发布时间:2021-07-11 05:19:13 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Andrew van Egmond:这个迷人的住宅花园已与荷兰斯霍尔诗意的景观完全相融。其设计的重点就在于如何将它与周围景观联系起来,以及如何打造更加野生和注重生态系统的植物群,使其具有很强的复原力和适应性,甚至强化其周边的自然系统。

Andrew van Egmond:This garden embraces a fascinating residence in the poetic landscape of Schoorl in The Netherlands. Linking it with the landscape is an important aspect in this work. Together with the more wild and ecosystem focussed approach of the flora, this garden is resilient and adaptive, strengthening the bigger natural system.


The plot is located in the bocage landscape behind the broad dunes. In the evening, the light of the sun projects on the high dune over the dark forest facade giving a magical experience as it illuminates every landscape room. From the house, long lines and scenes steers ones orientation to the surrounding landscape. The garden does not stop at the boundaries, but continues into the pastures next to it.


What makes this garden even more special is that it lies on a subtle landscape transitioning from the higher sandy soils to the lower peat meadows, which are part of the hinterland. On the lower wetter part of the garden you find the Alder forest with its characteristic play of tall slim trunks. This story of the landscape transition is now more visible and experienced more strongly through the design. It’s the composition of the long lines that frame the views onto the landscape. In the same time these long lines connects the bigger scale of the landschap to the smaller, human scale of the dwelling.


The story of the landscape can be found in several layers of the desing. The emotion of the planting revers to the original landscape. A strong base of native plants in combination with cultivated, non-invasive plant give this garden a sense of place.

花园中所使用的材料参考了附近的海滩,而且同样非常重要的是,混凝土元素的图形与附近海岸线上的移动沙丘相似。该图案由Studio BLAD设计,他们在设计过程中也扮演了一个非常好的“陪练”角色。

The materials used refer to the nearby beach and last but not least the graphic in the concrete elements revers to moving dunes along the nearby coast line. This patterns is designed by Studio BLAD who also functioned as a sparring partner in the desing proces.


The composition of the long lines and minimalistic details is in contrast with the lush nature. It organises the space without the need to organise the flora. Because of that the flora can flourish in its natural form. The form that connects to the existing surrounding ecosystem. In stead of a domesticated garden often seen recent history, this garden is a garden that connects to a future we should embrace if we look at the emerging problem surrounding climate change and biodiversity decay. We should not work against nature but collaborate with nature. Be humble and be more like a guest in the landscape…

▼概念设计 Concept

▼项目总平面 Master Plan

项目名称:Anticipating the landscape


设计师:Andrew van Egmond




喷砂混凝土:Studio BLAD

摄影:Andrew van Egmond

景观施工:Kroeze Hoveniers Beesd

树木:Van der berk


住宅业主:Paul de Ruiter

Project: Anticipating the landscape

Type: Private garden

Designer: Andrew van Egmond

Location:The Netherlands

Design: 2016

Built: 2018

Design sand blasted pattern concrete element: Studio BLAD

Photography: Andrew van Egmond

Green constructor: Kroeze Hoveniers Beesd

Trees by: Van der berk

Lighting by: Burlight

Architect main dwelling: Paul de Ruiter


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