发布时间:2019-07-07 15:47:32 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

SWA-LA&广州城建设计:自 2020 年起,新冠疫情席卷全球,高密度城市中的每一片城市绿地、每一处社区公园,无论尺度大小都显得尤为珍贵。它们为生存在“混凝土丛林”中的人们,提供了聆听大自然、感悟美好生活的场所。广州和樾府中央公园,毗邻城市 CBD 的社区型城市公园,设计师希望从景观维度出发,以凝练的设计、自然的手法、开放的姿态为周边的居民、上班族及生活在这座城市的人们,营造一方繁华之地的静谧净土,拓展未来生活场景的无限灵感。

SWA-LA&City Construction Design: Since the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 has rapidly spread around the world, making each piece of green land and community park extremely precious in high-density cities, for they provide natural and beautiful spaces for people living in the “concrete forest”. Ideally located nearby the CBD, Guangzhou Grand Mansion Urban Park is skillfully designed from the landscape perspective, aiming to provide citizens with an open and peaceful land where they can escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and freely imagine their future life.


"The paintings should keep up with the times", the same is true of design. In the face of increasing social stresses today, landscape design distinguishes itself by establishing invisible bridges between human, city, community and nature. It encourages people to walk out of confined spaces, return to nature and experience the essence of life. Urban park design should not only focus on creating aesthetic value but also pay attention to shaping new lifestyle and new scenes of life.

缝合城市、社区与自然,探寻 CBD 公园生活方式 Connect city and community with nature, explore park lifestyle by CBD

作为社区型城市公园,项目的场地区位与基底条件优越,地处广州长隆万博区域,毗邻市政府重点打造的万博 CBD 及文化名片“长隆欢乐世界”,东西横向约 800 米,南北纵向约 150 米,形成总占地面积 4.6 万平方米的社区开放式景观。项目向西打通 11.6 万平方米的生态“绿肺”龙启山山脉,于和樾府中轴形成水绿交融、舒适宜人的社区生态廊道,并向城市周边界面延伸渗透。

设计师回忆到,当他第一次走进泥泞的场地,站在其中眺望万博 CBD 鳞次栉比的天际线时,便设想着是否有可能打破社区与城市的固有边界,为居民与周边的白领们共同创造一处未来社区共享的城市公园,让他们可以深入身边的风景,探寻藏匿于繁华 CBD 中的大自然所迸发的生命力,开启现代都市社区的公园生活方式。

Ideally located nearby the newly-built Wanbo CBD and the world-famous Chimelong Paradise, the site of the community-style urban park is approximately 800 meters long from east to west and 150 meters from south to north, covering a total area of 46,000 square meters. Not only does it connect with the 116,000 square meters Longqishan Mountains, the so-called “green lung” in the west, but it forms a pleasant and ecological corridor in the Grand Mansion, which naturally extends and penetrates into the surroundings.

As the designer recalled, when he first walked into the muddy site and overlooked the spectacular skyline of Wanbo CBD, an idea struck him: was it possible to break the boundary between community and city and create an urban park that could be shared by residents and workers around? It would be a space where they could immerse themselves in the beautiful scenery, explore the vitality of nature, and experience the modern park lifestyle.

▼场地原貌 Sites to their original state

▼公园建成之后 Park upon completion

本案中,景观设计团队联合国内外知名设计机构 SOM 事务所、广东省建筑设计研究院、XAA 事务所等,分别从规划设计、建筑设计及景观设计各层面执笔设计,共同打造融合生态体验及艺术体验于一体的城市公园社区生活场景。其中,景观设计师以现代抽象的手法在场地中勾勒出自然界的山、水、林、石、岛等肌理形态,形成收放自如、张弛有度的景观空间,为人们提供放松心灵、抚慰焦虑的城市“后花园”。

In the design for Guangzhou Grand Mansion Urban Park, SWA-Los Angeles cooperated with the world-renowned SOM, Guangdong Architectural Design & Research Institute Co.,Ltd. and XAA, creating scenes of park-community life through planning, architectural design and landscape design. Their joint efforts also contribute to the ecological and artistic experiences in the urban park community. As for the landscape, the designer outlines the texture of nature with hill, water, woods, rocks and island, creating flexible landscape spaces that allow people to relax themselves physically and mentally.


Create a natural space for fun, activate the park for social life


The soft and long curve at the entrance blurs the boundary between city and community, and connects the hustle and bustle of city with the tranquility of the park. Being a new landmark of the city, the entrance space is not only designed to be ceremonial and welcoming, but also marks the beginning of nature therapy.

▼入口曲线元素消除场地之间的边界 The curve at the entrance blurs the boundaries between the sites

设计师以造型堆坡的方式,通过丛生朴树、秋枫、细叶榄仁等乔木的种植,围合出 250 米的线性绿地,结合两旁现代简约的艺术构筑灯,一同营造出由开至合、由动入静的空间体验。

Enclosed by hackberry trees, maple trees and terminalia neotalial, a 250 meters long linear land is decorated by modern and elegant lamps, providing a unique space experience from dynamic to tranquility.

▼微地形处理使空间更有层次感 Micro-terrain treatment makes the space more hierarchical

▼造型路灯营造开合感 Arrange street lamps to create a sense of opening

▼踏水而来,动静皆宜 Come treading on water, alternate between dynamic and tranquility


In the dappled shades of trees, the tranquility of the forest can be experienced from the depth of the park. Walking along the dynamic boundary, you will enter the park and have an extremely open view. The rolling green hill, the zigzag path, and the Chinese pennisetum contribute to a wonderland for kids, which will inspire their imagination.

▼趣味水景 Funwaterscape


Hidden in the park, the sales center distinguishes itself in the natural light and shadow. In the future, it will serve as the public Art and Culture Center, which offers a 10,000-square-meter space for various art exhibitions. Being a “spiritual gathering place” for people to closely experience art, it will greatly enhance the artistic and cultural atmosphere of Wanbo district.

▼水域的尽头是现在的售房中心,也是未来的城市公园艺术文化中心 At the end of the water is the sales center, which will serve as the future Art and culture Center.

在自然的光影交错中散发着其独特的魅力 The sales center distinguishes itself in the natural light and shadow


On weekends or weekdays, the star square and the children’s garden are full of people playing, running, laughing or simply sitting under the pergola to enjoy the sunshine as well as the dappled shades of trees.

▼星光广场 The star square

开阔的大草坪是公园活力的中心,在这里父母可以与自己的孩子一起野餐、散步、放风筝,周末还可以约上朋友举办草坪音乐会、社区派对等,甚至带上香槟和另一半看一场露天电影……人们在绿意盎然的大自然中增进交流,于唯美的晚霞中远眺万博 CBD 的城市天际线,体验舒适、静谧的现代都市社区公园生活方式。

The open lawn serves as an activity center, where parents can have a picnic, take a walk or fly kites with their children. On weekends, concerts and parties will be held together with champagne and outdoor movies. Green and refreshing environment will encourage the communication between people. Overlooking the skyline of Wanbo CBD in sunset glow, you can fully experience the comfortable and peaceful park-community lifestyle in modern city.


未来,广州和樾府中央公园还将持续建设公园二期景观,并以低干预的设计手法保留龙启山的山林野趣,进行山体公园的营建,从而形成以自然为本底,集生态、艺术、人文效益于一体的社区景观绿廊,由东至西贯穿于住宅各个组团,并将城市公园的活力与生命力渗透至万博 CBD 片区,最大限度发挥其生态及人文影响力,持续带动该区域综合价值的整体提升。

In the future, Guangzhou Grand Mansion Urban Park will continue to develop its second phase landscape. Longqishan Mountain will be reserved and built as a mountain park, thus forming a nature-based landscape corridor that runs through building groups from east to west. The vitality and life force of the urban park will penetrate into Wanbo CBD, maximizing its eco and cultural influence and adding values to the area.

本案中,SWA-Los Angeles 以其国际化的前瞻设计视野,充分挖掘了原本场地的生态潜力,为城市及社区提供更具综合效益的公园绿地,缝合城市 CBD 与人居社区之间的关系,以更开放包容的姿态改变传统社区的交往方式;而广州城建设计,以踏实高效的实践方式将方案精准深化并呈现优质落地效果,双方成功地完成首次合作,也期待未来携手,呈现更多美好的城市人居新体验。

With an international perspective, SWA-Los Angeles fully tapped the ecological potentials of the site, creating a value-added green park and establishing the bond between the CBD and the residential community. Its openness and inclusiveness will change the way of communication in traditional communities. Also, it is the high-efficiency practice of City Construction Design that ensures the realization of the design. Though it is the first cooperation between SWA and City Construction Design, it is a great success. And in the future, we hope to present more beautiful urban experiences with our joint efforts.




景观方案设计:SWA-Los Angeles


规划设计:SOM 建筑设计事务所、广东省建筑设计研究院



建成时间:2020 年 12 月

景观面积:约 30000 平方米(公园一期)项目摄影:景观周|超越视觉

Project Name: Guangzhou Grand Mansion Urban Park

Project Address: West side of the intersection of Panyu Avenue and Hanxi Avenue, Guangzhou

Client: Yuexiu Property

Landscape Schematic Design: SWA-Los Angeles

Landscape Detailed Design: Guangzhou City Construction & Development Design Institute Co.,Ltd.

Planning & Design: SOM Architectural Design Office, Guangdong Architectural Design & Research Institute Co.,Ltd.

Architectural Design: Janson Xian Architect + Associates

Interior Design: HWCD

Completion Time: December 2020

Landscape Area: about 30,000 ㎡

Project Photography: Landscape Week|Beyond Vision

审稿编辑 任廷会 – Ashley Jen


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