来自新加坡的摄影师Daniel Koh专注于建筑、景观和旅游摄影,尤其擅长展现自然光与人造光的美感。Daniel Koh十分热爱旅行并记录独特的生活方式,曾长期游历美国、新西兰和芬兰等地。这里展示的是摄影师在旅途中所记录下来的风景。山川、公路、湖泊、瀑布、房子、星空,这些自然和人造的景致在作者的镜头下呈现出宁静而神秘的氛围,细腻的色彩和光影使人如临其境。
Daniel Koh is a Singapore based photographer specialising in Architecture, Interior, Landscape and Travel Photography. Daniel focuses on natural light, and artificial light where appropriate to best depict the natural environment of the space, showcasing realism and the beauty of the designer work. Koh is always working on exciting new projects that allows him to travel and document the unique approach to life – Documenting a 3-month road trip in America, living life on the road, a partnership with Jucy Rentals in New Zealand, staying at a husky farm in the far north of Lapland, Finland, which was featured on The Straits Times, Life and Sidetracked Magazine.
Email: hello@danielkoh.co
Mobile: +65 9127 7250
Instagram: @daniel.koh