发布时间:2022-05-09 12:00:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

项目坐落于成都市郫都区,是市中心通往青城山风景区的重要门户。所在场地在一个空置多年的厂房园区内,占地面积约 2500㎡,建筑面积约 960㎡。项目旨在体现可持续性理念的同时,以开放、共享的理念打造出动态、立体的多功能空间,让建筑内外的人群都能在无拘束的观感中,进行活动与交流。

The project is located in Pidu District, Chengdu, which is an important gateway from the city center to the Qingcheng Mountain scenic area. Sited in a factory park that has been empty for years, it covers an area of about 2,500 square meters with a floor area of about 960 square meters. While reflecting the concept of sustainability, the project aims to create a dynamic and three-dimensional multi-functional space with the concept of openness and sharing so as to allow people inside and outside the building to move and communicate with each other freely.

▼项目概览,Overall of the Project


Unified Design

ARCHIHOPE 充分利用建筑、景观和室内一体化的设计条件,创造了一个一语双关的场地—Mini commercial complex:首先是作为 MINI 汽车的 IP 展厅,同时,也是一栋为车主接待中心,并为公众提供画廊、创客、咖啡、IP 周边新零售等的迷你 mini 社交综合体。所有设计工作都必须遵循同一个核心理念,但我们并不想做一个像周遭传统工业区及生活区那样的常规板楼。

ARCHIHOPE makes full use of the unified design of architecture, landscape and interior to create a site with a double function — Mini commercial complex, which serves as both an IP showroom for MINI cars and a mini social complex for the public with galleries, makers, coffee, new retail for IP merch, etc. Although all the design work must follow a core concept, we didn’t want to design a conventional slab-type apartment building just like those in traditional industrial and living areas around us.

Volume Strategy:Disalignment

We separated the rectangular second floor to form an independent volume and rotated it counterclockwise. The upper building volume is staggered from the original structural frame, with the intention of facing the main entrance of the entire site, showing an open and friendly gesture. And it reshapes the richness and expressiveness of the building.

The two-floor building is divided into two cuboid volumes, one of which on the second floor is rotated counterclockwise.

The upper building volume is separated from the original structural frame, with the intention of turning it towards the main entrance of the whole site to present an open and friendly gesture and to reshape the richness and expressiveness of the building.

▼形体生成图,Form Generation Diagram

▼概念模型,Conceptual Model


Regardless of the outcome, the point of "how to do" is essentially to judge whether the phased conclusion is correct or not. In fact, the diversity formed in the communication and critical thinking about a design is something to do with a relationship about mutual coexistence. In this way, a design concept depends on a bold language, which is both misplaced and overlapped with the real things. As a result, a new building that connects the present and portrays the future comes to life, introducing a new philosophy and reality to the framework that has been empty for years, while as a response to the current interaction mode between cities and people.


Landscape and Interior Evolution

ARCHIHOPE 的一体化设计理念旨在利用建筑、景观、室内设计和结构共同塑造一个核心想法,传达纯粹的、鲜明的印象:不走寻常路,打破原有框架思路才能重新建立秩序,这也正吻合了 John Coope 传承下来的 MINI 这个品牌的历史魅力。

The unified design concept from ARCHIHOPE aims to use architecture, landscape, interior design and structure to create a core idea and convey a pure and distinct impression: be different and break the original framework so that the order can be reestablished, which is in line with the historical charm of MINI inherited from John Coope.


Unified Identity


The linearity due to the misaligned rectangle on the plane extending to intersect with the original structural frames makes it a forceful landscape design in unified form. It seems that the building is hidden on the base, which also blurs the boundary between indoor and outdoor space.


Shape, Form, Material



The facade made of expanded aluminum sheets obscures the building’s glass curtain wall on the premise of natural lighting, and forms the superimposed effect of double facade and a virtual and real change at the same time. Expanded aluminum sheets and steel structural components are made of environmentally friendly materials such as aluminum and other metals. The materials are reusable, safe and secure, and will not change color or rust, which will save a lot of cost at the same time.



60 度通透视野的大面积玻璃幕墙,充分利用自然采光可大幅度降低建筑能耗,降低电器灯具的使用,减少了能源的消耗,从而达到节能减排的环保理念。

While the overall design strives to be simple, it abandons the stacking of materials, takes sustainability as the design principle, using the original building structural beams and extending expanded aluminum sheets through indoor space of the first floor. It saves a lot of cost to retain the original mottled reinforced concrete columns. The bare reinforced concrete columns, which seem to tell a story of watching vicissitudes of history lonely, have a sense of historic dignified beauty, and its direct reuse is of safety, economy, ecology and aesthetic values.

The large-area glass curtain wall with a 360-degree panoramic view will greatly reduce building energy consumption and the use of electrical lamps by making full use of natural daylighting, which reflects the environmental protection concept of energy conservation and emission reduction.

▼立面细部,Facade Detail


1F Interior Space Overview


The design focuses on commonality and openness, so the linearity of intersecting extended surfaces in the architectural landscape are also used in the shape design of the bar counter and oblique section of the staircases. The unified crisscrossing lines break the fixed relationship among functional spaces and connect functional spaces with different attributes so as to create the interaction between indoor and outdoor space.

Inorganic terrazzo is used for flooring as the most natural material. Terrazzo, which is made from stone, recycled broken glass and cement, is handy, cheap, environmentally friendly and pollution-free, and can help the rapid completion of the project.


Preserve the Original Frames

▼楼梯与吧台的关系,The Relationship Between the Staircases and the Bar Counter


Through the metallic staircases to the second floor, a livelier and more active linearity is adopted through the design of the space on the second floor, which make it a more flexible, open and variable social space, but also a presence to explore the possibility of mutual activation among space, people and life.


2F Interior Space Overview

▼建筑夜景,night view of the museum

▼场地总平面,Site Master Plan

▼一层平面图,1F Plan

▼二层平面图,2F Plan


项目名称:成都宝创 MINI 展厅综合体


项目面积:2500 平方米

建筑事务所:ARCHIHOPE 朱海博建筑设计研究所(UK & SZ)





业主团队:森那美 Sime Darby 集团 & BMW 宝马集团


Introduction to Main Designer:



ARCHIHOPE 创始人/主持建筑师

深圳绿色建筑协会 会员

深圳市室内设计师协会 副会长

Founder and Chief Architect of ARCHIHOPE

Member of Shenzhen Green Building Association

Vice President of Shenzhen Association of Interior Designers

75 年生人。毕业于意大利米兰理工大学(Politecnico di Milano)设计管理硕士,德国魏玛包豪斯大学(Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)建筑硕士。

Born in 1975, graduated from Politecnico di Milano (Italy) with a Master in Design Management, he is now a in service master in Architecture in Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Germany).

ARCHIHOPE (UK) Ltd. 朱海博建筑设计研究所

「不被定义」就是 ARCHIHOPE 朱海博建筑研究所的自我定义。

“Undefined” is the self-definition of ARCHIHOPE LTD.


With the vision of "Building a Common Hope" as its development vision, it adheres to pursue multi-dimensional design solutions which will be constantly redefined with new experience. At the same time, it advocates the design idea of making full use of space, creating visual innovation and new user experience. The business scope is not limited to the domestic, nor to the architectural design, interior space and landscape design of commerce, office and hotel. It is thought highly of by customers in a number of projects, with numerous awards in the professional field at home and abroad.



A Sustainable Design to Live with Nature


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