,Y shaped column and skyligh and detailed construction ©山水秀建筑事务所

The structure grid of 8mX8m generates most of the modularized spatial units, but flexibility is still needed to construct the large-span spaces in between platforms and boxes. In several large double height spaces such as the east and west lobby, the foyer of the Civic Art Center, the 1,000-seat theater and the Red Scarf Theater, we extracted the columns in the structural grid to form a large column-free space. Except for the theater, which uses truss structure, the other foyers’ columns split at the top into Y-shaped columns, which are either parallel or perpendicular to each other, supporting the skylight at the top, allowing natural light to pour down on these double height spaces, creating an atmosphere of an artificial forest. In the east and west lobbies, the façade system especially adopts a suspended curtain wall, which is shaded in the middle by a cross-sectional V-shaped aluminum grille hung outside, bringing soft natural light to the interior. The bottom and top of the curtain wall are completely transparent, providing the crowd with a permeable horizontal view, and allowing the roof to acquire a sense of lightness and levitation.

▼西大堂,West Lobby ©苏圣亮 / 锐境建筑空间摄影

▼群众艺术馆大堂,Lobby of Civic Art Center ©锐境建筑空间摄影

▼楼梯,Staircase ©苏圣亮


▼局部轴测图,axonometric-drawing  ©山水秀建筑事务所

▼花园平台爆炸轴测图,exploded axonometric drawing  ©山水秀建筑事务所

In the west square courtyard, two bridge platforms in east-west direction use truss structure to cross the river. The northern bridge on the third floor has exposed trusses and is mainly used for passage, while the southern bridge on the second floor is quite special. We combine the bridge structure with the courtyard space and hide the trusses in the wall to create a courtyard settlement consisting of huts, courtyards and greenery, which becomes a composite place for passage, rest and activities on the river. The entire truss system spans 60 meters and consists of two east-west main trusses and four north-south connecting trusses. After close cooperation with the structural engineer, we utilized the inside part of each truss and the gap between the straight and diagonal web rods to set up doorways and windows on the courtyard walls, and used the truss walls to support the pitched roof structure over the huts scattered throughout the courtyard. Thus, in the courtyard besides the straight passageway, we created a parallel space and time where we can go around and stay.

▼西北侧外观,exterior view from the northwest ©苏圣亮

走向新聚落 Toward a New Settlement

无论就规模或功能而言,浦东新区青少年活动中心和群众艺术馆都是一座大型的复合式公共建筑,使这次设计实践为探索新型公共建筑类型提供了一次宝贵的机会。在这里,山水秀用交互平台的方式营造了一座都市里的立体村庄聚落。 我们认为,在当代和未来的社会生活中,城市居民仍然需要公共的实体活动空间,以满足线下交流、分享传播和兴趣拓展的需求。与此同时,公共建筑也需要不断更新,用新的生命力适应新时代的变化。为此,我们提出“走向新聚落”的三个设计理念:

Whether in terms of scale or function, Pudong Adolescent Activity Center and Civic Art Center is a large-scale compound public building, making this design a valuable opportunity to explore a new type of public building. Here, Scenic Architecture Office creates a three-dimensional village settlement in the metropolis by means of interactive platforms. We believe that in contemporary and future social life, citizens still do and will need physical public activity spaces to fulfill the needs of face-to-face communication, sharing and dissemination, and interest expansion. At the same time, public buildings need to be constantly renewed and adapted to the changes of the new era with new vitality. Therefore, we propose three design concepts for “Toward a New Settlement”:

▼乐器排练厅,rehearsal hall ©苏圣亮

▼公共空间,Common Space ©苏圣亮

一、共享减量:鼓励近似功能的空间合并和分时共享,通过减少建筑规模总量来降低建设碳排放和运行能耗; 二、有机交互:为使用空间创造舒适的、能够与环境互动的室内外场所,激发人与自然,以及不同人群之间的流通与交互,营造有机的聚落体验; 三、聚落建构:通过构造将结构、设备与空间、材质高度整合,将建构的领域从建筑本体拓展到聚落环境。

First, Sharing and reduction: Encourage the merging of spaces with similar functions and time-sharing, and reduce construction carbon emissions and operational energy consumption by reducing the total number of building area; Second, organic interaction: create comfortable indoor and outdoor places for usable spaces that can interact with the environment, stimulate circulation and interaction between people and nature, as well as different people, and create an organic settlement experience; Third, settlement construction: highly integrate structure, equipment, space and material through construction, expanding the field of construction from the building itself to the settlement environment.

▼舞蹈教室,dancing classroom ©苏圣亮

▼美术教室,art classroom ©苏圣亮

▼教室,classroom ©苏圣亮


The relationship between contemporary physical and virtual space is changing constantly, which increases the uncertainty of future lifestyle. The relatively static architectural system needs to maintain a positive observation and open attitude towards this, and through flexible and organic design, it can carry spatial intelligence and contemporary technology while leaving flexibility and variety for the future.

▼群艺馆大剧场,grand theatre of Civic Art Center ©苏圣亮

▼青少年剧场,Adolescents’ theatre of Civic Art Center ©苏圣亮

▼剖面图,sections  ©山水秀建筑事务所

▼详图,DETAIL  ©山水秀建筑事务所

项目地点: 上海市浦东新区文化街坊中部 建筑功能:剧场、排练厅、展厅、科技、文化及艺术活动 基地面积:51947㎡ 建筑面积:87109㎡ 设计/建成:2016/2022 业主:上海市浦东新区教育局 代建单位:上海浦东工程建设管理有限公司 施工单位:上海建工七建集团有限公司 运营单位:浦东新区青少年活动中心、浦东新区群众艺术馆 勘察单位:江苏省地质工程勘察院 监理单位:上海建科工程咨询有限公司 建筑和室内设计:上海山水秀建筑设计顾问有限公司 项目总负责人:祝晓峰、庄鑫嘉 建筑概念及方案阶段:Pablo Gonzalez Riera、梁山、杜洁、盛泰、席宇、石延安、周延、沈紫薇; 建筑初步及施工图配合:江萌、杜洁、王均元、林晓生、胡仙梅 室内方案设计:江萌、杜洁、王均元、林晓生 室内施工图设计:纪金鹏、边素琪 实习生:谢陶、干云妮、沙赪珺、叶晨辉、翁雯倩、宋晓月、孙豪鹏. 合作设计院:同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司 项目总负责人:曾群、康月 建筑设计:邱彦文、何彬、王姗、刘益炜、杨洋、裴永新、陈磊 结构设计:陈曦、梁江浩、李炜、桑丹、奚嘉锴、付聪 给排水设计:游博林、耿军军、单晨光、杜文华、施锦岳、孙芾、常青龙 暖通设计:朱伟昌、唐振中、张蔚林、叶耀蔚、周瑾、刘毅 电气设计:张逸峰、周程里、朱轶聪、徐畅慧 幕墙设计:马瑞锋、朱太喜、李志峰 幕墙深化:卫正、宋波、林海、吴攀 节能设计:唐澄宇 基坑设计:姜文辉 绿建设计;程凯、郭铁辉、凌勇 概算:李立漪 BIM:张东升、刘建、陈岱维、张桓瑞、赵琦、谭冠、丁志华、查文奂、吕梓豪 跨河连桥结构顾问:张准 景观设计:上海方象景观设计有限公司 方案和初步设计:李鸿泰、沈懿荣、顾济荣、朱静 结构体系:钢框架结构,局部钢桁架结构 主要用材:超白中空Low-E玻璃、白色、灰色、绿色铝板、木纹辊涂铝板、穿孔铝板、灰色真石漆、不锈钢栏杆、架空地砖、V型铝格栅吊顶 照片拍摄:苏圣亮/是然建筑摄影、锐境建筑空间摄影


浦东新区青少年活动中心和群众艺术馆 / 山水秀建筑事务所
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