发布时间:2014-12-11 10:24:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Max Dudler

比勒费尔德地标施帕仁堡的旅客中心开幕:建筑师Max Dudler为位于比勒菲尔德的施帕仁堡中世纪城堡设计了一个新的游客中心。经过为期一年的设计和建造,这个新建筑于2014年九月十七日向公众开放。同样由Max Dudler设计的一个临近约翰斯贝格公园的信息站点也将于2014年末开放 。Max Dudler在2013年赢得了设计竞赛因此得以将这两个项目变为现实。这个游客中心为具有历史意义的c城郭创造出全新的空间框架。其材料与表达都展现出堡垒建筑的现代化更新。

form the architect :  Visitor Centre for Bielefeld Landmark Sparrenburg Opened.

Architect Max Dudler has designed a new visitor centre for the medieval Sparrenburg fortress in Bielefeld. The new building was opened on 17 September 2014 after a one-year planning and construction period. An info point for the nearby Johannisberg garden and park will follow at the end of the year, also based on plans by Max Dudler who won the 2013 competition for the realization of both projects. The visitor centre has created a new spatial frame for the historical bailey. The material and expression represent a contemporary update of fortress architecture.



Only a few distinctive elements of the Sparrenburg fortress are left. A 37-metre tower, the main building, an outbuilding and the remainsof a gatehouse define the current bailey, which was once the fortress’s outer bailey. The bailey is a very popular spot thanks to theviews it offers of the city below.

The new single-storey building was designed as a stand-alone module at the bailey‘s south-eastern end. Together with the gatehousetorso its structure forms a new gateway in which the historic entrance to the fortress can be re-experienced. At the same time thestructure has provided a new spatial frame for the bailey. Just like a compass the intervention has clarified the sequence and alignmentsof the fortress‘s external areas and improved the functional preconditions for its current use as a monument and viewing point.

Max Duedler说:“这个设计并非重建某种历史状态,而是为这个地方本来就不断变化的历史增添了一个现代层面。”它是一个独立于城堡各个不同建设时期和风格的设计,即设计没有倾向中世纪以及后来的城堡,也不强调19世纪的重建或者二战的破坏。相反,这个设计把现存建筑的表达转化为当前使用的语言。场地的一些形象代表,比如城墙的凹槽,都在新的建筑里获得呼应和重新诠释。这种能可感知的设计立场,由旅客中心的夯实混凝土结构最明显地表达出来。就像石头地沉积层,城堡遗址的颜色与纹理都在墙上留下了自己的印记:包括墙壁的石灰岩和门窗边框的砂岩。干混凝土和压缩层的生动结构也体现出建筑的精湛工艺。

“The design is not a reconstruction of a certain historical state but instead adds a contemporary layer to the place‘s ever-changinghistory“, says Max Dudler. It is independent of the fortress‘s various construction periods and styles in the sense that it doesn‘t favourthe medieval castle, the subsequent fortress, the 19th century reconstruction or the destructions of World War II over the others. Insteadthe design translates the existing buildings‘ expression into a language current today. Motifs found on site, such as the recesses in thefortress walls, are echoed and reinterpreted in the new building. The rammed concrete from which the visitor centre‘s structure wascast most notably communicates a tangible sense of this design stance. Like the sediment layers of stones, the colours and texturesof the castle ruins have left their mark in its walls: both the limestone of the walls and the sandstone of the jambs. The lively structure ofdry concrete and compressed layers also makes the craftsmanship that went into its construction visible.



The new building doesn‘t touch the gatehouse fragment anywhere but leaves a gap between old and new. This opens the gatewayfor two paths

to the right and left. One leads to the main building‘s terrace, the other to the staff entrance in the rear. The straight mainpath also passes the

visitor centre‘smain entrance. The newly created ensemble of old and new buildings thus forms a place of arrival,distribution and information.

Inside the visitor centre are a museum shop and the ticket area in a room using the same materials as thefacade, as well as a kiosk facing the

bailey to the north-east.

The info point for the Johannisberg garden and park, which is still under-construction, is less than two kilometresnorth-west of theSparrenburg

fortress. The info point‘s formal design language is closely related to the visitor centre‘s. To create a common identity forpark and fortress,

both houses will speak the same language in terms of materials, spatial dimensions and facade design.

Facts and Information

Project Title: Sparrenburg Visitor Centre

Location: Bielefeld

Client: City of Bielefeld, represented by Immobilienservicebetrieb (ISB)

Occupant: City of Bielefeld, Bielefeld Marketing GmbH

Building Volume:

Usable floor area: 78.55 m2

Gross Floor Area: 135.70 m2

Gross Building volume: 728.71 m3

Planning Period: May 2013 to November 2013

Construction Period: November 2013 to September 2014

Architect: Max Dudler

Project Manager: Simone Boldrin

Team: KilianTeckemeier, Thomas Back

Construction Supervision: ArchitektenbüroStüwe, Bielefeld for Büro Max Dudler

Structural Engineers: Prinz&Pott GmbH, Bielefeld

MEP; Martell Ingenieurbüro, Bielefeld

Photographer: Stefan Müller



项目名称: 施帕仁堡游客中心

地点: 比勒费尔德

客户: 比勒费尔德市,由Immobilienservicebetrieb (ISB)代表

用户: 比勒费尔德市,Bielefeld Marketing GmbH


可用面积: 78.55 m2

总楼面面积: 135.70 m2

总建筑体积: 728.71 m3

设计期: 2013年5月至2013年11月

施工期: 2013年11月至2014年九月

建筑师: Max Dudler

项目经理: Simone Boldrin

团队: KilianTeckemeier, Thomas Back

工程监理: ArchitektenbüroStüwe, Bielefeld for Büro Max Dudler

结构工程师: Prinz&Pott GmbH, Bielefeld

MEP: Martell Ingenieurbüro, Bielefeld

摄影: Stefan Müller



Max Dudler



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