发布时间:2017-08-22 10:31:29 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

由设计师Sarah Lavoine打造的Le Roch 酒店位于巴黎市中心。在感受巴黎的城市脉搏的同时,客人们在酒店里可以充分享受宁静放松的空间氛围。在这里,精品酒店的概念得到了重新定义:没有铺张浪费,在一个充满人性尺度的场所内,所有一切都是为了带给人一场难忘体验。

▼建筑外立面细节,the exterior view

酒店位于圣罗赫大街 28号,地理位置优越。从这里步行即可游览巴黎最美的景点:它毗邻包括卢浮宫在内的博物馆群和世界上最吸引人的购物街Saint- Honoré,宁静Vendôme广场和美食云集的圣奥诺雷广场。Le Roch 酒店为客人提供了完美的体验,在感受巴黎的城市脉搏的同时,享受由设计师Sarah Lavoine打造的宁静放松的温暖空间。

Located at 28 Rue Saint-Roch – Le Roch Hotel & Spa offers the perfect departure point for visiting the most beautiful sites of Paris on foot! It lies at the crossroads between the effervescent cultural life of the surrounding museums (the Jeude Paume, the Louvre and the Comédie Française), the frenzy of Rue Saint- Honoré, the most coveted shopping street in the
world, and the more hushed atmosphere of Place Vendôme as well as the gourmet ambience of the restaurants scattered around Place du Marché Saint- Honoré. A stay at Le Roch Hotel & Spa offers the perfect opportunity to feel the city’s vibrations at the center of where life is in full swing, and benefit from the experience of a peaceful hotel where the luxurious facilities have no equal other than the warmth of the interior design by Sarah Lavoine.

Here the boutique hotel concept is redefined: without ostentation and in a human-sized place, where everything is done to make the experience at Le Roch Hotel & Spa an unforgettable one.

▼酒店周围的城市风光,the cityscape around the hotel

作为巴黎风格的标志人物,Sarah Lavoine担纲此次室内设计绝非偶然:作为一位以色彩而享誉世界的室内设计师,她可以称得上比任何人都要更加熟悉圣奥诺雷街区。在这里不仅有她的家,还有她亲手建立的办公室和第一个商店。因此,她非常清楚如何在这个社区打造一个完美的巴黎之家。作为她的第一个酒店项目,她希望将舒适注入每个细节,同时在温暖的氛围中体现巴黎风格。酒店被设计为一间私人公寓,这里有你经过长途旅行之后回到家所希望看到的一切细节。从材料,颜色到图案无比彰显着优雅与欢迎的气氛。柔和的自然光温柔的洒在Sarah Lavoine标志性的深色之上:黑色与柔和色调相互调和;莎拉蓝与灯光点缀的红砖相得益彰。


It is not by chance that Sarah Lavoine – an icon of Parisian style – was invited to design this 5-star boutique hotel. A talented interior designer internationally famous for her expertise with color, Sarah Lavoine knows the Saint-Honoré neighborhood better than anyone else. It is here that she set up her family home, her office and her first store. Therefore, it is only natural that she knew how to share her vision in this project for the perfect Parisian home in the heart of the neighborhood that has always been a source of inspiration for her. For Le Roch Hotel & Spa, her first hotel project, her challenge was to introduce into each detail her idea of comfort and to embody Parisian style in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. To that end, she has imagined Le Roch Hotel & Spa as a private apartment, translating her vision of hospitality by bringing together materials, colors, motifs and all the small details that you want to find after returning home from a long journey. Sarah Lavoine has designed Le Roch Hotel & Spa’s spaces to create an elegant and welcoming place, playing with the effect of the soft natural light on the deep colors that have become her signature: black contrasting with soft pastel shades, the Sarah Blue and a luminous dotted brick red.

The tone is set as soon as you cross the threshold. Guests are welcomed in
a warm and private atmosphere. Here, Sarah Lavoine leads us into a world apart: an atmosphere of deep and bold colors, meticulous tailored design furniture, warm and natural materials. The library is a quiet place for relaxing, where conversations are held in soft voices. Books and decorations add a touch of life and invite guests to settle down there or in the lounge.


▼图书馆的书籍和装饰品为空间增添了生命力,the library  is a quiet place for relaxing

与酒店入口区的黑色及蓝色所打造的深色空间形成对比,在酒吧及餐厅充满阳光。从这里的阳台通往花园,为餐厅带来自然的舒适。酒吧区的黄铜灯调节了空间气氛,是设计师的标志元素。这里提供特别的鸡尾酒、香槟和葡萄酒。餐厅位于酒吧之旁,座椅环绕大理石自助餐台布置。海军蓝色长椅为客人提供宽敞的座位,供客人品尝季节性菜单。餐厅提供时尚而轻松的氛围。 主厨Arnaud Faye用新鲜的当地食材为客人们打造久已遗忘的味道。

In contrast with the blacks and blues of the first part of the hotel, daylight is invited into the following space which houses the bar and the restaurant, thanks to the veranda which provides access to the garden, a place where you can enjoy a break in a natural setting and take some time out from urban life. The bar, the atmosphere of which is modulated by brass lamps, aahignature mark of Sarah Lavoine, offers a tailored cocktail menu, Champagnes and exceptional wines. Adjacent to this space is the restaurant. With a concentric layout around a large marble buffet, the navy blue benches along the walls provide generous seats for guests where they can savor the seasonal menu. The restaurant offers a stylish and relaxed atmosphere. With a menu comprising fresh local produce, Arnaud Faye intends to introduce diners to original products and forgotten flavors. Vegetable- based dishes and good quality French ingredients for getting away from it all for a few hours and sharing an authentic experience in the heart of Paris.

▼酒吧区的黄铜灯是设计师的标志元素, the atmosphere of the bar is modulated by brass lamps

▼天窗为餐厅带来明亮的光线,the restaurant is bathed in light

▼精致的细节,the delicate details

▼花园为餐厅带来自然气息,the garden lend natural atmosphere to the restaurant

▼到了夜晚,灯光增添别样格调,the light creating a different mood at night

明亮的客房和套房被设计成典型的巴黎公寓的样式。32间客房和5间套房面积由20至47平方米不等。在Saint-Roch套房设有私人露台,提供宽敞的起居空间,就像酒店中心的私人住宅一样。套房配有私人桑拿房,在这里可以享有无与伦比的放松和幸福时光。其中一些房间还设有大型更衣室。每间套房和客房均提供优雅和时尚的现代风格的微妙组合。在浴室里,来自摩洛哥的Zellige装饰营造丰富而放松的气氛。在卧室里,舒适的双色面料床头板由Sarah Lavoine特意设计。由Maison Jars制作的陶瓷片作为墙面装饰,带来独特设计感。 Maison Sarah Lavoine选择珍贵的木材打造室内空间,精心营造的灯光点缀于其中。实心的胡桃木地板上覆盖着Sarah Lavoine 设计并由Chevalier Éditions生产的地毯。光线透过暖色调的天鹅绒窗帘变得轻柔优雅。

The very bright rooms and suites have been designed as typical small Parisian apartments. 32 rooms and 5 suites offer generous surface areas from 20 to 47 m2, and the Saint-Roch suite with its private terrace offers a vast living space just like a private residence in the heart of the hotel. The suites are equipped with a private steam room for unequalled moments of relaxation and well-being, and some of them have large dressing rooms so that you can get ready comfortably. Each suite and room offers a subtle combination of elegance and timeless contemporary style. In the bathrooms, the Moroccan zellige decoration offers a change of scenery and an atmosphere of relaxation. In the bedroom, a comfortable headboard in two-tone fabric has been specially designed by Sarah Lavoine. A ceramic composition of grains of rice by the Maison Jars decorates the walls and sets the style for the space. Maison Sarah Lavoine mirrors in precious wood enlarge the perspectives and reflect the shifting light of the light fittings also designed by the creator of the place. On the floor, the solid walnut parquet flooring is covered by a rug designed by Sarah Lavoine and created by Chevalier Éditions. The velvet curtains in warm colors decorate the bedroom; letting a delicate light filter through.

▼经典的莎拉蓝色套房,the suite with Sarah blue

▼在阳台享受城市风光,the suite with terrace offering spectacular view



时而温暖,时而善解人意而优雅,这些房间由五种不同的颜色方案所打造。每一种色彩来自设计师与Ressource的合作。这些颜色方案增强了自然光的作用:粉红色,黑色和白色,藏红花黄,开心果绿色和著名的莎拉蓝色。考究的颜色与床头板和几何图案垫子共同营造一种图案式的整体效果:如同一曲交响乐,黑色作为指挥调节着颜色的韵律;天鹅绒和奢华的木材,色彩缤纷的zelliges和浴室的黑白Carrare大理石共同打造了一个充满活力的美丽空间。各种高档设施为客人提供全方位的舒适服务,包括Kaldewei浴缸,Maison Sarah Lavoine,Cassina和Gamfratesi家具等。

Sometimes warm and vitamin-packed, sometimes understated and elegant, the rooms correspond to five different color codes, iconic of the colors so dear to Sarah Lavoine. Each shade has been selected and developed in partnership with Ressource. These color schemes enhance the natural daylight: powder pink, black and white, saffron yellow, pistachio green, and the now famous Sarah blue. In discreet touches, the colors dialogue with the headboard and geometric patterned cushions and create a graphic feel to the overall effect. In its musical scores, black acts as a conductor and sets the rhythm for the colors. Between velvet and noble wood in the rooms, colorful zelliges and black or white Carrare marble in the bathrooms, the materials all contribute to the space’s vibrant beauty. Leading creators are also present and con rm Le Roch Hotel & Spa’s role
as a place devoted to design: Kaldewei bath and sink, Maison Sarah Lavoine, Cassina and Gamfratesi furniture.

▼丰富的配色方案打造不同格调的房间,different color codes creating rooms with difference


The pool, access to which is reserved for Le Roch Hotel & Spa’s guests,
is lit by natural daylight, a rare feature for a Parisian hotel. There, it is possible to benefit from a unique experience: swim below a waterfall and access the steam room directly. Covered with black mosaics, which respond to the charcoal grey floor in lava stone, this space offers the same characteristics as the hotel in terms of decoration. Contrary to an immaculate space that suggests an almost clinical environment, Le Roch Hotel & Spa’s pool and steam room opt for an intimate and stylish atmosphere.

The gym is the perfect place for working out or for starting your day in a dynamic frame of mind. On request, guests may bene t from advice from a sports coach to help them use the Technogym equipment available to them.

▼带有天窗的游泳池,the swimming pool with sky light


Le Roch Hotel & Spa’s teams want to offer their guests a unique experience and that is why they decided to join forces with CODAGE. The Spa will offer a special tailored moment devoted to beauty and intense relaxation enriched by the discovery of an original service.


Location: LE RocH HôTEL & SpA 28, rue Saint-Roch


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