发布时间:2016-06-28 04:12:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

© Martin Argyroglo


架构师提供的文本描述。英国建筑师安德鲁·托德工作室建成了法国第一座永久伊丽莎白时代剧院。建设于 2014 年 9 月开始,2016 年 5 月结束。

Text description provided by the architects. British architects Studio Andrew Todd have completed France’s first permanent Elizabethan theatre. Building started in September 2014 and concluded in May 2016.

© Martin Argyroglo


这座 388 座的礼堂建在加莱附近壮观的夏德洛庄园的场地上,这里曾经是查尔斯·狄更斯的出没之地,现在是卡图雷尔友好中心的所在地,该中心每年举办一次大型的夏季艺术节,庆祝与英国的文化联系。

The 388-seat auditorium is built in the grounds of the spectacular Chateau d’Hardelot near Calais, once the haunt of Charles Dickens and now home to the Centre Culturel de l’Entente Cordial, which hosts a major annual summer festival celebrating cultural ties with Britain.

它完全是用木头和竹子建造的,自然通风 - 这是法国第一座复杂的文化建筑 - 它的能源消耗也非常低,每年使用的电力比一般法国人少。

Built (above ground) almost entirely of wood and bamboo, and naturally ventilated — a first in France for a complex cultural building— it is also revolutionary in its exceptionally low energy consumption, using less power than one average French person per year.

© Martin Argyroglo


这座建筑不仅将成为法国第一座永久性伊丽莎白风格的剧院,而且也将是法国唯一座拥有完整舞台的剧院-- 这种形式在英国和北美非常普遍。它还将变成一个小歌剧院,有一个管弦乐队的坑和舞台。

This building will not only be France’s first permanent Elizabethan-style theatre, but the only one in the country with a full thrust stage - a form which is widespread in Britain and North America. It will also convert into a small opera house with an orchestra pit and proscenium. © Martin Argyroglo


安德鲁·托德工作室不仅要创造一个温暖而神奇的空间,还必须与城堡和美丽的海岸公园一起工作。他们的解决方案是一个纯圆柱形的木头,四周环绕着一个 12 米长竹竿的闪闪发光的笼子。

Studio Andrew Todd had not only to come up with a warm and magical space, but one that had to work with the chateau and the beautiful coastal parkland in which it is set. Their solution was a pure cylinder of wood surrounded by a shimmering cage of 12-metre bamboo poles. © Martin Argyroglo


我们这个时代的地球。。安德鲁·托德 (AndrewTodd) 说:“它的设计是为了与自然环境一起振动,而不是一个独立的、寻求注意力的、外星物体。”“我们已经把它带到了室内:圆形木制礼堂自然照明通风,建筑物的皇冠就像一座巨大的烟囱,为观众创造了柔和的空气流。”

A Globe for our times... “It’s designed to vibrate with its natural surroundings rather than be a stand-alone, attention-seeking, alien object,” said Andrew Todd. “And we have carried this through to the interior: the circular wooden auditorium is naturally lit and ventilated, the building’s crown acting as a giant chimney to create a gentle current of air for the audience.” © Martin Argyroglo


"考虑到我们当前的全球环境危机,不妨考虑一下 Shakeaspeare 的”环球“的最初隐喻-- 把它看作一个社会和一个缩影的宇宙:有什么比建造一座健康的、可持续的材料、只需要最少的能源才能发挥作用更好呢?"

"It is appropriate to consider the original metaphor of Shakespeare’s Globe - thought of as a society and a universe in miniature - in the light of our current global environmental crisis: what better than to make a building of healthy, sustainable materials, and needing minimal energy to function?"

“熟悉的、永恒的材料的存在-- 比如云杉结构面板和落叶松覆层-- 给建筑带来了一个普遍的特征,今天或数百年的过去或未来都与之相关。”12 米高的竹竿环绕着这座建筑-- 特别是从巴厘岛进口的-- 在法国第一次在一座大型建筑中引入了这种神奇的材料。它们也提醒我们,生态是一个全球性的问题,也许还提醒我们,莎士比亚的普遍性不应该在我们的地方身份中安慰我们:他探索了遥远的地理位置,为人类的心灵开辟了新的深度。我希望这幢大楼既熟悉又富有挑战性。“

"The presence of familiar, timeless materials - like the spruce structural panels and larch cladding - gives the building a universal character, relevant today or hundreds of years in the past or the future. The 12 metre-high bamboo stalks surrounding the building - imported specially from Bali - introduce for the first time in France this magical material in a major building. They also serve to remind us that ecology is a global question, and perhaps remind us that Shakespeare’s universality should not comfort us in our local identities: he explored far afield geographically and opened up new depths to the human psyche. I hope this building is both familiar and challenging."

从客观的角度来看,建造这座木结构可以吸收 100 吨碳;这很容易抵消把竹子带到世界各地所需的 200 公斤。

"From an objective standpoint, making this building of wood has served to capture 100 tonnes of carbon; this easily offsets the 200 kilogrammes needed to bring the bamboo across the world."

© Martin Argyroglo


2011 年被法国政府命名为“艺术与文学”(Chevalier Des Arts Et Lettres) 的巴黎的托德 (Todd) 说:“我有点像一人协约,这个项目就像一个返校节,凝聚了我感兴趣的许多领域:法国和英国之间富有成效的紧张关系、激进的生态以及戏剧创作的丰富可能性。”我希望这个计划能证明我们可以充分、快乐和轻松地生活:戏剧是生活的集中,是生活更紧密、经济更经济、相互尊重和相互尊重的一个值得类比的地方。“

Paris-based Todd — who was named Chevalier des Arts et Lettres by the French government in 2011 — said: “I’m a sort of one-man Entente Cordial, and this project feels like a homecoming, condensing so many areas of passionate interest to me: the productive tensions between France and Britain, radical ecology and the abundant possibility for theatrical creation. I hope this project will demonstrate that we can live fully, joyously and also lightly: theatre is a concentration of life and a worthy analogy for living more closely together, more economically, in mutual awareness and respect.”© Martin Argyroglo


托德对圆形空间有着特殊的兴趣和专长,曾与传奇导演彼得·布鲁克合作过“开放圈:彼得·布鲁克的剧院环境”(Faber,2003) 一书。“圈在很大程度上被驱逐出法国戏剧,因为他们与资产阶级,等级空间,穷人更远,看不到舞台,”他说。

Todd has a particular interest and expertise in circular spaces, having worked with the legendary director Peter Brook on the book The Open Circle: Peter Brook’s Theatre Environments (Faber, 2003). “Circles have been largely banished from French theatre because of their association with bourgeois, hierarchical spaces where the poor were further away and couldn’t see the stage,” he said. © Martin Argyroglo


"我希望这个项目将展示更多欢乐空间的巨大的社会和戏剧性的潜力-- 就像彼得·布鲁克在巴黎的布菲斯·杜北剧院 (Bouffes Du Nord) 一样。"作为法国第一个永久的伊丽莎白时代剧院,它肯定会在海峡上空激发创造性的交叉授粉。"托德说。

"I hope this project will show — like Peter Brook’s Bouffes du Nord theatre in Paris
— the great social and dramatic potential of more convivial spaces. As France’s first permanent Elizabethan theatre it will certainly stimulate creative cross-pollination over the Channel," said Todd.

© Martin Argyroglo


夏德洛酒庄-- 位于勒图奎和布洛涅之间的奥帕莱 (Cte d‘Opale)-可以追溯到 13 世纪,19 世纪中叶,查尔斯·狄更斯的朋友约翰·黑尔爵士 (SirJohnHare) 经常光顾这座房子,把它变成了都铎风格的庄园。

Chateau d’Hardelot — on the Côte d’Opale between Le Touquet and Boulogne — dates from the 13th century and was transformed into a Tudor style manor in the mid- 19th century by Sir John Hare, a friend of Charles Dickens, who was a frequent visitor to the house.

© Martin Argyroglo


2007 年,城堡及其 880 公顷的公园成为文化友好中心的所在地,致力于通过展览、会议、戏剧和音乐加强法国和英国之间的文化联系。该中心的仲夏节几年来一直在伊丽莎白风格的剧院举行。随着不断增长的成功,以及提供全年规划的雄心,加莱学院在三月份发起了一场有限的建筑竞赛,设计一座拥有 400 个座位的永久性建筑。安德鲁·托德工作室赢得了与阿兰-- 查尔斯·佩罗和 K-建筑公司的比赛。

In 2007 the chateau and its 880 hectare park became the home of the Centre Culturel de l’Entente Cordial, dedicated to strengthening cultural ties between France and Britain through exhibitions, conferences, theatre and music. The centre’s Midsummer Festival has taken place in a demountable Elizabethan-style theatre for several years. With growing success, and the ambition to provide year-round programming, the Département du Pas de Calais launched a restricted architectural competition in March to design a permanent, 400-seat building. Studio Andrew Todd won the competition against Alain-Charles Perrot and K-Architectures.

© Martin Argyroglo


英法两国的设计团队包括总部位于巴黎的 LM ingénieur(Structure And M E)、英国戏剧顾问 CharcorBlue(皇家莎士比亚公司最近建造的新家),他们在照明、舞台工程和声学以及位于里昂附近的成本顾问机构米歇尔·福格 (Michel Forgue) 等方面提供咨询。

The Anglo-French design team includes Paris-based LM Ingénieur (structure and M+E), British theatre consultants Charcoalblue (behind the recent construction of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s new home), who are advising on lighting, stage engineering and acoustics, and Cost Consultants Bureau Michel Forgue, based near Lyon. © Martin Argyroglo


在 Hardelot 剧院的落成典礼上,安德鲁·托德也出版了他的“常识”一书。

In concert with the inauguration of the Hardelot theater, Andrew Todd also launched his book Common Sense.

Architects Studio Andrew Todd

Location Pas-de-Calais, France

Category Theater

Client Conseil Départemental du Pas de Calais

Partner in charge Andrew Todd Niclas Dünnebacke

Project Year 2016

Photographs Martin Argyroglo


法国首座永久伊丽莎白时代剧院—— Hardelot Theatre
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