发布时间:2020-11-16 10:16:19 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

同济原作设计工作室:九子公园得名于九种弄堂的游戏,包括扯铃子、跳筋子、滚轮子、打弹子、掼结子、跳房子、套圈子、抽坨子、顶核子等。它位于成都北路 1018 号,临近黄浦区苏州河南岸,周边为城市创意功能和密集居住功能,内部设施较为陈旧。在苏州河滨河公共空间提升中,九子公园作为黄浦区和静安区的交界点,又是城市密集区难得的完整公共空间,成为了苏州河线性景观中的一个重要的节点。

Original Design Studio, TJAD: Jiuzi Park is named after nine kinds of alley games, including pulling bells, jumping tendons, rolling wheels, billiards, knotting, hopscotch, circling, thumping, top core and so on. It is located at No. 1018 North Chengdu Road, near the south bank of Suzhou River in Huangpu District. It is surrounded by creative industrial parks and dense residential areas with its relatively outdated internal facilities. In the promotion of the public space of Suzhou River, Jiuzi Park, as the junction of Huangpu District and Jing’an District, is a rare spot for public space in dense urban areas, and has become an important node in the linear landscape of Suzhou River.

▼九子公园沿河鸟瞰 Aerial view of Jiuzi Park


It starts with the idea of open city park for Jiuzi Park has a close relationship with the surrounding areas as well as the riverfront space on the north side has a large hinterland and thus the possibility of extension. We open the defense wall of the park, integrate it with the riverside public space, and form an interwoven space with the green terrain so as to improve the accessibility of the park and make park life a daily activity for citizens.



The riverfront space on the north side of Jiuzi Park forms a water platform through the installation of a secondary flood control wall. When it opens the flood control gate, it allows the park further extended along the riverside, enriching the garden experience and making the park more closely linked with Suzhou River.

The paving of the park is the same as that of the riverfront public space, using colorful prefabricated glass terrazzo blocks. The different colors suggest different functions with orange representing the main circulation, green the green space, blue the hydrophilic space, and gray as the transition between colors, together forming an abstract collage like a “mosaic”, which also echoes the exquisiteness of the river bank. The orange color of the main circulation of the park crosses the city road and connects to the orange pavement of the riverfront, which also strengthens the openness of the park.

▼公园北侧滨河空间顶视 Top view of waterfront space in the north of the park

▼九子公园改造前后对比 Before & After regeneration

纸鸢屋驿站 Paper Kite House


Jiuzi Park is rich in color and narrative with the park inn, pavilion toilet, and floating platform forming a unified movement made of fair-faced concrete. The park inn, also known as Paper Kite House, uses tilted and folded fair-faced concrete to obtain structural rigidity, which combines the functions of the park station with the administrative office. The huge canopy is iconic in the urban space and strengthens the park’s image.

▼纸鸢屋鸟瞰 Aerial view of Paper Kite House

纸鸢屋-- 驿站位于苏州河畔的九子公园内,是九子公园的北大门。“纸鸢屋”的前身是九子公园的管理用房,由于建设时间较长,在整体风格上与开放的现代公园定位有差距,而且建筑形象较为封闭,不能很好的发挥服务的作用,因此是本次九子公园的改造重点。

纸鸢屋园区入口 Paper Kite House at Park Entrance

虽然只是一个不到 200 平方米的驿站,但是在设计的途中,我们经历了多次的改版。最开始我们保留了之前建筑的主体结构,尝试通过结构悬挑形成供人们活动的灰空间;还尝试过圆形般的地景建筑,最终我们选择了混凝土折板的建筑形式。折板下,形成建筑外的覆盖“灰空间”,是小朋友嬉戏的“趣”场所,同时新建的建筑与保留的场地形成一个小广场,增加人们停留的舒适度;折板上,我们联通公园内的路径,呼应公园丘陵般的地形与人的活动特点,形成均质漂浮的状态,丰富空间层次,同时柔化建筑边界,让原有建筑更加融入到公园的环境中。

Although it is only an inn with less than 200 square meters, we have undergone many revisions during the design process. In the beginning, we retained the main structure of the previous building, and tried to form a gray space for people to move through a cantilevered structure. We also tried a circular building to form a landscape. But finally we choose a concrete folded board. Under the folded board, a covered “grey space” outside the building is formed, which is a “fun” place for children to play. At the same time, the newly built building and the reserved site form a small square for people to stay. Above the folded board, we connect the inn to the park with internal path, which echoes the hilly terrain of the park. It also characterizes people’s activities, forming a homogeneous floating state, enriching the spatial hierarchy, while softening the architectural boundaries, allowing the original buildings to be more integrated into the park environment.


▼纸鸢屋细部 Details of Paper Kite House

纸鸢屋对我们最大的挑战是结构,折板最长出挑有 7 米左右,控制要悬挑距离和板厚对建筑的造型有很大的影响。采用折板方式,增加混凝土的刚度,同时可以减小混凝土的厚度。一侧以钢柱形式支撑,另一侧折板以斜板楼梯支撑。更加具有难度的是在楼梯的地方,折板还要开洞让人们可以上到屋面,我们在洞口四周进行加强,同时成为折板的抗弯构件。结构的受力反映在建筑的形态之中,混凝土的纸鸢屋就这样以动感平衡的方式在九子公园的入口形成了标志性和识别度。

The biggest challenge of the Paper Kite House is the structure. The longest overhang of the folded board is about 7 meters. Controlling the overhanging distance and board thickness has a great influence on the shape of the building. The folded plate increases the rigidity of the concrete while reducing the thickness of the concrete. It is supported by a steel column at one side, and a sloping slab at the other. The more difficult part is where the stairway needs to be opened so that people can go up to the roof. At the same time, it becomes the anti-bending component of the folded plate. The force of the structure is reflected in the shape of the building. In this way, the concrete Paper Kite House forms a landmark and recognition at the entrance of Jiuzi Park in a dynamic and balanced way.

纸鸢屋细部 Details of Paper Kite House

▼纸鸢屋轴侧图 Axonometric of Paper Kite House

▼纸鸢屋立面 Elevation of Paper Kite House

▼纸鸢屋生成图及一层平面 Generated image & ground floor plan of Paper Kite House

亭厕 Pavilion Toilet


In the transformation of the public toilet, we use orthogonal folding paths on the basis of preserving the original area to achieve the space effect of a pavilion integrating semi-public space, courtyard and corridor. The equipment house, administrative office and toilets become “small boxes” wrapped in anodized aluminum, interspersing between the folded plates.公园亭厕顶视 Top view of Pavilion Toilet

▼九子公园亭厕 The pavilion toilet of Jiuzi Park

▼正交的折叠方式形成亭厕空间 The pavilion-like space effect by using orthogonal folding paths


Along the urban side, a rest space covered with capopy is formed. Visitors can sit and rest temporarily when passing by. They can enjoy the atmosphere of the park without entering the park. It is another expression of the park space open to the urban space. The floating platform and the bamboo forest at the rear conceal the pump room infrastructure. It is imagined as a “super fair-faced concrete furniture” that integrates low walls, seats, and tables. People can climb, cross, sit, and sleep. For gatherings, the multi-sense space inspires people’s imagination of how to use them.沿城市道路的雨棚休息空间 A rest space covered with capopy along the urban side

▼亭厕平面 Plan of the Pavilion Toilet

▼亭厕立面 Elevation of the Pavilion Toilet

▼亭厕生成图及总图 Generated image & site plan of the Pavilion Toilet

纸鸢屋部分 Credit of Paper Kite House




项目地点:上海市黄浦区成都北路 1018 号







Year of completion: 2020

Project area: 235.8㎡

Project location: No.1018 Chengdu North Rd., Huangpu District, Shanghai, China

Design company: Original Design Studio, TJAD

Lead designer: Zhang Ming, Zhang Zi

Design team: Wang Xunan, Ding Chun, Ding Kuo, Wang Xiang, Yue Yang, Xia Kongshen, Wang Xufeng, Li Boheng (Intern)Client / Developer: Shanghai Huangpu District Landscaping&City Appearance Administrative Bureau

Structural designer: Zhang Zhun, Wang Rui

Equipment design team: TJAD

Photographer: ZY Architectural Photography


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