发布时间:2021-04-24 17:27:19 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

致舍景观:阿那亚雾灵山停云隐庐与北京阳光上东总部相隔 200 余公里,各自偏安一隅。山林外,大城里;志合者,不以山海为远……

Z’scape: Aranya Tingyun Hidden Place hotel in Wuling Mountain is 200km away from Aranya headquarters in Beijing. They are relatively independent. Whether it is beyond the forest or within the city, people who have the same belief can not be separated by the distance between the mountains and the sea.

阿那亚雾灵山停云隐庐 Aranya Tingyun Hidden Place Hotel in Wuling Mountain


Wuling Mountain has been surrounded by clouds all the year round, hence the name “Wu Ling Mountain”; “Hidden Place” is located at the foot of the mountain, hence the name “Ting Yun”. “Tingyun Hidden Place Hotel” live in the forest, Sleep by the stream; in the four quarters of the year, you can feel the breeze.

大城里 Mountain forest · Big city


设计语言 Design Language


停云隐庐平面图和透视图 Plan and Perspective of Tingyun Hidden Place Hotel

项目愿景 Project Vision


We hope this is a warm courtyard, which can offer a pleasure of escaping from society to city travelers; People can say goodbye to the working time and the brilliant lights; People can forget the time and be enchanted under the sun and the moon.

▼满眼舒适的攀爬植物 A white wall full of green climbing plants

透过酒店透明落地窗,室内外景观相互贯通融合 the indoor and outdoor landscapes blend together

▼软硬景的和谐搭配 proper proportions of softscape and hardscape

▼野蛮生长的绿植与自由散置的砾石 Wild green plants and free scattered gravels


Peaceful Courtyard, the application of Local materials and Rural vegetation, Wooden outdoor furniture. People can enjoy the leisure and tea time.


With time passing by, beautiful nature is always be there. Wind in Spring, Flower in Summer, Frost in Autumn and Snow in Winter, A bonfire in the courtyard of Hidden Place Hotel is always here to be with you.

▼适度的留白给人提供放松的空间 Appropriate blank space for people to relax

▼任四季轮回,隐庐的一炉篝火一直在这儿守护着你,With time passing by, A bonfire in Hidden Place Hotel is always here to be with you

▼质朴的白墙与四季交替的色彩变幻 Plain white wall,The changing colors of the four seasons

北京阳光上东总部 Aranya Headquarters in Beijing


In the rush of life, I can’t feel the beauty. I like the metaphor of the ancient philosopher Laozi. He said that the most useful part of a cup is the empty part. ——Jiang xun

设计思路 Design Ideas

暂停如何进行都市里集团总部景观设计的常规思路,去想想阿那亚的样子:海边教堂的唯美、素色的安澜,清雅的雾灵山隐庐… 阿那亚所给人呈现的美都是简洁且有温度的,在城市一隅的集团总部景观我们也期望可以重复这样的感知。

Suspend the conventional thinking of how to carry out the landscape design for the headquarters in the city, think about the way of Aranya: the beautiful seaside church and the peaceful Anlan hotel… The beauty that Aranya gives is simple and warm. We also expect to repeat this perception in the city of corporate headquarters landscape.

▼阿那亚总部平面图和透视图 Plan and Perspective of Aranya headquarters

设计语汇 Design Vocabulary

大道至简,是清水混凝土最纯粹和质朴的语言。摒弃浮华修饰、以此来表达阿那亚一直以来对质朴美感的审美追求。长短错落的台阶顺着草坡而上,像是从地表下自由生长出来一样;室外家具、种植器皿和植物也打破周边规矩方正、严肃的办公环境,为办公空间增添一抹自然的趣味。阳光洒在琴键般的混凝土台阶上,颗粒感的肌理表面粗粝却温暖。Simplicity is the purest language of the Concrete. We abandon the complexity and decoration to express Aranya’s aesthetic pursuit of simple beauty. The long and short steps are along the grass slope, as if growing freely from the ground. Furniture, planting utensils and green plants also can break with the surrounding rules and the office outdoor environment, adding more natural elements. The sun shines on the concrete steps of the piano keys, and the grainy texture surface is rough but warm.

山林外·大城里坚持“少即是多”的设计理念 Mountain forest · Big city“less is more”is our main concept

弃繁从简,整体简洁质朴却亦有细节的两个阿那亚项目,也再次践行了致舍在项目设计中所坚持的“Less is More 少即是多“的理念;有品质的简朴、有节制的丰盛;再加入一点非理性的个性表达,便为我们乐道之风格。

Abandoning complexity and advocating simplicity, Aranya’s two projects are simple but without losing the details. They have once again practiced the concept of “less is more” in the design process. simple but quality, abundance but moderate. Adding a little irrational personality expression is the style we would like to keep.


Light on the concrete steps, the grainy surface is rough but warm

▼入口安静地置入周边环境 The entrance is quietly placed in the surrounding environment

▼台阶上的光与影 Light and shadow on the steps

▼工作之余享受阳光与清凉 Enjoy sunshine and shade


竣工日期:2018.06 / 2019.07





建设地点:河北兴隆 / 北京

Project Name: Aranya Tingyun Hidden Place Hotel in Wuling Mountain and Aranya Headquarters in Beijing

Completion date: 06/2018丨07/2019

Landscape Design Firm: Z’scape

Design team: Liangjun Zhou, Ting Zhou, Jinsheng Zhang, Cen Lv, Pei Han, Qiuyu Zhang, Yuxi Chen, Zhaoxi Tian

Client: Aranya

Photo Credit: Cen Lv

Location: xinglong, Hebei/ Beijing

项目中的材料运用 Application of materials in this project


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