发布时间:2024-03-28 13:10:32 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Lourosa – Fiães交通枢纽占地面积约11,500m2,位于两个教区之间的边界上,包括一个大型停车场以及约500㎡的附属建筑。这个位置可以更好地将建筑与地形融合,同时能够将东侧停车场入口与西侧大巴车入口清晰区分,这样就不会出现交叉路口,也不会发生汽车与公交车之间的交通事故。

▼场地鸟瞰,Bird view of the site ©Ivo Tavares Studio

The Interface de Transportes Lourosa – Fiães is a transport interface, located on a plot of land with around 11,500m2 on the border between these two parishes, comprises a vast parking and manoeuvring area and a support building of around 500m2, which was chosen to be located perpendicular to the road that gives it access. This location allows a better integration into the existing topography, and also clearly separates the access to the car park at east from the buses access at west, so there are no crossroads or possible conflicts between cars and buses traffic.

▼建筑鸟瞰,Bird view of the building ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼屋顶特写,Close-up of the roof ©Ivo Tavares Studio


▼场地入口,Entrance of the site ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼建筑立面,Facade of the building ©Ivo Tavares Studio

The building with a rectangular plan and built in metal structure, has a dynamic volumetry and is covered with a skin that makes the transition from the user/pedestrian scale to the bus bay scale, to the west. This metal sheet roof contrasts with some parallelepiped volumes covered in cement mosaics that enliven the façades.

▼建筑立面,Facade of the building ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼建筑近景,Close-up of the building ©Ivo Tavares Studio


▼建筑入口,Entrance of the building ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼檐下空间,Spaces under the roof ©Ivo Tavares Studio

At the front of the building, closer to the street, is the cafeteria, which has a terrace facing south and west. This space, due to its location, will not only serve the Interface, but will also be used by the passing public and the industries located nearby, thus enhancing and making the most of this facility.

▼建筑局部,Parts of the building ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼檐下空间,Spaces under the roof ©Ivo Tavares Studio


▼屋檐特写,Close-up of the roof ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼墙面特写,Close-up of the walls ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼室外座椅,Outside seats ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼建筑细部,Details of the building ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼弧形座椅,Curved shaped seats ©Ivo Tavares Studio

Users access the building from the east, from the car park, to an area where the extended roof shelters and marks the entrance. The building is very transparent both to the east and west, allowing the bus dock to be seen at all times.

▼大厅,The hall ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼结构特写,Close-up of the structure ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼结构与空间,Structure and the space ©Ivo Tavares Studio


▼办公空间,Office area ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼极简的空间,Concise spaces ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼材质细部,Details of the materials ©Ivo Tavares Studio

The building rests on a pedestrianised and paved area animated by the inclusion of garden spaces, with a design referring to the building shape, and bicycle parking zones.

▼夜景,Night views ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼场地鸟瞰,Bird view of the site ©Ivo Tavares Studio


▼建筑特写,Close-up of the building ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼建筑立面,Facade of the building ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼屋檐特写,Close-up of the roof ©Ivo Tavares Studio

The car park, located to the east, is divided into two areas, one closer to the entrance for short-term stops, dropping off passengers and passenger transport vehicles, and a second area, further north, which is mainly for longer-term parking.

▼动态的造型,Dynamic volumes ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼正立面,Front view ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼屋檐特写,Close-up of the roof ©Ivo Tavares Studio


▼檐下空间,Spaces under roof ©Ivo Tavares Studio

Bus access to the Interface is to the west, in an area duly dimensioned for the purpose, allowing easy circulation and manoeuvring for parking.

▼总平面图,Masterplan ©Atelier d’Arquitectura Lopes da Costa

▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan ©Atelier d’Arquitectura Lopes da Costa

▼屋顶平面图,Roof plan ©Atelier d’Arquitectura Lopes da Costa

▼长剖面图,Longitudinal sections ©Atelier d’Arquitectura Lopes da Costa

▼横剖面图,Cross sections ©Atelier d’Arquitectura Lopes da Costa

▼立面图,Elevations ©Atelier d’Arquitectura Lopes da Costa


Lourosa-Fiães交通枢纽,葡萄牙 / Atelier d’Arquitectura Lopes da Costa
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