发布时间:2018-10-10 12:00:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The project tackles a current social issue within the extensive urbanization process in China: the cities keep exploiting the labor and resources of the countryside resulted in the increasing urban-rural disparity in China. Currently the living conditions in large part of rural China are desperate for amelioration. Committed by the municipal government of Hangzhou in China, the project aims at providing 15,300 square meters of affordable housing for 50 households in Dongziguan Village.

The overall project budget is approximately 3 million USD, meaning an average construction cost of 190 USD / 1300 RMB per square meter. This budget is far below the average construction cost, even for the countryside of Hangzhou. How to design and construct quality housing for relocalized farmers with such a low budget, while maintaining their original lifestyle of collective living, becomes the major challenge of this project.

▼ 非常典型的江南村落,An untypical Jiangnan Village


Different from typical bar-shaped highrises built for affordable housing in China, the project seeks to organize the form of the buildings in the vernacular style of a courtyard typology, a local traditional urban morphology. Every six different buildings in two different types of footprints (11×21 meter and 16x14meter) belonging to six different households, surround a courtyard as a place for communal communication and participation. Thus, it forms a cluster and community as a prototype for collective living. This reacts against previous affordable housing projects where traditional modes of communal living were not maintained.

▼ 建筑基底边界和院落边界形成了一种交织关系, It forms a cluster and community as a prototype for collective living

▼ 建筑与开放空间,Building and the open space


The prototype varies in four different specific types of courtyard in the overall site plan which generated through the aggregation of courtyards following a fundamental principle, providing shared open space. The siteplan also reflects the pattern of vernacular clusters in historical Chinese urban tradition. Out of the fire-safety concern, each building is separated, not sharing the walls.

▼ 单元通过前后错动、东西镜像形成一个带有公共院落的规模组团,The aggregation of courtyards provide shared open space

基本单元的功能空间设置从农民真实需求出发, 并以问卷的形式定向采集了信息,并根据各户家庭人员构成,年龄结构等实际问题沟通和调查,找出大家的共性需求。最后设计中遵循了当地堂屋坐北朝南,院落由南边进入的习俗。后院洗衣池,电瓶车位,农具间,空调设备平台,太阳能热水器堂屋,杂物间等实用功能一一考虑。同时将使用者生活方式和传统院落情结相结合,注重逻辑的推导分析,通过三个院落串接功能空间,并通过院落界面的不同形成三个透明度完全不一样的院落。前院开敞,内院静谧,后院私密,构建出一个从公共到半公共再到私密的空间序列。

During the process of layoutting the plan of buildings for each households, architects firstly conducted an investigation to communicate with different families for their living habits and the age structure, and then design the plan layout based on the common requests and information gained. The final layout besides meets the functional requirement, but also indicates a particular spatial order, from public to private towards north.

▼ 院落空间,The courtyard space


The buildings are designed in a vernacular language with detailed considerations to the roof. The traditional dual-slope roof is developed into continuous slope roof asymmetrically. The construction materials are mainly grey and white bricks built in different patterns. Wooden panels have been used for mediating the traditional bricks and the contemporary grass.

▼ 单元体量的独立性与群体屋面的连续感产生微妙的对比,The traditional dual-slope roof is developed into continuous slope roof asymmetrically


The design for construction drawings explores the best usage of the brick, steel and glass to ensure the best thermal and ventilation performance. The 24mm brick wall is equipped with waterproof coating and hollow glass and the solid wall varies at the place of stairs with staggered pattern. The roof cantilever out aesthetically reminds the vernacular architectural style in Hangzhou, functionally as part of the shelter considering Hangzhou has a raining season.

▼ 传统江南白墙黛瓦肌理质感的变化的现代化呈现,The design for construction drawings explores the best usage of the traditional Jiannan elements


Since moving in, the new residents have reported a high quality of life due to the new housing. The project brings an opportunity to regenerate the countryside besides providing quality affordable housing. Now different programs have been attracted to Dongziguan Village, inclusive of hotels and other recreational and commercial activities.

▼ 夜景, Evening View

▼ 模型,Model

▼ 总平面图,Master Plan

▼ 各层平面,Floor Plan

▼ 立面,Elevation

▼ 节点,Detail design

设计单位 gad绿城设计

地 点 杭州市富阳区东梓关村

业 主 杭州市富阳区场口镇政府

建筑面积 15286.98㎡

建筑造价 198美元/㎡

竣工时间 2016

景观设计 上海爱境景观

摄 影 姚力 缪纯乐 门阁 胡栋

Architects: gad

Location: Dongziguan Village, Fuyang District, Hangzhou, China

Client: Hangzhou Fuyang District Government

Area: 15286.98m²

Cost: 190 usd/m²

Photograph: Li Yao, Chunle Miu, Ge Men,Dong Hu





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