改造后的Wild Studio
Wild Studio after renovation
Wild Studio位于江苏省南通市大生众创园区,是一个为生活而生的独立服装设计品牌,旨在坚持自由舒适,追求内在自我好奇。
Wild Studio is located at Nantong Dasheng Creative Park, Jiangsu. It is an independent design brand born for life, aim to persist in freedom and comfort, and pursue inner self-curiosity.
Situated at Dasheng Creative Park
The site is a two-storey terrace house, facing the north and the south. Wild Studio gallery occupies a small portion on the first floor, keeping the rest of the spaces being used as studio.
改造前的Wild Studio
Wild Studio before renovation
When we first visited the site, this 4-meter by 8-meter space was sample and straightforward at a glance, without too many restrictions, and has relatively few characteristics. In such a ‘free’ space, it is actually tougher to start with the design. So, what are the restriction of this space? It is way too straight forward and is lack of vibrant circulation, isn’t it? The challenges have then been exploited: to create a vibrant circulation within this 32 square-meter space, to allow customers to stay for a longer time, and to accomplish commercial needs concurrently.
Existing plan
2 人行走道
3 原始楼梯
existing stairs
4 原始卫生间
existing toilet
5 工作室
1 玄关 5 收银台
foyer cashier
2 隧道 6 陈列架
tunnel shelves
3 服装展示区 7 展示台
display stone stool
4 试衣间
fitting room
The existing toilet and staircase is located at the central area of the building, naturally created a corridor that connects the gallery and the studio, which formed an axis on the plan. Along this axis, we deliberately reduced the ceiling height and narrowed down the width of the corridor, transforming it into an endless tunnel.
Design Sketches
At the end of the tunnel, where it connects to the studio, a beam of light diffusing through a matte finished glass door. When pedestrians look through the glass into the tunnel, their sight will be drawn into the space. A dark textured paint is applied throughout the tunnel to add on to its depth and the sophisticated atmosphere.
Tunnel section
The 32 square-meter space is divided into two by the axis, leaving the space next to the tunnel to the four major functions – window display, cloth display, cashier, and the fitting room. How to incorporate all four functions into the remaining 20 square-meter space reasonably?In this case, we thought of using a single loop curvilinear configuration for the path for the gallery.
Circulation diagram
The remaining 20 square-meter space is further divided into five according to the functional needs. The circulation is branched out from the tunnel to each display area, once the customer enters the gallery, he/she will be led by the designed circulation to walk through the tunnel wherever he/she wants to get to the next display area. This circulation potentially encourages and guides the customer to walk around every corner connected by the loop and interact with all the merchandise.
展示空间 1
Display area 1
展示空间 2
Display area 2
展示空间 3
Display area 3
Cashier counter
Walls with openings are erected in-between each display area in a form of repeating frames. When pedestrians walk pass the street and look into the gallery through these openings, the optical illusion stimulated by these layers of frame converges at the end of the gallery. Here, we intentionally placed the display windows at the end of the space as art installations, to further highlight and magnify its display effect.
Dorse effect
服装展厅内墙体的两侧安装了Fine Lumens的长条形壁灯,让客人不论正对或者背对窗口,都能感受到这种递归的视觉感。
Linear light features are installed on both sides of the wall. When customers look from either the front or the back, he/she will be able to visualise the Dorse effect from both directions.
Layers of shelves are embedded into the sidewall of the tunnel, each shelf unit is aligned with the opening of the display area. A row of skylights in each shelf unit is designed to enhance the depth of the tunnel.
Display and tunnel intersection
Wild Studio可以说是一个和业主一起探索与实验的项目,隧道内隔板的裹材是业主亲自剪裁与制作的成果。除此之外,外立面的肌理我们也一起做了很多尝试:用业主从工厂中捡回来的废弃零配件创造出一些特别的肌理效果,虽然最后还是选用了成品涂料,但过程中依然收获了很多新的体验与感知。
Wild Studio is a joint work with our client. The shelves that wrapped in green fabric are DIY by our client. As for the façade texture, we try to experiment different texture by using props which can be easily sourced from daily life, although the final texture is made from textured paint, we all enjoy the process of experimenting.
For the stone stools, we worked closely with our client and the factory workers to explore the possibilities of making an interesting texture. Even the cut-out pieces were brought back and used for other projects.
OFFHAND PRACTICE会保持好奇的态度在专业领域中不断探索,继续演绎属于我们的“即席发挥”。
Wild Studio is the project with the most experimentalism that OFFHAND PRACTICE has ever done. In this project, “Wild” and “Practice” is the centre of gravity for all the inspiration. Our intensive exploration lies with all stages throughout the project, acts as a driver for us to constantly examine available possibilities, until the best possible outcome is successfully materialised.
OFFHAND PRACTICE will let the motive of curiosity and innovation thrives in our vein, continue to execute our expertise with that motivation, and always “improvise” in our unique style.
石材与外立面肌理的实验 (请往👈划)
Texture experiment (slide to the left)
Main entrance handle
o f f h a n d p r a c t i c e . c o m
客户:Wild Studio
项目设计时间:2019.06 - 2019.09
项目施工时间:2019.09 - 2019.11
空间摄影:胡彦昀 Hu Yanyun
特别鸣谢:林宸西,Josephine Chai