发布时间:2023-12-19 05:01:06 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Atelier Alter Architects 时境建筑和Christophe Hesse 建筑事务所带领来自天津大学的10位研究生一年级同学,参加了由韩国弘益大学教授

Dongwoo Yim


In the spring of 2023, a group of 10 first-year graduate students from Tianjin University, led by the Atelier Alter Architects

Christophe Hesse Architects, participated in a research project on urban revitalization in Daegu, South Korea. Now the book - [Production Urbanism; Daegu as a Circular City] has been published at the end of year 2023. As part of the Daegu Global Studio, total 9 teams have participated to this publication to explore and develop the discourse of Production Urbanism, having Daegu as the study area. Through a solid body of essay, each author shows critical perspectives on the theme and shares wide range of proposals from piecemeal urban interventions to futuristic infrastructue. It is my previlage to work with these fantastic architects/educators/thinkers and to have this wonderful publication together.

编辑:Dongwoo Yim





Xiaojun Bu @xiaojun_bu

Calvin Chua @calvin.chua

John Doyle @dr_john_doyle

Soomeen Hahm @soomeenhahm

Christoph Hesse @christophhessearchitects

Jaebong Jeon @jaebong_ss2

Kwanghyun Lee

Keunyoung Lim @buenosaires1999

Mio Tsuneyama @miotsuneyama

Yingfan Zhang @yingfan_zhang


John Hong @johnhong_pa

Sunggi Park @studiosunggipark


The following is an article on the work conducted at Tianjin University, written by Zhang Yingfan from Atelier Alter Architects:


The Informational City as the Public Art of Production

张继元 Yingfan Zhang | 卜骁骏 Xiaojun Bu | Christoph Hesse


陈欣桐 Chen Xintong/于楠 Yu Nan/褚焱 Chu Yan/杨楷文 Yang Kaiwen/周子涵 Zhou Zihan/李潇然 Li Xiaoran/楚田竹 Chu Tianzhu/王一萌 Wang Yimeng/赵昕仪 Zhao Xinyi


In the informational age, the “Informational City

[1], as Manuel Castells defines it, is the urban entity structured from knowledge, and its jurisdiction might not overlap with the boundary of a physical city. As in the informational city, “space of flows

[2] supersedes “space of places

[3], the urban structure of the informational city changes from Euclidian Geometry to Topological Geometry. The flow of the digitally structured, instead of analogically structured, urban particles of the informational city is governed by the change in intensity, of population, power, or even popularity. The hierarchy and internal logic that put urban particles together are flexible and adjustable by mega data. The infrastructure of the informational city goes beyond physical; the communication infrastructure, data controlled urban logistics system, and smart-city data management system are critical elements that differentiate informational city from the arable or industrial cities. Urban theoretician David Grahame Shane claims that the informational city is a new evolution in city prototypes, which morphs from concentric city, satellite city to grided city, etc. The evolution of the urban blocks—block, super block, mega block

[4]—also needs the addition of the “micro block” from the informational city.

Urban Theater ©Nan Yu, Xintong Chen

New City Model ©Kaiwen Yang, Zihan Zhou, Yan Chu

那么它的物质方面呢?信息城市是否需要任何物理体现?大邱的城市再生项目使我们有机会探讨信息城市的建筑表达。大邱政府主导的“5+1新兴产业”项目侧重于未来汽车、水、医疗、能源、机器人和智能城市,其中机器人和智能城市是信息城市的组成部分。虽然我们关注产业、农业和商业这三个部门的振兴,通过引入信息城市的理念,我们创造性地重新解释了这三个部门的生产消费链。随着产业与生态和记忆的重叠,产业的振兴变成了“产业+”,从原始的生产模式延伸到其对社会的社会和文化影响,为社会贡献了“集体利益的消费 [5] ”。而智能城市和智能城市物流系统与生物学机制一起运作,形成了一种全新的可持续的永续耕作模式,重新定义了信息城市的技术农业;永续耕作从微观到宏观尺度使城市复苏。信息城市不仅仅是计算,还探索了城市的不可量化的心理方面——其记忆、历史、欲望、潜意识等。城市的各种开放空间汇聚成一个巨大的露天剧场和博物馆,承载着城市的物理和形而上学的存在。

What about the material aspect of it? Would the informational city require any physical manifestation? The urban regeneration project of Daegu enables us to explore the architecture expression of the informational city. The government led “5+1 new industries” project in Daegu focuses on future automobiles, water, medical care, energy, robots, and smart city, among which robots and smart city are part of the informational city. While Industry, agriculture and commerce are the sectors we focus the revitalization on, by introducing ideas of the informational city, we creatively reinterpret the production-consumption chain of the three sectors. As industry finds its overlap with ecology and memory, the revitalization of industry becomes an “industry +,” which extends from the original production mode to its social and cultural impacts, which contribute to the “consumption of the collective good

[5]” for the society. While the smart city and smart urban logistic system works with the mechanism of biology, a completely new sustainable model of permaculture is emerged to redefine the technological-agriculture of the informational city; the permaculture revitalizes the city from micro to macro scales. Beyond computation, the informational city also explores the unquantifiable psychological aspect of the city—its memory, history, desire, subconsciousness, etc. Various open spaces of the city converge into a mega scale open-air theatre and museum, to bear the physical and metaphysical beings of the city.

ECO-unit © Tianzhu Chu, Yimeng Wang



Manuel Castells (1989). The informational city: Information technology, economic restructuring, and the urban-regional process. Oxford, United Kingdom: Basil Blackwell.



Manuel Castells (2020). Space of Flows, Space of Places: Materials for a Theory of Urbanism in the Information Age.



The City Reader (pp. 240–251). London, United Kingdom: Routledge. (Original work published 2020)David Grahame Shane (2021). Block, Superblock, and Megablock: A Short Morphological History. https://urbannext.net/block-superblock-and-megablock/



Manuel Castells(1978), City, Class and Power (translation supervised by Elizabeth Lebas), Macmillan Press, London.



Micro Factory in the Era of Mega Data


Factory Forest: Computational “Plug-in City” of Fine-Grain Industry


The ecological problems, from the rapid growth of Daegu’s textile industry, has pushed the industry from city center to suburb. Thereafter, the industry clustered along the Geumhogang River to form a riverside industry belt, from which, we selected three industry plots to begin our study. The Oversizing in plot, monotony in land use, and inappropriateness to modern life are issues of the site we try to confront; therefore, we propose a sustainable Urban Industry Block that builds its spatial order from the textile industrial logic of Daegu. A fully integrated living and production model, which could be customized individually, is created through parametric computations.

Function Implementation ©Tianzhu Chu, Yimeng Wang

工厂森林 Factory Forest


Different from traditional company town, the Urban Industry Block we proposed takes the multifaceted nature of urban life—technological, sociological and environmental—into consideration. It is a fully integrated urban system built form micro base-units algorithmically tight together in an organic way. The four components—production, research, living and ecology—set up the pragmatic programs for the micro base-units, and as the units aggregate, they restructure the flow of textile production and inversely, they form the backwards-flow of waste management as well. The size for the base-unit is minimized to fulfill the basic pragmatic needs, and the program mix between base-units would be an all-rounded fine-grain mix to achieve the compatibility of the programs.

The Updated Iteration Factory Patern ©Tianzhu Chu, Yimeng Wang

The Operation Mode of Produce Unit ©Tianzhu Chu, Yimeng Wang


The Urban Industry Block

is an open-ended permeable block which can transform, expand, contract and adapt to various site conditions. Depending on inputs of the sites, different algorithmic computational models of program mix will be generated and then filtered afterwards to conclude the best fit for a specific site. The creation and morphology of the base-unit clusters are in direct communication with the mega-data of the smart-city management system; as the urban-data changes, the urban form will be adjusted simultaneously. As our site has sewage water treatment from the west, river from the north, and a connection path on the northwest to the other side of the river, we propose different program concentrations for each edge of the site; as base units of different programs propagate from the edge of the site to the center, the mega-data-controlled computation would bring the units together into a dynamic Urban Industry Block.


To reserve more open space and develop more sustainably, we have the production units stacked up vertically, and the production flow turns from horizontal to vertical and 3-dimentsional. The vertical production complexes could join together through units of research, living and ecological, as well as the open space in-between, to form the Factory Forest—an urban ecology with dynamically balanced living and production.


As the system of urban ecology plugs into the existing industrial fabric, it transfers the structure grid of the old factories—10mX10mX9m—into the base units modular. As base units propagate, a new Factory Forest will arise, in the same scale, on top of the old factories; the old city will then be retrofitted and replaced gradually and seamlessly, from micro to macro scale, and turn into an informational city of future Daegu.


City Playscape: A Ruin Exploration Route in Memory

Seizing upon syntax of industrial evolution, factory transformation and morphology of production equipment, we propose a “City Game”—a cultural-tourism project—to evoke the historic moments and spatial fragments from Daegu’s textile industry. In the ruins of a printing & dyeing factory, a linear exploration route—a series of new constructs penetrating the old factory—is designed for visitors to explode the non-linear field of history, specific to the evolution of Daegu’s textile industry. The project is both a heterotopia space in time as well as a hallucination space in memory. There are eight checkpoints in the “City Game”: "Old City", "Beginning", "Factory", "Festival", "Machine", "Ruins", "Labyrinth" and "Rebirth," together they provide a temporal and spatial journey from Daegu’s past to its future.

Ruin Exploration Route © Xiaoran Li

1. 旧城Old City


Guided by an industry tower, visitors enter a ruined park through a forest—an abandon industrial city crafted by nature and time. The experience in the forest reminds people of the traditional hand-woven era of mulberry planting and silkworm rearing, in the walled old town of Daegu before 1950s.

2. 开始 Beginning


Passing through wildness and dilapidated buildings, visitors enter a corridor that cuts through roofs and walls. The disposition, between corridors and architecture elements, resembles the demolition of walls and the construction of railway stations during the Japanese colonization period, when Daegu began to modernize its textile industry.



The end of the corridor is a barrel-shaped building—a monumental structure with lights streaming down onto the dye vats at the bottom. The flow of fabrics in space reminds people of the busy production and dyeing scene in 1960s.

4. 节日 Festival


Visitors walk out from the factory, passing through a vertical playground and corridor placed outside the boarding house. As the visitors move to a space-frame platform floating on the roof, the visitor will find a floating square, which reminds people of the celebration space in era of collective living and production.

Ruin Exploration Route, Section of Factory ©Xiaoran Li



Walking down the corridor, visitors will find a shutdown factory with machines. Involuntarily, visitors will find a soft and cozy living space hidden within a cold machine. The machine triggers the memory of dilapidation of Daegu’s textile industry in 1970s—the days when textile machines were rented to family workshops, and people’s living standard back then was constrained by the decline of the industry.



Visitors go back to the corridor and enter a building suspended on top of a ruin factory. The superimposition of the old and the new resembles a memory of the post 1980s, when industry and city separated, and textile factories were forced to move out. It was a time when residential buildings were built on top of factory buildings, and industry emerged into people’s living space.

Ruin Exploration Route, Section of Factory ©Xiaoran Li

7. 迷宫 Labyrinth


As visitors come to a fragmented building, they would see the remaining concrete pillars and the broken maze walls. As an industry chimney appears from afar, visitors will find people appear and disappear in the ruins; however, visitors would be trapped in the maze. It reminds people the confused exploration of the 1990s, when Daegu tries to upgrade textile industry into fashion, high-tech fiber and many others.



Passing through the ruins, the visitors finally get out of the labyrinth, and they will see an industry chimney rising from the Geumhogang River—It is the rebirth of the city. The adjacent Factory Forest creates a climax for the scene of future Daegu.


Zen Bath: an Artistic Reinterpretation of Textile Industry Syntax


Textile Industry Syntax as Architecture Syntax


The mechanism, in the yarn doubling, throwing and winding of textile industry, brings tremendous inspirations to architecture. The architecture syntax of industrial aesthetic could be extracted by mapping the spatial and temporal implications behind textile machines and processes. We try to propose an architecture that uses the industrial aesthetics as spatial syntax, the mechanical logic as the internal spatial logic, and the parts and whole relationship of machines as the way to organize pragmatic programs within a building.

Node detail of Parallel yarn machine,Architectural design of zen & fabric bathing place,Elevation ©Xinyi Zhao


Program: Bath as the Communal Space for Textile Workers

我们尝试提出一个为纺织工人带来身体和心理健康的共享空间。为了平衡纺织生产中的单调和重复,传统的韩国公共浴室可以为工人的娱乐带来多感官的启发。We try to propose a communal space that brings physical and mental health to textile workers. To balance the monotony and repetitiveness in textile production, traditional Korean public bath could bring multi-sensual inspirations for workers’ recreation.


The project locates next to an existing printing-dyeing pool of the industrial sector. As the public baths—meditation bath, circumferential bath and scenic bath—locate on the first floor, the second floor is filled with healing, and private bathes along with the observation deck are placed on the third floor. Overlooking the river with the oldest industrial history of Daegu, bathing, meditation and sightseeing work together to bring harmony and peacefulness to people, in the future industrial compound of the city.


Permaculture Utopia in the City of Daegu


Edible Daegu: Self-Sufficient Agritecture

Planting map ©Kaiwen Yang, Zihan Zhou, Yan Chu


From 1930s to 2000s, the arable land of Daegu gradually turns into urban land—an unsustainable issue we try to confront with an “agriculture utopia” that based on Permaculture. A new urban biological logic to construct sustainable communities would create a dynamic balance between living and production of Daegu. We locate out site in the city center, where mix programs concentrate. As Alfisols are the critical soil for agriculture, we mapped out the distribution of Alfisols within the city center and discovered the Dongren District in the northeast corner of city center is a great place for Permaculture.

在城市内构建永续农业乌托邦的三个步骤:The three steps to construct a Permaculture Utopia within a city:1. 从可持续城市物流创建基础设施 Create Infrastructure from Sustainable City Logistics






To bring agriculture back to the city, “nature cycle” of planting has to work with “cargo cycle” of food distribution.

A Sustainable City Logistics, which merges nature and cargo cycles into the base of infrastructure, would fundamentally change the logic of the city, from mechanic to organic. The resulted infrastructure divides the city into different cells and within each cell, food would be self-sustained, and beyond the cell, food would be exchanged via Sustainable City Logistics.

将过多的城市用地转化为城市农田 Convert Excessive Urban Land into Urban Farm Land


Through strategies of “linkage”, “stepping stone”, “piecemeal aggregation”, etc., an ecological network brings excessive open spaces together into a green infrastructure; the Green Infrastructure and the Infrastructure of Sustainable City Logistics merge into a comprehensive Urban Farmland Ecosystem, with various eco-habitats dispersing three dimensionally throughout the city, revitalizing the city center from inside out.


The Urban Farmland Ecosystem

consists of

Balcony Garden, Roof Top Oasis, Floating Greenhouse, Transfer Station, and BOH Recycling Station.

Cultivated by rooftop rainwater harvest,Balcony Garden

deals with daily vegetable needs for individual families.

Roof Top Oasis

is the base unit for the whole ecosystem; as it is flexible and adaptable, it scatters all over the city. Floating Greenhouse claims space from the infrastructure, the interstitial space between buildings, the excessive open greeneries, or community gardens. As a social activity, people can enjoy planting together as a community. While Balcony Garden and Roof Top Oasis are designed for individual planting, Floating Greenhouse are for collective planting, and

Transfer Station

is the mediator between individual and collective planting. The Floating Greenhouse incubates vegetable seedlings and prepares fertilized soil, and the seedlings and soil have to delivery to community residents through transfer station; meanwhile, the wet waste and barren soil from residents have to go through the Transfer Station and ship to

BOH Recycling Station.

3. 创建关键建筑以完成永续农业的循环

Create Key

Buildings to Complete the Sustainable Cycle of Permaculture


Vertical Rainforest, St. Flora’s Cathedral, Cubic Module, Composting Workshop, and Landscape Design are the five key elements to create the cycle for Permaculture, implemented in the Floating Greenhouse.


Vertical Rainforest is part of the collective planting. It consists of five parts: rainwater harvesting, intensive cropping system, foldable skin, spiral path, and agricultural chamber, which shares a vertical irrigation system.

Vertical Rainforest of Edible Daegu ©Kaiwen Yang, Zihan Zhou, Yan Chu


St. Flora’s Cathedral is the spiritual space within the Permaculture Utopia; it is made from the seed storage device. It consists of a pneumatic membrane seed museum and an organ style circulation.




Cubic Module

has a module for

multifunctional market

and a module for three-dimensional vertical pasture. While the lower level of

multifunctional market

is for the exchange of agricultural products, the upper part is a storage for vegetables and grains. The whole structure is based on a grided block system and between blocks, there is bamboo waving structure in-between to form the connections.

Vertical pasture module

is designed for cattle and sheep breeding, aquaculture production and meat processing. A grass planting system between the aquaculture and the breeding place increases the efficiency of the

vertical pasture module.



Composting Workshop

raw materials to produce compost include green materials, brown materials and soil. All three materials would be placed in a reaction container; as reaction time increases, the container slowly move down to produce compost. It takes about 12 weeks for compost to mature, and they will be stored at the bottom of the structure afterwards, waiting to be delivered to different parts of the city.

Multidimensional Bazaar, Compost Workshop ©Kaiwen Yang, Zihan Zhou, Yan Chu


Landscape Design

of the project is expressed in the syntax of agriculture. There is a long wooden corridor that leads people into the site: it is both the path and the gate for the complex. The rest of the site is divided into strips. According to the planting condition of the site, different landscape strategies would be applied for different strip. Caterings, access and services are designed to accommodate the landscape to bring more human activities. The exuberantly abundant landscape of agriculture creates a new sustainable civic network for Daegu.

Pond Plant ©Kaiwen Yang, Zihan Zhou, Yan Chu


The City as the Theatre and the City as the Museum


Transform Commercial Armature into Urban Scale Performative and Exhibition Space

Site Plan ©Nan Yu, Xintong Chen


In history, the flourish in textile industry has brought great commerce to Daegu. Due to the decline in industry, the commercial side of the city has lost its vitality. We would like to revibrate the city through reactivating the main armature that passes through the city center, as well as a looping street—an extension of the armature—that connects various handcraft workshops of the traditional Daegu, as they reveal the hidden side of the city.


The significant nodes of open space along the main armature and the loop—Seomum Market, Dalseong Park, and Gukchaebosang Park, etc.—are latened with history and culture, and the excessive open space along the armature and the loop would be our sites to transform the city through a series of temporary structures. We understand the nodes as a series of enclaves of different scales. As people move along the armature and the loop, they open up the theatrical possibilities from one city enclave to the other.


Floating Urban Theatre


We extract seven nodes of public spaces to construct a mega-scale show for the city of Daegu. Through performative narratives, we try to evoke the collective memory of its people and meanwhile, present the spirit and essence of the city to the visitors. Seeing and being seen, the urban spaces, framed by the theatrical temporary structure, are the spectacle as well as backdrop for city life.

Rendering of Urban Flowing Theater ©Nan Yu, Xintong Chen


Prologue: Space for Memory

第一场:怀旧广场 Scene

1: Square of Reminiscence

第二场:森林剧院 Scene

2: Forest Theatre

第三场:漂浮纺织之路 Scene

3: Floating Textile Path


Scene 4: Alley Way



Epilogue: The Bridge


Urban Scale Open-Air Museum


The Urban Scale Museum is a place that build upon the existing city fabric by retrofitting exhibition space into the vacant lots of Parking. With the city itself being the backdrop for the open-air museum, the temporarily structured museum spaces, either indoor or outdoor, create a climax spatial experience for people to understand the essence of life and urban history in Daegu. As the structure are temporary, they are actually results of community activities—the surrounding residents could build their own museum and arrange the exhibition according to different themes they prefer to represent their part of the city. The open-air museum could also be a multi-functional space for performance, lecture, farmer’s market, gathering, etc. It is a project “of the people, by the people, for the people.” On top of that, it is also a project that connects past, present and future of the place: you would history, present days and even the future of Daegu—it is a mega scale museum of living history that overlaps time and space of the city.


The seven nodes of the museum along the armature are:Wind box, Market, Machine Square, Butterfly, Central Hub, Cloister and Tower—they correspond to different stages of Daegu developments. All the nodes are built from sustainable materials, which would have the smallest burden for the sustainable development of the city.

Edible Garden ©Kaiwen Yang, Zihan Zhou, Yan Chu

Edible Garden ©Kaiwen Yang, Zihan Zhou, Yan Chu

Ruin Exploration Route © Xiaoran Li

Edible Garden ©Kaiwen Yang, Zihan Zhou, Yan Chu

Edible Garden ©Kaiwen Yang, Zihan Zhou, Yan Chu

Edible Garden ©Kaiwen Yang, Zihan Zhou, Yan Chu

Ruin Exploration Route © Xiaoran Li

Urban Theater - Scenario 4 Alley Theatre ©Nan Yu, Xintong Chen

Urban Theater - Scenario 4 Alley Theatre ©Nan Yu, Xintong Chen


The following is the preface of the book:


The following is the article part:


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