英文名称:America Ira Keller Fountain Park
设计师:Lawrence Halprin
该项目位于美国波特兰市,是对Ira Keller喷泉公园的改造。该公园最初建于1970年,是当地的标志性景观,该项目是有著名设计师Lawrence Halprin完成的,公园的建造受到了世界各地游客们的青睐。纽约时报关于建筑方面的评论家Ada Louise Huxtable谈到该公园时说道,“Ira Keller喷泉公园是文艺复兴以来最重要,最伟大的公园。”
公园位于Halprin公共空间系列的最北部地区,公园的顺利完成离不开同为设计师的Angela Danadjieva的帮助。就像Halprin许多其他的作品一样,公园中的喷泉水景同样采用了分层装置,25英尺的瀑布非常震撼,从远处看,它呈现一个几何形状,每分钟13,000加仑的水在相互交错的混凝土平台上循环流动。就这样,位于公园西北方向的梯级瀑布与周边的High Sierras山脉变融为一体,宛如世外桃源,吸引了人们的眼球。
Designed in 1970, the Ira Keller Fountain Park was the signature landscape architecture work that catapulted Lawrence Halprin to the forefront of international attention. New York Times architecture critic, Ada Louise Huxtable, dubbed the design “one of the most important urban spaces since the Renaissance.”
The last and northernmost component of Halprin’s Open Space Sequence, the Ira Keller Fountain was designed in conjunction with architect Angela Danadjieva. Like many of Halprin’s other works, the dramatic tiered fountain design with its dramatic 25-foot waterfalls is a geometrical abstraction of sublime nature scenes. 13,000 gallons of water per minute cascade through staggering concrete terraces and platforms, at once suggesting the tall mountain ranges of the High Sierras and the powerful waterfall cascades of the Northwest.
美国Ira Keller喷泉公园外部实景图