Poland infinite green Sculpture Landscape
艺术家:adam kalinowski
该项目是对一个绿色景观装置的设计。该装置是由来自波兰的艺术家adam kalinowski完成的,并将之命名为“infinite green”,这是一个生态化的雕塑装置,2016年它将会在有着“欧洲文化之都”的波兰西南部城市wroclaw视觉文化艺术节上展出,展出时间最早截止到2017年的秋季。该项目建设的主要材料是钢铁和胶合板,在该雕塑中有超过100种不同的植物品种(总共约3000多棵植物),它们分布在雕塑七层的不同区域,整体的面积加起来有110平方米。
该项目的命名“infinite green”是从永久性的象征符号上来的。设计师kalinowski选择这个名字的原因有几个:第一,它意味着永恒,自然生命与人类在地区上相互依赖,共生共存;第二,该雕塑也有一定的实用性,设计团队不仅看中了它的象征性,植物的合理布局也可以调节内部的温度和适度。
the ‘infinite green’ is an eco-oriented sculpture by multi-disciplinary polish artist adam kalinowski. the work is part of the 2016 visual arts program of the european capital of culture wroclaw, and is to be continually tended to until at least the fall of 2017. made predominately of steel and plywood, the sculpture spreads 100 species of vegetation (3,000 plants total) across seven-levels to form an area of 110m2 in its entirety.
‘infinite green’ is derived from the infinity symbol, which kalinowski chose for several reasons: its implied eternality, and the importance of living nature in the continuation of human life on earth. the sculpture also has a sense of practicality. its fairly symbol to build, and maintain, and uses plant placement to alter the interior temperature and humidity levels.
波兰infinite green雕塑景观外部实景图
波兰infinite green雕塑景观外部局部实景图
波兰infinite green雕塑景观之局部实景图
波兰infinite green雕塑景观内部局部实景图