发布时间:2021-12-13 15:50:22 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Without light, buildings are just dimed shelters.

But with light, it becomes emotional places of space and human.

Containing light in this center, is like containing time stories Jining city, which are derived from the 800yrs history and expressed now in modern ways.



▼南旺分水图《八省运河泉源水利情形总图》,Nanwang water divisioin project图源:网络

Jining city, located in the southwest of Shandong Province, has a long history and profound culture. It is one of the important birthplaces of Oriental Culture, Chinese civilization, Confucian culture, Water Margin culture and Canal culture. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal with a total length of about 1800 kilometers, has Jining in the middle of the whole river. The Canal reached the highest altitude in Jining section Wenshang County Nanwang town, namely the canal ridge. With the miracle of Nanwang water diversion project, Jining became the center hub of the control of the major north-south arteries in China, and established the pattern of three parts of the canal under the South of the Yangtze River, which was widely known.

The old city of Jining was built along the river, and prospered for the river. During the Yuan Dynasty, the Jizhou River, the Huitong River and the Tonghui River are excavated in sequence. Thus, the canal ran from north to south, and the river transport was prosperous. Using the rich natural veins, Jining people also created an old canal through the downtown, becoming an important tributary of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, providing a convenient channel for merchant ships to enter the central city. Merchant ships from south to north chose to transit here, and merchants gathered, making the city prosperity. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the highest administrative office of national water transport was located in Jining, which fully established its position as the city of the canal.

▼基地的S形双河湾,S-shaped double river flowing through the site©陈鹤、于跃超

▼项目总平面图,site plan©筑境设计


OCT Jining Grand Canal Culture&Art Center is located in the southern end of Rencheng District of Jining and the north bank of Taibai Lake, which is the front line of the dialogue between the city and the water body. The location of the center highlights the dialogue between the city and water. The Torch South Road on the east side of the site can bring people from the city to the center, while the old canal runs through the city on its west side. Overlooking Taibai Lake from the site, you can see the old canal extending in the distance in the shape of S, with lush vegetation on the four banks.

▼南向鸟瞰,aerial view from the south©陈鹤、于跃超


▼场地剖面,site section©筑境设计

The project site is sandwiched between the canal and the urban road, with an overall north-south orientation. The west side of the site is near the top of the riverside flood control dike, and the east side is connected with the municipal road. The original elevation of the construction site is located in the low-lying land. The design elevates the site to a height between the elevation of the riverfront promenade and the municipal road, and replaces the original trees in the low-lying land with grass slope and water system, creating a urban open park, forming a smooth transition from the city to the water. The vitality of the city thus penetrates into the quietly flowing canal, allowing the gentle and elegant river to collide with the hot and energetic city. The clue between the two is the impenetrable culture that flows through the city of canals.

▼城与水的邂逅之地,city meets water©HWA安琦道尔、DID STUDIO

▼倒圆锥形体,inverted cone shape building©陈鹤、于跃超



Water under the Bridge as Time Goes by—in-between the Water and Light


The canal is the main character of the site. The emotional cues of the water flowing through it have not changed for centuries. Both the circulation and space of the center are based on the spiral line derived from the Fibonacci numbers, which is the basic prototype of “Le Corbusier Infinite Growth Museum”. The “sense of flow” responds to the site motif of “Water under the Bridge as Time Goes by”, presenting a differentiated spatial narrative developed by two spiral lines juxtaposed inside and outside.

▼形体生成,volume renovation©筑境设计

▼各层功能示意,functional analysis©筑境设计


▼分解轴测图,exploded axonometric©筑境设计

Enter the site from the eastern opening of the city road, and walk along the curved water path along the static water. The thick outer wall leads people slowly to the main entrance of the building with strong guidance. The circulation is still along the water after entering the room. Through increased gradually in the swaying waves reflection cross-bars, order to central exhibition hall, a set of cadences from bright to dark and the light and shadow narrative be suddenly enlightened after arrive at the second exhibition, huge glass welcomes the charming scenery of the canal and the time story like picture in front of each visitor, present the natural-artificial – natural places experience.

▼弧形的进入路径,curved entrance©陈鹤、于跃超

▼沿厚重外墙由静水面到达主入口,arrive at the main entrance following the thick wall ©HWA安琦道尔、DID STUDIO

▼缘水而行至刻意压低的主入口,low entrance at the end of the water©陈鹤、于跃超


The external circulation of the building steps up along the outdoor ramp and reaches the outdoor performance platform at 12m elevation through the roof of the raised platform, which overlooks the water and light of the old canal in the clouds. To achieve a maximum interaction and physical intervention between human and nature.

▼自低而高的螺旋形体,spiral shape of the building©陈鹤、于跃超

▼通达屋面的室外坡道,outdoor ramp towards the rooftop©陈鹤、于跃超

▼外部动线的空间螺旋线,spiral line of the external circulation©陈鹤、于跃超




The space form of the building is also controlled by the spiral shape from low to high. The shape rises from the ground from the northwest corner, passes through a ramp parallel to the old canal, turns counterclockwise 270 degrees, and reaches the highest point when facing west to the river. The facade of the building is mainly made of medium-gray artificial reclaimed stone grooves, which are engraved with the traces of time in its thick and rough texture. The spatial spiral makes the inverted conical volume with a strong sense of power have the momentum to rise into the air, integrating the meaning of “boating“ and “sailing”.


“boating” recalling the historical canal©陈鹤、于跃超

▼厚重的再生石齿槽板外墙,external wall made of heavy stone grooves©陈鹤、于跃超

▼阳光下齿槽板肌理,facade texture under the sunshine©陈鹤、于跃超



▼线型低窗全年光线反射计算,reflection calculation of the linear low window©筑境设计

Linear low window——Long, 80cm high transverse windows at the bottom,cut the building off from the ground, and a line of daylight invites people to the main exhibition hall. Here, light is carefully restrained in entering the interior. The water outside extends into the interior and is reflected into the interior by a carefully calculated wavy refraction surface at the bottom of the pool. Tumble in the curved wall suspension weightlessness in pool under the action of light refraction alienation, and through the reflex of the surface and bottom sipping, rhythm of time watermark is put it into a giant water annulus, from dawn to night, the wind blows shadows move, waves of dense light also engraved with the canal in the space of the container the story of time.


method 1: water reflected on the ceiling and curved walls©济宁华侨城文化旅游发展有限公司


Rooftop Light Container——The height of the exhibition space rises with the step-like roof. Due to different elevations, the adjacent roofs adopt a double beam system. Here, light selectively enters the interior over time. Through the oblique light collector between the three beams, the light has a differentiated path from southwest, west and northwest to enter the interior. With the change of the sun’s trajectory, the Angle, intensity and hue gradually change through the three sets of light collector intake, bright and dark, from strong to weak, and finally in the evening of a day, as a soft sunset, so that the whole exhibition hall is bathed in golden warm light.

▼呈台阶状的三组集光器,stepped rooftop light container©陈鹤、于跃超

室内看集光器,view to the light container from the interior©济宁华侨城文化旅游发展有限公司


method 2: light and shadows created by the rooftop light container in the dusk©陈鹤、于跃超


While guiding light into the building in a differentiated way, the light window also serves as a ventilation function. The linear low window introduces the cool air from the water surface to the interior with the linear air guide trough in the outdoor near water area. The three groups of light containers on the roof can pull out the hot air from the indoor high area when the outdoor window is opened, thus achieving the effect of active air distribution.

▼气流组织的示意图,sunlight and ventilation analysis©筑境设计

▼低窗边可开启线性导风槽,operable linear windows©济宁华侨城文化旅游发展有限公司


West Windows and Light Hall——In the spiraling space, light always Outlines the story of time in a restrained way. Only the second exhibition area on the second floor adopts the whole glass curtain wall on the facade facing the old canal, allowing the light to pour in without reservation, allowing the eyes to look far into the canal and river in the sunset. The spiral-shaped ramp of the northeast roof of the building is set with curved glass lighting roof at the top of the building. Abundant skylight makes the office areas on the second and third floors surrounding the light courtyard also get the chance to encounter light.

▼二层第二展区,second exhibition hall on the second floor©陈鹤、于跃超

二层展厅西窗可以眺望古运河,view to the old canal from the second floor exhibition hall©陈鹤、于跃超

▼光庭两侧,side corridor of the light courtyard©陈鹤、于跃超

光庭下的办公区,office area under the light courtyard©陈鹤、于跃超

波浪涌动,海上明月为理念的泛光设计,aerial view of the building in the night©陈鹤、于跃超

▼施工过程,construction process©筑境设计

▼一层平面图,first floor plan©筑境设计

▼二层平面图,second floor plan©筑境设计

▼三层平面图,third floor plan©筑境设计

▼屋顶平面图,roof plan©筑境设计



项目名称:济宁华侨城 · 运河文化艺术中心








幕墙设计:中国联合工程有限公司 幕墙工程设计研究院







摄影版权:陈鹤、于跃超、HWA安琦道尔、DID STUDIO、济宁华侨城文化旅游发展有限公司

客户:华侨城华东集团规划设计中心 、南京华侨城实业规划设计部、济宁华侨城文化旅游发展有限公司、济宁华侨城规划设计部


Project Name: OCT Jining Grand Canal Culture&Art Center


Design: January to May 2021

Construction: May to September 2021

Leader Designer: Bo Hongtao

Design Team: Bo Hongtao, Xu Qian, Fu Chenbin, Jiang Jingying, He Shengyang, Kang Qi, Zhang Chong, Jiang Ke, Zheng Zhixue, Chen Huishu

Planning and Design: CCTN Architectural Design Co., Ltd.

Architectural Design: CCTN Architectural Design Co., Ltd.

Engineering: Nanjing, Yangtze River Urban Architectural Design Co.,LTD.

Curtain Wall Design: Curtain Wall Engineering Design Institute of China United Engineering Corporation Limited


Indoor Design: WJID

Illumination Design: Lumia Lab

Consultants: Shanghai Construction Group, Shanghai Zhongyuan Lion Enterprise Development Group Co. LTD

Project Location: Torch South Road and Shengxian road intersection southwest, Jining,Shandong

Gross Built Area: 4588 ㎡

Photo Credits: Chen He, Yu Yuechao, HWA, DID STUDIO, OCT Jining Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd

Clients: OCT Eastern China Planning and Design Center, OCT Nanjing Planning and Design Department, OCT Jining Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd., OCT Jining Planning and Design Department

Brands / Products: Reclaimed stone grooves for exterior walls-Beijing Baogui Stone Art Technology Co. LTD/Reclaimed stone curtain wall


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