发布时间:2019-02-19 18:53:45 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

学习资源中心是一个创新性的先进图书馆,内部围绕着引人注目的楼梯布置了一系列充满活力的学习空间。它位于纽约Brentwood的Suffolk郡社区学院Michael J. Grant校区中心,处于Caumsett学生中心和健康/运动/教育中心之间两条主干道的交汇处,在这所走读式大学主要停车场之间。分布在3×3网格中的9个简洁的立方体块将图书馆功能容纳在两层空间中。部分立方体块被移除或放大,伸缩的空间关系让学习资源中心成为一个棱镜,自然光线在白天可以充分照亮这个空间。一座从建筑中升起中央灯塔成为校园天际线的标志物,在校园的各个角落都能够看到这个灯塔。

▼学习资源中心东侧与西侧外观,exterior view of the Learning Resource Center on the east and west  ©Jeffrey Totaro

The Learning Resource Center, an innovative state-of-the-art library that provides a vibrant collection of study spaces organized around a dramatic social stair on the Michael J. Grant Campus of Suffolk County Community College in Brentwood, New York, takes its place at the center of the campus, at the confluence of major pedestrian pathways between the Caumsett Student Center and the Health/Sports/Education Center, and between the major parking lots for this commuter college. A simple mass of nine cubes arranged in a three-by-three grid accommodates the library program on two floors. Portions of the cubes are either removed or expanded to create an interplay between negative and positive space that allows the Learning Resource Center to act as a prism that casts sunlight deep into the Learning Resource Center throughout the day. A central lantern rises above the building to create an iconic expression on the campus skyline, a beacon visible from all corners of the campus.

▼3×3网格中9个立方体组成简洁的体块,a simple mass of nine cubes arranged in a three-by-three grid  ©Jeffrey Totaro

▼建筑位于校园中心主干道交汇处,the building is at the confluence of major pedestrian pathways in the heart of the campus  ©Jeffrey Totaro

▼中部灯塔从建筑中升起,作为校园天际线的标志物,a central lantern rises above the building to create an iconic expression on the campus skyline  ©Jeffrey Totaro

▼从校园的各个角度都能看到建筑中的灯塔,a beacon visible from all corners of the campus  ©Jeffrey Totaro


The building enclosure consists of an aluminum and glass curtainwall and white terra cotta, a departure from the red clay brick typically found on campus, to express the primacy of this learning center. A ventilated rain screen façade, green roof, and photo optic lighting controls are a few design features that incorporate a sustainable approach.

▼建筑外表面由铝、玻璃幕墙和白色黏土构成,building enclosure consists of an aluminum and glass curtainwall and white terra cotta  ©Jeffrey Totaro

▼入口空间,entrance space  ©Jeffrey Totaro


The Learning Resource Center presents opportunities for team-based learning, experiential learning, and problem-based learning by providing a variety of learning environments: group study rooms, seminar rooms, flat-floor computer classrooms, open tutoring classrooms, and a 100-seat lecture hall. At the heart of the building, beneath the lantern, lies the Information Commons, which accommodates computer workstations, technology and reference help desks, and casual reading areas. The Center for Academic Excellence is on axis with the Information Commons and flanked by the College’s Writing Center. The College’s Boardroom, Faculty Athenaeum, offices, and Reading Room occupy the second floor, as do the library stacks, which are lined with carrels for individual study.

▼室内围绕楼梯布置一系列充满活力的学习空间,interior provides a vibrant collection of study spaces organized around a dramatic social stair  ©Jeffrey Totaro

▼信息共享区位于建筑中央灯塔的下方,布置有计算机工作站、技术参考服务台和自由阅读区,at the heart of the building, beneath the lantern, lies the Information Commons, which accommodates computer workstations, technology and reference help desks, and casual reading areas  ©Jeffrey Totaro

ikon.5事务所设计负责人Joseph G. Tattoni说:“作为学习的灯塔,学习资源中心在象征性和具体性上成为学生创造力碰撞的场所,巨大的灯塔是这所走读式学校内合作和社交学习的目的地。”Michael J. Grant 校区执行院长、CEO,James Keane博士说:“学习资源中心是我们校园的起居室,学生们可以自己或与他人在这里学习、聚会和放松、建立社团或只是简单地自我思考。随着时间的推移,大学图书馆已经从作为图书资料仓库的传统角色转变为支持学生学习、探索发现和丰富知识的重要角色。新建筑满足了这一角色需求。作为校园院长,我的终极责任是为学生提供最好的学术环境,培养和促进积极的学习状态。新建筑通过新的空间,帮助我们实现这一目标。”纽约州立大学校长Kristina Johnson说:“学院及学生为我们共享社区带来了活力,新建学习资源中心将成为这一价值的有力象征。”

“As a lantern for learning, the Learning Resource Center is symbolically and physically a place on campus for productive collisions between students. The great lantern serves as a campus destination for collaboration and social learning within this commuter school,” said Joseph G. Tattoni, design principal of ikon.5 architects. “The Learning Resource Center serves as the living room of our campus, where students study alone or together, congregate and relax, build community, or simply reflect. The college library has changed over time, from its traditional role as a repository for collections of books and materials to a key role in supporting student learning, exploration and discovery, and enrichment. This new structure just does that. As dean of the campus, my ultimate responsibility is to provide our students with the best academic environment, one that fosters and promotes active learning. This new building, though all of its new spaces, allows us to meet that goal,” said Dr. James Keane, Executive Dean and CEO of the Michael J. Grant campus. “The new Learning Resource Center will serve as a powerful symbol of the value that the college and its students bring to the vitality of our shared community,” said SUNY Chancellor Kristina Johnson.

▼二层入口空间,entry space on the second floor  ©Jeffrey Totaro

▼二层独立和小组学习空间,group and individual study space on the second floor  ©Jeffrey Totaro

▼书库内学习区域,the library stacks are lined with carrels for study  ©Jeffrey Totaro

学习资源中心获得了大量来自专业机构和评奖组织的荣誉和赞誉,其中包括芝加哥Athenaeum、Architizer A+大奖,美国注册建筑师协会和美国建筑师协会的不同分会。ikon.5 architects负责学习资源中心的设计,Wiedersum Associates Architects负责建筑记录。

The Learning Resource Center has received honors and accolades from a number of professional organizations and awards programs, including the Chicago Athenaeum, the Architizer A+ Awards, the Society of American Registered Architects, and various chapters of the American Institute of Architects. ikon.5 architects served as Design Architect for the Learning Resource Center. Wiedersum Associates Architects served as Architect-of-Record.

▼构思概念,idea concept  ©ikon.5 architects

▼可持续性图解,sustainability diagram  ©ikon.5 architects

▼场地平面图,site plan  ©ikon.5 architects

▼一层平面图,1st floor plan  ©ikon.5 architects

Project Data Client: Suffolk County Community College Architect: ikon.5 architects in association with Wiedersum Associates Structural Engineer: Severud Associates, New York, NY MEP/FP Engineer: Lizardos, Mineola, NY Landscape Architect: RDA Landscape Architects, St. James, NY Contractor: Capobianco Construction, Patchogue, NY Photographer: Jeffrey Totaro Drawings by: ikon.5 architects Completion: 2017 LEED Certification-USGBC: LEED Gold Certified Site Area: 2.52 acres Building Area: 68,000 sf


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