发布时间:2020-11-16 08:46:18 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Project Statement


▼项目概览,project preview

The mother river of China’s Haikou City has suffered water pollution for decades caused by sewage and no-point urban and suburban runoffs. The landscape architect took lead in implementing nature-based solutions to in transform the gray concrete river into a resilient green infrastructure and integrated the sewage treat process into an ecological system that return the river alive with clean water, rich lives, lush beauty and social vitalities.

Haikou is a tourist city in South China’s tropical area with a monsoon climate. In the past four decades, the city is in a frenzy with ten-time growth in population from a quarter million to 2.3 million. Compared to the ever sprouting skyscrapers, little attention was paid upon the natural water system and the urban water infrastructure which are critical for a city under monsoon climate. The Meishe River, literally meaning the “beautiful mother river” in local language, which runs through the built up area had become a nightmare for the city. For decades, the river had been the sewage dump. The single-mined counter flooding control walls had turned the river into a concrete channel. It had become lifeless and people turn back at it. For many years, piece meal solutions such as building walls and locks to control floods and sea tides, river bed dredging, growing flowers and putting laws at the river bank; locking offer the polluted tributaries, etc. But all these single-minded and disintegrated solutions only worsen the situation.  Images of black water, dead fishes and concrete flood walls that were broadcasted nationwide at the China’s Central Television. For a tourist beach city, this is a big shame.

In 2016, the Haikou government decided to make a change, and this time in an holistic and systematic way.  And the landscape architect was commissioned to lead the systematic and holistic mission of recovering the mother river. The presented project here, 80 hectares (about 200 Acres) in size, is one major pilot project of a whole green infrastructure that was planned and designed under the lead of the landscape architect.

▼平面图, plan


Site and Challenges



The natural beauty of Fengxiang Park is shown by the use of terrestrial landscapes such as terraces, dense forests, orchards and a chain of marsh islands


Objectives and design Strategies


By integrating the works of civil engineering, hydro-engineering, and environmental engineering, the landscape architect design the river corridor was as an comprehensive ecological infrastructure to holistically solve the problems flood and pollution, recover habitats for biodiversity, and creae pleasant recreation opportunities and make it beautiful.

Four strategies are taken:

Planning a gray sewage drainage system: With the help of civil engineering planners, a system of sewage pipes and treatment plants was planned that will collect the sewage of the point sources, and cut off some major pollution sources into the river.

Planning an ecological infrastructure: Based on terrain, land use, and hydrological process, a stormwater drainage-centered green system, namely the green sponge, was planned to separate the stormwater from the sewage, which integrate the river and all its tributaries, wetland and all built and potential green spaces. The green sponge is also integrated with an inter-connected pedestrian and creational network.

Transforming grey into green: where ever possible, more space is given to the water and the concrete flood walls are removed and replaced with eco-friendly river bank. The locked water way is reconnected to the ocean to allow tides come into the city again; Wetlands and sallow shores along the river were reconstructed for mangrove to rehabilitate. Continuous pedestrian paths that are detached from the ground are designed to create water front access.


more space is given to the water and the concrete flood walls are removed and replaced with eco-friendly river bank


▼游步道系统,pedestrian network

▼公共活动空间,public activity spaces

Integrating grey into green and the terraced wetland park: Interconnected terraces of constructed subsurface flow wetlands are built along the river bank, formerly occupied by concrete flood wall and garbage dump. The terraces are designed as water cleansing facilities. Two type of water are led into the wetland to be cleansed: The no-point water runoffs that carry rich nutrients, and the sewage from the local urban villages that are currently not accessible to the centralized sewage treatment system. In the former case, the wetland can clean 6000 tons of urban runoff daily from grade V to III, which is swimmable; In the latter case, it is tested that 3,500 tons of domestic sewage can be cleansed to the same quality daily. In this case, a mobile pretreatment equipment is installed at the inlet of the wetland to remove the smell and pathogens that may cause public health risk, before the grey water is led into the wetland. The two flows can be switched alternately or combined according to demands. The biomass from the wetland is harvested and decomposed into fertilizers regularly for using in the landscape.

Integrated in this designed ecologies of resilient water, an environmental interpretation system and resting places for enjoying the landscape services are designed that allow visitors to have an unique experience of the designed ecologies.

▼多层次的亲水体验设计,the multi-level design for waterfront experience



通过这些景观设计策略,原先持续恶化的河道和亲水性极差的城市边缘地带,已成功改造成一个集雨水净化、生境营造、满足市民休闲功能于一体的海绵公园 。

The project has been proven to be a great success, the water of the river has becomes clean again, fishes and birds have come back, mangrove are growing well into the water way in the city heart; tens of thousands of visitor are attracted to the designed landscape. And as a great celebration of the recovery of the beauty of its mother river which was in memory of old residents decades ago, Haikou was honored as one of the 18 International Wetland Cities by the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention in 2018.

But what is more significant for this case is that the nature based solutions showcased in this project are replicable supported by tested data. Globalwise, over 85% of sewage in the urban area, mainly in the developing countries, is untreated before running into the natural water system, which polluted rivers, lakes and ocean, and has severed the water shortage situation. 75%of the surface water is polluted in China alone, manly caused by no-point source pollution including urban and suburban run offs, and chemicals from the agricultural fields. While centralized sewage treatment system is economically unfeasible for the urban villages and suburban settlements, nature based solutions play important roles in remediating the water quality and floods, as well as creating public spaces that provide cultural and social services. This also indicates a whole new territory for the profession landscape architecture practice and education worthy future exploration.

▼湿地岛链,the chain of marsh islands

▼鸟瞰(凤翔),aerial view – Fengxiang Park

▼鸟瞰(沙坡 – 美舍河),aerial view – The Meishe River

项目标题:海口美舍河凤翔公园 Fengxiang Park





委托方:北京东方利禾景观设计有限公司Beijing Dongfang Lihe Landscape Design Co., Ltd.

项目地点:中国/海南省/海口市/秀英地区 China / Hainan / Haikou /Xiuying









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