The Earth and its oceans are dynamic. Just 10,000 years ago, this beach was, in some places, a mile further out than where it is now.This large change in coastline over a relatively short amount of time is meager compared to the multitudes of oceans and seas that have come and gone over the life of our planet.These sea stacks and the larger coastline are in an ever-present state of change. Though they appear still, these monoliths are being worn away, making room for new sections of land further inland to be washed away as sea levels rise, leaving only resistant rock to create new stacks in the future. Simultaneously, tectonic activity off shore lifts the North American continent at a rate of 2-5mm/year, creating an emerging coastline. What we see is merely a moment in time in the larger scale of the Earth's complex and constantly changing surface.Viewed another way, these small oceanic mountains begin to resemble colossal sea creatures with rocky exoskeletons, slowly entering and exiting the water over geological timescales.