发布时间:2020-06-10 06:03:53 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

翊象设计: 古翠这项目包含了太多珍贵的“难得”,要成就这样的成果,需要成熟的机遇与条件,还有多方的努力才能完成这样的作品,在2022这个低迷的大环境里,留下这样一个难能可贵的注记。






设计总监 徐睿绅 2022年8月

Platform Design Group Limited: Yin Xiu Residence contains many rare head-turning aspects. Achieving such a beautiful development requires the right opportunities and circumstances, and tremendous effort in both the design and construction stages.

Yin Xiu Residence was completed and handed to residents in early May 2022, during the pandemic. Regardless of the real estate market’s economic stress, the original design was adhered to perfectly. Subsequently, the project was praised by the media; details on why are shared below.

I started this project by gaining an understanding of its nature.

On day one, the client mentioned their preference for modernity, so we started by analysing modern architecture and its jargon, including rhythms of light and shadow. I then laid out its storyline, crafting indoor and outdoor space until the conclusion.

Herein are captures my photographer who lives in Hangzhou took, after residents excitedly received their keys in May 2022. It gives me great pleasure to see how what was once conceptual hope has become a real, beautiful home for so many, and is a warm reminder of, how spectacular the light at the end of a tunnel can be and fortunately often is.

Design Director Ryan Hsu August 2022


设计源起:建筑与景观的现代主义美学 The aesthetics of Modernism in Architecture & Landscape


– 建筑的静谧(或是静谧的建筑)是什么? – 经典当代的“现代感”,其画面呈现出静谧的空间氛围,景观在哪里? – 随着时代的演进,要去定义这个静谧的居所,景观要怎么演绎,才能与建筑形成最生动的搭配?

On my return from Hangzhou to Hongkong in 2017, I received a call from the client at the airport telling me that they are hoping to develop an aesthetically modernist project , with a tranquil atmosphere that would receive international recognition. Client also mentioned the architect of this project will be SCDA.

I pondered how to collaborate these elements, asking questions such as:

What creates tranquillity in architecture?’ What role might the landscape play? How could I make sure the project was continuously well received as time goes on?

▽建筑立面效果图 – 真实展现光影效果 Building façade rendering – accurate interpretation of light and shadows



但关键是:“景观画面里的静谧”是什么? 要如何切入这个居所空间、呈现一个当代的静谧景观? 如果日照就像是上帝对着建筑雕塑 投射的光源,那这些建筑投影面以外的光影表情是什么?

In modernist architecture, architects create classic images by using precision to form the overall layout, placing solid and void volume, twisting the orientation of objects, and creating an axis to name a few. These actions respond to the surrounding, nature, city, or celestial body to achieve a state of steadiness, consistency, tranquillity, brightness, and rhythm, and to compose a juxtaposition between light and shadow. All of these create a realm that defines the beauty of architecture.

In specific classical images that modernist architecture created, landscape space is designed by architects as an integrated piece. When reviewing sculptural architecture, one has to consider both the space and how it meets the eye thanks to the lighting.

Now I ask myself what provides “tranquillity within the landscape”? How do I create a modern, tranquil landscape in a residential development? What do I see outside the projection if the sun becomes the sculpture’s light source?



同样的逻辑,景观的构成回归到起点,除了建筑量体在场地里围塑的空间外,最根本还是回归到自然。 自然的光照、自然的节气、自然的温度、自然的生长。 我们发现,景观之光,除了一盏阳光,还有更多更复杂有机多变的涵构。景观的画面,是不断变动的光源沁润到各种有机的自然里产生的画面。








Modernism has an elemental spirit: to remove all unnecessary decoration, and all the creation starts from function and composition. In this spirit, the key is to be real.

I tried to apply the same logic to the modernism of landscape and think about its composition. Besides the space formed by the architecture, I found that nature is the element to create tranquillity in a landscape. The light, the seasonal change, the temperature, and the growth in nature, all these above could be the elements to be applied to create the tranquillity in a landscape. I also noticed that the light source in the landscape is not just the sun, but also from other organic beings. The image of a landscape is the image created from continuously changing light sources that shine upon different elements.

The light and shadow, in a split second, are constantly shifting.The temperature from sunrise to sunset is continuously changing.Life thrives or shrivels in every season.

All these changing factors affect our physical experience and mental state. So, when forming the landscape space, we are trying to control the light and shadow throughout the year, seasonal changes, and the color of plants during the four seasons. When I am in the space formed by these compositions, I connect with them via all five senses and am moved by them.

When the wind blows on top of the water, I see the ripple, feel the cooling sensation, hear the sound of leaves and branches from the trees, and can even see the reflection on the waves. This kind of tranquillity works with, not in spite of, motion, creating a calming yet dynamic image in which people can be immersed, touched, reflect on themselves, and enjoy the stability of movement.

There is no standard or single answer to the tranquillity of landscape. But by harmoniously putting together those elements, we might be able to create a portion of an image of tranquillity on the landscape.





During the design process, and when looking under the roof of the building or adjusting the landscape composition considering how people look at it, I often thought of the time when my teacher in architecture school asked us to take off our glasses or squint our eyes to look at the painting of naturalism or impressionism. Those paintings capture and freeze the moment of light and shadow from one or two hundred years ago and leave a striking image presenting how humans, nature, light, and shadow blend together.

I think that when we can appreciate these touching moments without words, aesthetic values transcend languages. The medium that creates the emotional moment is landscape; a sensation received by all five senses.

I hope the tranquillity presented in Yin Xiu Residence creates dynamic images, and people feel connected to its artistic concepts. When different groups of people can be moved in the same setting and share the warmth and awe of aesthetic values go beyond our differences and cross language barriers.













The core element in Yin Xiu Residence is water. Through three bodies of water, I created three contrasting experiences.

Yin Xiu Entrance

The first water feature defines the main entry facing south. It’s the first doorway of Yin Xiu Residence, setting the tone for the entire project.

When visitors arrive here and walk through the door, although they might come from a bustling place, the space’s steadiness will calm their minds, and they will walk through the museum-like courtyard in a peaceful, leisurely manner.

Verdant Pool

The second water feature is located in the middle of the site and is the core of all the activity spaces.

Visitors can walk from the main entrance toward the sunken space in the north, which is connected to the gym and swimming pool on the west side of the basement level. Continuing its elegance, this space presents simplicity when looking out from the exhibition hall. The panoramic view is like a beautiful painting scroll surrounding the double-deck entrance, filled with ample greenery; and the minimalist design is carried to the cascading water, which brings tranquillity and serenity to visitors.

The Magnificent Pond

The third water feature is mainly functional in the core area and is a place dedicated to a joyful and relaxing lifestyle.

The water is laid out from east to west; implying the connection to the sunken space and the second water body on the west side. The north side of this water is connected with the open floor of the building, integrating both spaces’ activities and creating a relaxing, downshifting, elegant, and iconic look.

▽场地核心景观空间构成 The core landscape space

空间构成 – 三个主场景旁的室内活动空间与架空层 SPATIAL COMPOSITION-The exterior activity space and open floor adjacent to the three core areas




The community activity space and lobby are located between building #6’s main entrance and the sunken garden. Residents can move from the ground floor to the community lobby on the basement through a series of exterior spaces and continue their journey to the swimming pool and gym in the basement. When the residents travel through the series of exterior and interior spaces, they can easily find shady areas to rest and take in the view.

The east side of building #6 is the second recreational open floor space. Under the extended roof, the garden space is framed like a painting. The area with a long outdoor table and chairs under the extended roof is between “The Woods Retreat” and the open floor. This resting space is also the transition between the woods and water features.

The third open floor is located around building #8. This space has a “Reading Box” as the core, and the grey space under the big roof becomes a library and looks like the relaxing gardens outside instagramable tea shops. Those in the playground, wading pool, or at a semi-outdoor picnic table can find a cosy corner in this space between activities.

▽三个主场景旁的室内活动空间与架空层 The exterior activity space and open floor adjacent to the three core areas the three main scenes

空间构成 – 从属的口袋花园 SPATIAL COMPOSITION-The adjacent pocket parks




The themed spaces and recreational gardens are extensions of the core areas, complementing the space and making it livelier.

Catering for different age groups, the Airy Forest and Neverland Playground are the liveliest places. There is fitness equipment and a running track in the Airy Forest which goes through several spaces on the north side of the residential areas and under or between big trees, creating a connection with nature for runners. The runners can start from the warm-up area, travel past the resting platform with lush plants in the Five Sense Deck, the open lawn area in Sunset Lawn, and then return after passing Sakura Garden or take a break under the Sakura tree.

Along the north side of the riverfront residential tower, are several orchards with a plethora of trees where residents can pick fruit. Local Hangzhou species of shrubs meanwhile provide a base layer in the botanical gardens for conservational and educational purposes.

▽从属的口袋花园 The adjacent pocket parks

▽总平面图 Plan





Entrance – Lobby of the Yin Xiu Residence

The arrival experience from the main entrance gives visitors their first impression of Yin Xiu Residence. The site layout leaves a short and shallow space for arrivals. On top of that, one-third of this space is a fire platform, which can significantly restrict landscape design. With these constraints, our objective was creating a transition space between the bustling street and quiet residential interior space, providing visitors with an imaginative picture of their future residence.

The circulation toward the lobby goes through a series of entry walls, feature walls, and under the 7m tall roof. After two turns, visitors will walk by the edge of the water feature. This circulation forms a 58m-long horizontal depth of field, creating a long perspective view.

▽入口空間布局 Space configuration of the entrance


The majority of the enclosed wall is at least 4.2m high. The roof of the entry building is 7.2m high, and the cantilevered part of the roof is extended to its limit. The shadow line of the roof is at the edge of the upper steps at the entrance, all of which creates a grand yet calming image for visitors on arrival.

▽入口立面效果及尺度 Elevation and scale of the entry


The lobby of Yin Xiu Residence creates an artistic atmosphere. The seasonal change reflected in the water feature, the cloud passing the square sky framed by the walls, the moving branches of the tree, and the iconic sculpture all form the first impression of Yin Xiu Residence. Through creating each scene, I re-defined the meaning of the tranquillity of the landscape.

▽门厅空间尺度 Scale of the lobby

▽充满艺术氛围的隐秀门厅 The lobby of Yin Xiu Residence creates an artistic atmosphere.


Tranquillity is not as simple as being quiet. It is the sensation of being refined to a very pure state. We learn perception from small things, such as the split second when the light is projected, or shadow is cast in the space, or we feel warm as we see strong light, or feel the wind blowing when seeing or hearing the branches moving, or feel relaxed and calm when seeing a stream flowing.



In a landscape setting as pure as Yin Xiu Residence, light and shadow work their magic.

In a composition that is so simple, the natural elements perform a show as if on stage. They put on makeup and change color between sunrise and sunset, turning residents into artworks in a new naturalist painting.

▽古翠隐秀住宅车道入口 Vehicular entry of Yin Xiu


核心的古翠 – 大泽院子 Central Yin Xiu Residence – Water Courtyard


After passing through the lobby, visitors enter the core area of Yin Xiu Residence: the Water Courtyard. This courtyard carries the same simple and elegant look as the entrance lobby. Still, the visitors can feel a significant momentum when they look out toward the courtyard from the exhibition hall. The scenery around the two-storey hall unfolds like a giant painted scroll, and visitors are surrounded by a beautiful composition of lush green and falling water. The vast water body and uninterrupted waterfall create the magnificent momentum of a great pond.

▽镜池赏翠 Verdant pool


The feature’s cascading wall is clad with granite that has three pattern modules, and is in a 70-meter-long forest, with water cascading down from a 7-meter-high wall. The water flows through different pattern modules and creates different sounds while the granite’s texture, the water’s flow, and the shadow cast on the wall make a beautiful, picturesque view.

▽水幕墙 Cascading wall

▽休闲平台 Lounge area by the water





The Magnificent Pond is the third water body in Yin Xiu Residence. It’s located between the two residential towers’ most important open floors on the north and south sides, and connects with the sunken garden on the west side and the playground on the east side. The Magnificent Pond is designed to be more engaging than its counterparts.

The Magnificent Pond is laid out from east to west, connecting the sunken space and the water courtyard on the west side. The north side of the Magnificent Pond is connected by the open floor of the residential tower. Therefore, both space’s activities are integrated.

In this east-west orientated water body, the sunset will shine on the water, and the dazzling reflection will be projected on every corner. This waterfront space is the most relaxing and iconic-looking part of Yin Xiu Residence.

▽场地鸟瞰 Aerial view

▽感受闲适放松的度假式生活体验 Feel relaxed and relaxing vacation life experience




To create a more natural waterfront setting, birch trees were planted on the north side of the Magnificent Pond with no middle-layer shrubs. People will feel relaxed by the beautiful yet simple landscape.

Along the perimeter of the Magnificent Pond, China Star Jasmine was planted in a hedge form to create an enclosure and buffer for activities and visual axis, so people won’t be disturbed in different functional areas.

Further, Chinese silver grass and other ornamental grass is applied between the hedge and garden path to soften the space.

▽植物空间布局Planting layout

▽河桦林 birch tree grove

▽自然的长草给人以舒适放松的场景 Chinese silver grass and other ornamental grass is applied between the hedge and garden path to soften the space

▽休闲廊架空间 Lounge by the water





The Woods Retreat is a pocket space formed by circulation.

The second sculpture of Urban Xanadu is placed at the end of the viewing corridor along the circulation, so people can see the sculpture in the woods from inside the open floor of building #6.

Under the canopy of the maple trees, the linear stone benches provide a tree-shaded resting space. People can appreciate the sculpture or sense seasonal changes when admiring the foliage or the way shadow is cast on the stone pavement, immersed in nature.

▽林下休憩空间 tree-shaded resting space

▽局部鸟瞰 Aerial view of the area





Sunset Lawn has the most open lawn area in Yin Xiu Residence and is named for its orientation toward the west.

Residents can enter the lawn area from the sunken space, passing through the pavilion on the west side of building #6. The whole area consists of Sunset Pavilion, Sunset Lawn, and the Sakura Garden.

The reading bar in Sakura Garden has exposed aggregated concrete pavement. Seats and bar tables invite residents to rest, read, or enjoy the flowers and fragrances in the healing garden close by.

▽局部鸟瞰 Aerial view of the area

▽局部空间细节 spatial effect

▽映夕庭 sunset pavilion

▽彩丘花园 Sakura garden




Neverland Playground is the main playground in Yin Xiu Residence and is integrated into its natural setting. When the kids have fun in the playground, they are surrounded by nature.

▽大地童梦 Neverland Playground


Rounded safety mats and play equipment are installed here to form the organic composition. Blue and green shades and wooden texture are applied to the mats and play equipment to create a natural, soft tone.

▽圆形元素组合搭配的游戏场地 Playground with circular element





Forest Lounge is the major semi-outdoor activity space on the open floor of building #6. It’s also a space that connects to the Magnificent Pond and the Woods Retreat in circulation.

The extended roof of the open floor faces south and creates an over 35 meter-long interface between the building and outdoor space. I set up two long bar tables and seats in this interfacing area. Residents can sit, enjoy the shade and look out at the picturesque landscape.

The slate outside the Forrest Lounge has plants popping out between the rocks, showcasing the vitality and power of nature.

▽林间会所 Forest lounge




Airy Forest is the running track and fitness area on the north side of Yin Xiu Residence, with the 530m track commencing in the north before going through the main circulation under the trees on the north side and turning in the Sakura Garden.

▽户外健身区 Outdoor fitness area




Three botanical gardens are located between the residential towers on the north side of Yin Xiu Residence, while cherry, citrus, and Chinese treeberry trees within the three gardens create themes. Herbal shrubs, ground cover, and ferns commonly used from Hangzhou Vanke Botanical Garden are applied here as a base layer of planting.

The principle of the planting design in Yin Xiu Residence is to mimic the natural setting to maximize the immersion in nature, and the plant species are mixed and matched to create a seasonal changing effect throughout the year.

▽植物园平面 Botanic gardens plan

▽植物园 Botanic gardens

▽种类丰富的自然植物 A rich variety of natural plants





The tower entrance was important when designing Yin Xiu Residence’s landscape space. This space is an important node for the “going home” experience, and showcases the residence’s elegant and classy look.

There are multiple types of tower entrance landscape design, each responding to the geometry of the different architectural layouts. The landscape design will help to soften the harsh look of the fire platform.

The 90-degree folded wall creates a corridor of the entrance. At night, the light will shine through the wall from the gap in the stone cladding on the wall. There are arrays of ball-shaped or trimmed shrubs in between the landscape wall. To create a delicate look, five types of granite and six finishings are applied on the wall and paving. This will be a carpet to welcome residents home every day.

▽单元入户 Tower entrance

▽单元入户节点空间设计 Tower entrance design


▽景观家具与架空层室内空间 Furniture & Interior Of Open Floor

▽学习盒子 (室内设计提供) Reading box (by interior)

▽小区标志设计 Signage design

▽艺术雕塑设计 Art / sculpture





We want to express our sincere appreciation to Hangzhou Vanke, who gave Platform Design Group trust and support from the beginning of the project commission, during the design process of shaping the space, when debating and confirming the design, and during the final construction. Platform Design’s team diligently polished the design to perfection throughout the process, and we are eager to see the space created and atmosphere that comes with it in person.

The pandemic has affected our lives tremendously from 2020 to 2022. During these three years, Ray Wong was at the construction site to coordinate and work with the construction team, while our project team couldn’t visit the site due to restrictions. Ray’s commitment to work and persistent effort to achieve perfection made up for the site supervision we had difficulties performing.

In May 2022, Yin Xiu Residence was handed over to residents, with much positive feedback. In this precious journey, the reward is the experience and pride in having completed this project. Once again, thanks go to the project team that made this happen.

▽施工过程 Construction process



The tranquillity of the landscape is composed of heard, seen and touched elements.

We create a setting that is nothing but genuine. It’s a scene of light and shadow, dedicated to daily life in a residential area. We hope it will improve the living experience in the city, and that it will also enhance the quality of life and environment.

路易‧康 <<静谧与光明>> Louis Kahn <<Between Silence and Light >>


“All material in nature, the mountains and the streams and the air and we, are made of Light which has been spent, and this crumpled mass called material casts a shadow, and the shadow belongs to Light.”

项目名称: 杭州融信万科古翠隐秀

项目客户: 杭州万科

业主设计管理团队: 丁洸, 方海锋, 郑芳, 宣蕊, 王旭峰, 吴佳璠

项目合作开发商: 杭州融信

完成年份: 2022

项目面积: 53,417平方米

项目地点: 浙江省杭州市拱墅文教区登云路与隐秀路交叉口

景观设计: 翊象设计有限公司

主创设计师: 徐睿绅

设计团队: 徐睿绅, 蔡妙绮, Alan Andico, Felices De Ocampo, Melchor Jimenez, 钟元祥, 贾云龙, 周致远, 周信宏, 黎素雯, 薛蓓芳

建筑设计 : SCDA

景观施工图设计 : 浙江中汇华宸建筑设计有限公司杭州分公司

设计团队: 马列、郑国耀、杨潇怡

户外家具: 杭州缔凡休闲用品有限公司

标志设计: 上海致逊文化传播有限公司(Zesion Design)

摄影 : 鲁冰、雾镜文化、原也(缔凡设计)

Project name: URBAN XANADU

Project client: Vanke

Client team: Peter Ding, Haifeng Fang, Fang Zheng, Rui, Xufeng Wang, Jiafan Wu

Project co-developer: RONSHINE Group

Year completed: 2019

Project area: 53,417 square meters

Project Location: The Intersection of Dengyun Road and Yinxiu Road, Gongshu Culture and Education District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China

Landscape design: Platform Design Group

Leading creative designer: Ryan Hsu

Design team: Ryan Hsu, MiaoChi Tsai, Alan Andico, Felices DEOCAMPO, Melchor JIMENEZ, Yuanxiang Zhong, Yunlong Jia, Zhiyuan Zhou, Xinhong Zhou, Suwen Li, Beifang Xue

Architectural design: SCDA

Landscape construction drawing design: Hangzhou branch of Zhejiang Zhonghui Huachen Architectural Design co., LTD

Design team: Lie Ma, Guoyao Zheng, Xiaoyi Yang

Photographer: Bing Lu

Outdoor furniture: TIFANLIFE DESIGN CO.,LTD

Signage: Zesion Design

Photographer: Bing Lu

“ 设计从功能与构成出发,找寻景观本真的模样,让回归的“自然”构建舒适静谧人居环境。”



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