发布时间:2020-12-09 02:46:14 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

该项目位于上海市虹桥新商务区腹地,距离虹桥国际机场和虹桥火车站 3 公里以内,具有国际开放枢纽的战略地位;区域聚集国内知名企业总部及商务园区,是上海市政府城市总体规划中提出打造全球卓越城市的目标的强劲引擎。

梦想加 Edge 空间研究院对该区域两座写字楼进行了整体室内改造和升级并提供专业办公服务和运营,使该项目成为大虹桥板块内体量最大、出租率最高、运营状况最好的联合办公空间。该项目为不同规模的公司和团队提供绝佳的办公空间,客户群涵盖了个人灵活办公者及初创小型团队、中型稳健性公司以及大型集团的外溢灵活办公团队。

The project is located in Shanghai Hongqiao New Business District, within 3 kilometers from Hongqiao International Airport and Hongqiao Railway Station. The strategic position of this area is planned as an international open hub. It gathers well-known domestic corporate headquarters and business parks. Meanwhile, this area plays the powerful roles in the Shanghai Municipal Government’s urban master plan which aims to build a global outstanding city.

MDP Edge Design Team carried out the overall interior renovation of the two office buildings in the area and provided professional office services and operations. As the result, the project becomes the largest co-working office building in the Hongqiao CBD area, with the highest occupancy rate and the best operating condition. The project provides excellent office space for companies and teams of different sizes. The client base includes flexible individuals, small start-up teams, medium-sized robust companies, and spillover flexible office teams of large groups.

▼办公楼首层大厅,Building lobby ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司


该项目位于上海虹桥中骏园区,由两个相对独立九层对称式连体建筑构成,首层大厅将两栋建筑相连。 建筑所呈现的物理空间是较为传统的现代标准化办公大楼空间——通透的玻璃幕墙、挑高的首层大厅、区隔化的办公空间和完备的配套设施。

Facing the existing problems of traditional office buildings, the new office standard is upgraded to a high level on this basis.

The project is located in Shanghai Zhongjun Park. The building of this project consists two parts which belong to two relatively independent and symmetrical connected buildings. In addition, two buildings share entrance lobby on ground floor.

The building is traditional modern standardized office building with glass curtain wall, high hall, cubed office space and complete facilities.

▼首层大厅咖啡吧,Coffee bar ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司


This type of space has been widely used as a standard for office buildings in recent decades and is a model for modern urban development. However, the arrangement of internal space often lack the connections with the work and organization forms. For example, if the entrance just has the function with reception, the lobby will become the corridor for employees that connect the elevator and workstation. Hence, the lobby will be insolated from whole building. This separation in office continues the mechanized characteristics of the industrial age. It is out of touch with the more flexible and autonomous office characteristics of modern times.

首层接待区,Reception area ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司


MDP use this as a point to discuss the concept of office upgrading. Based on existing conditions, MDP breaks the barriers and make an creativity office environment with humanistic care through interior renovation. From the design view, create a new standard of office space that matches the development of contemporary society.

▼首层休息区,Leisure area ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司


Shaping an open office plan on ground floor with multiple functions to enhance the overall linkage and flexibility of the community.

▼超级会议室/多功能厅,Super multi function room ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司


MDP Edge design team has upgraded the concept of the entire lobby to make it more revealing of the future office experience. The original form of the lobby is a space that only contains reception functions. Except for the front desk area, other areas are basically vacant, with low utilization efficiency, and lack of affinity for space experience. The team selected several representative office functions and placed them on the ground floor lobby. The design strategy is an unique design of MDP. The designer connects the interior and exterior vision of the building on horizontal level. It attracts the attention of the exterior of the building to the interior. At the same time, it enriches the interior vision of the building and forms a semi-open gray space that connects the building and the park. The relationship between indoor space and outdoor space is increased.

一层平面图,1F Plan © 梦想加 Edge 空间研究院

一层剖面图,1F Sections © 梦想加 Edge 空间研究院

面向园区的一侧,延着通透的落地玻璃,设置有 Hotdesk、超级会议室和多功能区,满足来访用户多样化办公的使用要求。其中,多功能厅强化灵活与可变,可以作为展览、路演等功能空间使用。首层的功能嵌入在激活办公大楼与外部社区的整体连通性的同时,也保证了内部部分租户的私密性。

On the side facing the park, the Hotdesk, super meeting rooms and multi-functional areas are set up along with transparent floor-to-ceiling glass to meet the diversified office requirements of visiting users. Among them, the multifunctional hall is strengthened, flexible and variable, and can be used as a functional space such as exhibitions and road shows. The functions of the ground floor are embedded to activate the overall connectivity between the office building and the external community. It also ensures the privacy of some internal tenants.

首层休息区++ 灵活办公区,1F Relaxing area+Hot desk ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司


Using materials and details to show the characteristics of the city to create floating “outdoor” urban blocks on the top floor

▼9 层空中街区,9F Sky Street ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司

该栋建筑包含 9 个楼层,其中顶层高度挑高六米,具备更加开阔的视野。设计团队在该层建立核心功能岛、配置咖啡区、休闲区及公共发布区等公共空间。沿着立面周边视野开阔、采光良好的区域设置了公共座椅,可供员工进行洽谈和灵活办公。

The building contains 9 floors, of which the top floor is six meters high with a wider view. The design team established core functional islands, configured coffee areas, leisure areas, public release areas, and other public spaces on this floor. Public seats are set up along the perimeter of the facade with a wide view and well-lit area for employees to negotiate and work flexibly.

▼运营服务区,Operation service center ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司

▼发布区,Presentation area ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司

公共讨论区及 Hotdesk,public discussion area & Hotdesk ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司

The whole building is equipped with more than 40 meeting rooms of different sizes to meet the growing demand for formal meetings of more than 100 companies and more than 1,700 users. In addition, the space also provides several negotiation rooms and telephone rooms to support more meeting methods.

▼大型会议室,Large meeting room ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司


The Hongqiao district is located in the northwestern part of Shanghai city. A few years ago, it was still a desolate area far away from the old city. How to relate the design to the city as a whole and create an emotional belonging in the new commercial community is a very important part for a warm and local office space. The design team extracted relevant elements from the urban streetscape of Shanghai, and expounded the impression of the city through modern material language and spatial language. It is aim to build a bridge between the past and the future of the city.

▼讨论区,Discussion area ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司


The elements of the arches in Shanghai Bund International Building Complex, metallic material in modern industrical period, the red brick of old houses, the terrazzo in the concession area, and the neon light of historical commercial center make a strong connection between the space and the modern history of the city. Moreover, the atmosphere of the whole project enhances the communication between people and space, even space and the city.

▼城市肌理元素,City context element ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司


Defining the circulation for Zone-Open office and independent office to establish walk flow circulation point.

Independent offices are placed in each office area that can meet the needs of enterprise users of different sizes. The open workstation areas is also set up in whole space to meet the needs of fixed tenants for new flexible workstations, which creates and extends a sustainable space . The office area and the public area are appropriately separated on the flow line to meet the user’s need for privacy.

独立专属办公室,Private Office Suite ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司


The public area is placed on the far side of the workstation area, with good lighting and a spacious and comfortable environment, providing employees with resting space, solitary space and brainstorming function area, which activates the creative moment of employees and reduces fatigue of employees.

▼休息区,Leisure area ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司

▼办公辅助区,Service bar ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司

▼头脑风暴区,Brain storming area ©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司

▼共享办公区 hotdesk,Shared working area©北京梦想加信息技术有限公司

OAAS((Office as a Service)系,打造智慧办公的服务体系 OAAS (Office as a Service) system to create a smart office service system

梦想加潜心打造的“OaaS(Office as a Service,办公即服务)”体系,该体系将办公室从单一性质的物理空间升级成为复合性质的服务,将独立开发的智能办公系统应用至办公空间中,并建立“服务到人”的社区精细化运营服务。OaaS 体系由智能科技驱动、以物理空间为依托、通过社区运营串联一站式服务。将办公空间服务全面提升至场景服务,达成办公体验全方位升级改造。

OAAS (Office as a Service) system to create a smart office service system

The “OaaS (Office as a Service)” system is created by MDP, which tries to promote the working experiment from a single physical function to a compositive service system, and apply the independently intelligent office system to the office. Additionally, MDP establishes a “service-to-person” community refined operation service. The OaaS system is driven by intelligent technology, comfortable physical space, and one-stop service through community operations. MDP upgrades office space services to scene services. As a result, the working experience of office has improved from all aspects.



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