The project was to create a designer sauna on a budget. The target was to keep within 2.000,- euros on total including everything.
Requirements was: Exclusive materials, transparancy to the outside, space for 8 people.
It was decided to create a design that showed the rawness for the structure and combined it with the delicate material quality of Douglas timber.
The inner structure was build from reclaimed timber visible from the inside only. The isolation was made by using 4 mm Multiwall panels made from polycarbonate on each side of the timber structure and a roof with Rockwool isolation. Onto the outside of the Multiwall panels was Douglas slats (dim. 20 x 45 mm) installed with 9 mm space between to let light penetrate through the semi transparant Multiwall panels.
Inside the Douglas slats was split in two (dim. 20 x 22 mm) and installed on a structure made from cutouts of the reclaimed timber. This was done to increase the comfort and as a design feature.
The project was done in 3 weeks (part) time and inside the budget.