发布时间:2019-07-27 13:36:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

魏玛景观:“任何事物都可以成为绘画的对象:一首诗,生活中的细节,头脑中的灵光一闪,对事物的感知——都可以成为绘画的题材,这让我感到无拘无束。” ——David Hockney

"Weimar Group: “Anything can be the subject of a painting: a poem, a detail in a life, a flash in the mind, a perception of things — it can be the subject of a painting, and it makes me feel liberated.” ——David Hockney"


In today’s era, “there are fewer and fewer interesting horns and evildoers, which is the starting point of the boring world.” This time, we want to do something different. When talking about art, it is more important to be interesting, have spirit and love.

旺盛&无惧-- 霍克尼式艺术人生|Exuberant & Fearless-Hockney’s Artistic Life

他是“英国艺术教父”,是英国女王颁发的“功绩勋章”获得者,是“在世最贵画家”,是 1960s 时波普艺术的重要推动者,他对泳池有着无解的迷恋。

He is the “Godfather of English Art”, The recipient of the Order of Merit from the Queen of England, The “Most Expensive Artist Living”, It was an important promoter of 1960s pop art, He has an inexplicable obsession with the pool.

他是精神矍铄的老顽童,他是永不枯竭的艺术家,他是大卫·霍克尼(David Hockney),今年已经 84 岁高龄的他,依旧使用 IPAD 作画,他说:“我希望生活一直是令人兴奋的,如果你时常感觉到无聊,也许是时候,给自己的生活一朵更大的水花了。”

Pink-cheeked old-playboy. It he is, he is the artist never dried up, he is David Hockney (David Hockney), and this year he is 84 years old, still use the painting, he said: “I hope that life is always exciting, if you often feel boring, it may be time, give your life a bigger splash.”

如今基于对艺术触角的延伸,基于对重庆这座 8D 魔幻城市的热爱,基于对花样年“趣”产品线代表作的鸣起。我们将加州的阳光、大卫·霍克尼式的明亮色彩、自由奔放的原始野性,以及那幅备受世人瞩目的“泳池肖像”一一复译于立体与流光并存的“巴渝”。

Now based on the extension of the art tentacles, based on the love of Chongqing, the 8D magic city, based on the pattern year “fun” product line representative of the rise. We translate the sunshine of California, the bright colors of David Hockney, the wild and unrestrained primitive nature, and the famous “portrait of swimming pool” into “Bayu”, which coexist with stereoscopic and streaming light.

DavidHockney 说:“我什么也不想做,我只想当艺术家”。这次,我们想以此致敬这位英伦国宝艺术大师,将其鲜活的色调,对生活的热爱,和对未来的无惧,以及花样年的“趣”精神刻入这座赛博朋克之都的骨子里。重庆不一样,花样颠覆!

"I don’t want to do anything. I just want to be an artist," says David Hockney. This time, we want to pay tribute to this British national art master, his vivid color, love of life, fearlessness for the future, and the "fun" spirit of the Year of the Cyberpunk in the heart of the Cyberpunk capital. Chongqing is different, subversion!

▼ 大卫·霍克尼动图 David Hockney GIFs

花样&热爱-- 不一样的好时光|Fancy & Passion-Different Good Times


Commercial front and secondary entrance of the exhibition area, To David Hockney’s artistic career, The boldest and most iconic work of all. — The theme of “Caribbean Tea Break”


Screen color is rich and strewn with the geometric pattern of imagination, the style of the late cubism metaphor and visual system research, we hope that the viewer standing commercial plaza at interval, can feel the anticipation of commercial atmosphere, in geometric series advanced sense of order, to identify the evolution of civilization, the power of the fashion, colour of eternity.

行之所观,仿若轻嗅着加勒比海岛的风情,在午后的商业街邂逅毕加索式抽象画般的光影之感,商业与艺术在此处并存,理想与浪漫交织相融,游走其间就是一场盛大的《Exploring the self》。

Exploring the Caribbean Island in an afternoon shopping street with a sense of light and shadow like a Picasso-style abstract painting, where business and art coexist, and idealism and romance intermingle, Exploring the self is a great Exploring the self.


"If you want to count, Most representative of David Hockney art, Created an image that must be a swimming pool."

在社区入口广场我们最大程度还原这部 6.26 亿成交,刷新在世艺术家成交记录的巨作——《艺术家肖像(泳池与双人像)》。

In the community entrance square, we will restore to the greatest extent this masterpiece, “Artist Portrait (Swimming Pool and Double Portrait)”, which has a transaction of 626 million, refreshing the transaction record of a living artist.

▼ 以巨作《艺术家肖像(泳池与双人像)》打造的泳池 A swimming pool created with the masterpiece“Portrait of the Artist (Pool and Double Portrait)”池水波澜生动,不规则的块面大小错落,或深或浅,用平面化的蓝色块面和自由白线理想组合,溯源自然主义风格。移步于此,低头俯视泳池人像,仿若置身一处加州世界,感官被画面中的平静碰撞切割,情感的悸动凝固为水花,碧波荡漾的动感澎湃着对生活、世界的炙爱。

The waves of the pool are vivid, and the size of the irregular block surface is scattered at random, deep or shallow. The ideal combination of the flat blue block surface and the free white line traces back to the naturalistic style. Walking here and looking down at the pool portrait, you feel like you are in a California world. The senses are cut by the calm collision in the picture, the emotional throbbing solidifies into water spray, and the rippling green waves are surging with the burning love for life and the world.


It’s a place to clock in and take photos. It’s a place of art with depth of field and light and shadow. It’s also a place of paradise in the middle of the year, where you feel at home and soak up your California enthusiasm.


At the corner, meet poetry, Through the community pool square, independent modular resin brick with silk, Art painting by David Hockney – “Andalusia” wall, Separate the California sun from the nature of the house.

▼ 以画作—《安达卢西亚》景墙划分场地空间 The landscape wall of the painting Andalusia divides the space of the site


Multi-point perspective Mosaic collage, slightly deformed in realism, fine and full of photographic realism, strong color collision to open the sense of ceremony.


In the community between houses, we re-carved, Hockney’s vibrant work, “Spring at Waldgate, Yorkshire”, Hockney has always admired nature for its aesthetic and healing qualities.


Here we trace back to the four seasons of light and shadow in his paintings, planting trees in the sky, trees on the earth and trees in the dream in the real world. See-through trees and flat-painted trees, like a rich fabric, spread out the roadside flowers, bringing the viewers’ sight into the secret of spring.


Like Van Gogh, he sang a paean to nature in his own way, Hockney said.

"一旦冲破单眼观察的限制,各种惊人的事情都可能出现。"社区入口台阶我们以霍克尼 1982 年,所作的《立体主义酒吧》为灵感范本。

"Once you break out of the confines of monocular observation, All kinds of amazing things can happen."Community entrance steps we take to Hockney 1982,"Cubism Bar" is the inspiration model.

▼ 局部鸟瞰 Partial bird’s eye view


Extract the clear blue color in the painting as the image, and draw the folding planting pool at the entrance, which is rich in the essence of “vivid charm and wonderful idea”.



Standing here, I can’t help but cry out in my heart: Where can I find the sound of art?

The answer is to see the world in a grain of sand, the kingdom of heaven in a flower, in the living “two kilos of blue”, on the stair wall of the colored curtain of dreams. With the change of light and shadow, geometry and color tame each other in the sun, as the viewer paces up, moving to the scenery, burst out a touch of poetry.


With the help of bright colors, the viewer’s vision expands with the banishment of colors. It seems that every cell in the body moves restlessly and bursts with the sublimation of artistic colors. The throb under “retinal trembling” is the resonance of color and soul.

"打开感官体验生活 , 为美和爱停留",是这位当代艺术教父带给我们的生活启示,循着艺术的热情与探索,我们将挖掘艺术的本质点染大区美学空间。

"Open the senses to experience life, stay for beauty and love", It is the inspiration that the godfather of contemporary art brings to our life, Follow the passion and exploration of art, We will explore the essence of art and color the regional aesthetic space.

猫的 24h 夜总会|Cat’s 24h Nightclub



"Everyone who comes here loves it. People are usually afraid to use the color." Hockney says of his Los Angeles "art empire".

In order to pay the highest respect to the living British painter, we have recreated the color style in the Hockney’s design "Garden with Blue Terrace" in the waterfront living room. The color is gorgeous and quiet, and the atmosphere is rich in avant-garde and wild, which is a kind of art between heaven and earth.


Here is the carnival of plants, colors and light. Here is the warm contemplation, the pure sentiment of reading and the philosophy of negotiation.

“野孩子”的艺术运动场|“Wild Child”Art Sports Ground


Let the active factors of art and sports awaken the soul of loving life, we take the painting elements from Hockney’s “Clark and Percy” in the all-age playground area, and create two interesting Spaces that bring together artistic inspiration: “Interesting Forest” and “Interesting Time”.

提取 Percy 猫 IP 形象,设置霍克尼名画互动装置,再现《太平洋海岸公路和圣塔莫妮卡》的艺术拼贴墙,丰富童趣色彩的梦幻空间。

Extracted the IP image of Percy Cat, set the interactive installation of famous Hockney paintings, reproduced the art collage wall of “Pacific Coast Highway and Santa Monica”, and enriched the dreamlike space with childlike color.


Ron Feld, a famous contemporary educator in the United States, once said, “In art education, art is only a means to achieve a goal, rather than a goal.” We hope that, like a dream, we can awaken the artistic purpose of childlike interest from the drops. Art and innocence meet unexpectedly here.


艺术往往就是这样简单——永远带着好奇和惊喜观看这个世界,将寻常事物用不寻常的方式展现,太多人对这个世界感到麻木,而艺术的作用之一,便是再次唤醒人们对这个世界的热爱。我们溯源霍克尼式的艺术精神,将他的画境照进现实,用充满生命力的饱满情绪,将有限的空间点亮,重庆不一样,唤起一场玩味 er 人生的心旌之旅。


Art is often as simple as – Always look at the world with wonder and surprise, Show ordinary things in unusual ways, Too many people feel numb to the world, And one of the things that art does, Is to reawaken people’s love for this world. We trace our roots to the Hockney spirit of art, To bring his paintings into reality, With full of vitality full of emotion, Light up the limited space, Chongqing is different, Arouse a thoughtfulness trip to meditate on ER’s life.

“The source of art is love, And the source of love begins in life, I love life.”


完成年份:2021 年









Project name: Pattern Year Hockney’s Good Times

Year completed: 2021Project area: 4000㎡

Project location: Xiyong, Shapingba District, Chongqing

Design company: Shanghai Weimar Landscape Planning & Design Co., LTD. Shenzhen Branch

Design team: Shenzhen team

Client: Huaynian Real Estate Group

Construction unit: Sichuan Jintianxia Garden Engineering Co. LTD

Photographer: Prism

Editor: Wang Qi


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