发布时间:2022-10-26 21:33:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

王琛苏州新概念装饰设计工程有限公司 总监苏州装饰设计行业协会 理事中国室内注册设计师中级工程师曾获荣誉2021 办公室创新设计大奖2021 SYDNEY DESIGN AWARDS2021 金创意设计大奖2021 GRP DESIGN AWARD2021 WORLD DESIGN AWARDS2021 MUSE 铂金奖2021 40 UNDER 40 中国(江苏)设计杰出青年2021 G-award 苏州Top 102021 艾鼎国际设计大奖2021 IAI Design Award 金奖2021 艾特奖 餐饮商业类别2021 设计头条 Top100 苏州城市榜2020 40 UNDER 40 中国(苏州)设计杰出青年2020 芒果奖 中国商业优胜奖2020 华鼎奖 餐饮空间类 金奖2020 40 UNDER 40 中国(江苏)设计杰出青年2020 苏州好设计大赛 年度优秀商业空间设计2020 苏州好设计大赛 年度最佳商业空间设计宫西牛神-GONGXI NIUSHEN

“已知的是当下,未知的是未来”烤肉是原始人类进化的基础。烤熟的肉香深藏在每一个人的灵魂里,这是几个世纪以来甚至永远的未来中最受欢迎的香味。本案设计师脱离日式的传统印象,在原始和现代中寻找新的平衡点,将过去和未来的双重空间体验重新组合后一起表达。以灰、白、木色等基础材质为主色调,激发消费者内心的食欲。顶面贯穿的屏幕有着平面和三维的组合,透发出未来感。用红色作为空间跳色,营造出一个日式空间的仪式感和氛围感,给人时尚新颖、简约素净的用餐体验。在纯净的空间里体验原始的味道,顶面屏幕里又传达出每个人对于烤肉不同的体验和选择。Barbecue is the product of human evolution. Human souls is deeply enchanted by the barbecue, which will be more and more popular In order to seek the dual spatial experience of the past and future together after recombination, the designer of this case strayed from the conventional image of Japanese style and looked for a new balance between the primitive and modern. Gray, white, and wood are employed as the primary hues to pique the inner appetite of the client. A sense of the future is emitted by the screen on the top surface, which combines flat and three-dimensional elements. Red is selected as the spaces main color to evoke ritual and atmosphere.

宫西牛神门头以富有结构和序列的不锈钢和金属帘组成。不锈钢的独特质感带来无法忽视的视觉震撼感,金属帘让内部空间形成了“犹抱琵琶半遮面”的效果,激发了过路人向内探索的好奇心,二者的结合构成了入店用餐的仪式感。Stainless steel and metal curtains with a complex structure and sequence make up Miyashi Niujins entryway. The ritual of entering the restaurant is formed by the combination of the distinctive texture of stainless steel, which creates a visually arresting feeling that cannot be ignored, and the metal curtain, which gives the interior space the appearance of holding a lute half hidden and piques the curiosity of onlookers to explore the interior.

前厅区域引入清雅沉稳的木元素,格栅的有序排列铺叙出日式禅意的层次美感。米白色墙面以其简素雅致的特质与木饰面结合,构建出一个温润、质朴的日式茶室。通过强调平和优雅的日式氛围与金属门头形成强烈的视觉感官反差,给顾客留下深刻的记忆点。Elegant and serene wood materials are included in the front room area, and the grilles tidy organization brings forth the beauty of Japanese Zen layers. A cozy and homey Japanese tea room is created by the beige walls simple, elegant quality and the wood finish. Customers are left with a lasting memory because it highlights the serene and beautiful Japanese ambiance and the metal gateway to create a strong visual and sensual contrast.

店内的用餐区域被划分为散座区和包厢,由原始的质感的墙面和不锈钢材质组成。灯带将镜面墙体进行分割,在灯光的配合下与场域内的景物交相辉映,呈现出不同的光泽感的未来感体块的棱角与凹凸,在空间的内与外之间新构艺术感知。The restaurants dining area is divided between a lounge and a private dining room, both of which include original textured walls and stainless steel furnishings. With the assistance of lighting and the surrounding environment, light strips split the mirrored walls, presenting the angles and concavities of the futuristic body with various glossy sensations, and creating a new creative impression between the inside and outside of the space.

散座区中心,设计师用LED滚动屏打造店内的点睛之处,对空间进行新的定义和诠释。红与白的色彩组合,既有暖色调的明艳大方,又有中性色彩的克制与高级感,令装置充满了生命力,使空间成为独具风格的沉浸式消费场景。The designer added the finishing touch to the store by using LED scrolling screens in the middle of the retail seating area, giving the area a new definition and interpretation. With the vivid generosity of warm tones and the restraint and upscale feel of neutral hues, the color combination of red and white transforms the room into an immersive consumption setting with a distinctive aesthetic.

餐厅的主要空间皆以日式和风与潮玩元素结合为主基调,不锈钢和木材的相互衬托,使空间趋于沉稳气质。具有架构元素的红色柱体参考日式鸟居进行设计,为空间注入和风的就餐氛围,LED滚动屏则为空间增添了新潮和趣味性。墙面的佛经设计,赋予了空间精神层面的升华,予人探究事物内在意义,洞察真善美本质的精神追求。The restaurants main area is built around a fusion of modern and Japanese design elements. Stainless steel and wood work well together to create a serene atmosphere. The area is given a Japanese dining ambience by the red pillars with architectural details inspired by Japanese torii, while the LED scrolling screen gives it a modern feel. The layout of the Buddhist scriptures on the wall imbues the area with spiritual sublimation, inspiring individuals to engage in a spiritual quest to discover things deeper spiritual meanings and gain understanding of the core of goodness, truth, and beauty.

长虹玻璃在空间中起到隔断、衔接区域的作用,自带模糊的雾面因失焦形成了独特的朦胧美感,为顾客构建出相对独立的私密空间。包间以日式风格的宁静、质朴为主调,搭配简洁淡雅的鱼鳞纹,搭建出一个拥有意境之美的交流空间。Changhong glass serves as a divider and a means of connecting different parts of the room, and the self-blurred matte surface it creates thanks to defocusing gives clients a space that is largely independent and private. To create a communication space with the beauty of atmosphere, the private room is decorated in the calm and simplicity of Japanese style, with a simple and elegant fish scale pattern.我们自由大胆地建构空间,空间也意志灵性地建构我们,已知的是当下,未知的是未来,前沿的是先锋,自由的是艺术。The present is known, the future is unknown, the frontier is the pioneer, and the art is free; we create the space boldly and freely , and the space creates us spiritually as well.


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