Bulgaria Tom and Jerry Bar concept store
设计团队:studio 8 ½
位于保加利亚普罗夫迪夫市的猫和老鼠酒吧概念店,是新兴创意街区Kapana里最新落成的一个新奇的地方。其实主人的原始想法,是弄的简简单单就好,但是studio 8 ½设计团队完全颠覆了这种普通和简单,而是把这里塑造成了品尝数几百种比利时啤酒的绝佳场所,并且,这个简约舒适的地方,还很适合啤酒爱好者们坐下来交流下彼此的心得。
酒吧概念店里使用最多的装修材料,是胶合板和原质的木材,也正是这些营造出了店里那种舒适随意的感觉。同时,木头与未经粉刷的钢铁材质、黑色的墙壁、天花板,以及裸露的旧式砖墙相互对比,更是将这里变成了建筑结构本身的一部分。除了酒吧里的高脚凳和椅子之前,其他所有的家具和照明灯具,都是由studio 8 ½设计团队亲自设计和加工制作完成的。
The Cat and Mouse Beer Bar and Concept store is the newest creative space in the heart of Kapana– the brand new creative quarter in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.The client required for a simple beer store, but studio 8 ½ went beyond and created a place for degustation of the hundreds of Belgium beers,as well as a place to meet and chat with other beer-lovers in a simple and cozy home environment.
The most common materials in the interior that underline the cozy feeling are plywood and natural wood. At the same time, they are in contrast with the non-painted steel/metal elements, black walls, and ceiling, as well as exposed old brick-wall, part of the original construction of the building.All the lighting and furniture,except the bar stools and chairs, are designed and produced by studio 8 ½.