发布时间:2023-04-18 11:18:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



“潮·汐”是位于厦门中心住宅区的一个再开发项目 (又名鹭岛)。我们的任务是使新公园符合白鹭和人类都想要的生活方式,同时考虑到可持续性,生态和动物保护。因此,我们改善了生态系统,纳潮量增加了50%,这也使得筼筜湖水更加清澈。同时, 我们采用了大地艺术的手法并结合该场地的历史特征,在后疫情时代,为当地人营造一个开放和吸引人的社交空间。目前,它已成为当地人彼此之间以及人们和自然重新联系的最受欢迎的地方之一。

Tideline, a redevelopment project situated in Xiamen’s central residential area, also known as Egret Island, aimed to create a park that caters to both humans and egrets’ lifestyles, while prioritizing sustainability, ecology, and animal protection. By increasing the tidal prism by 50%, we have improved the ecosystem, resulting in clearer water in Yundang Lake. Our design also incorporated land art techniques and the site’s historical characteristics, creating an open and inviting space for locals to socialize in a post-pandemic world. Tideline has since become a popular destination for reconnecting with nature and each other, with locals enjoying the park’s amenities and offerings.

▼项目夜景概览,overall night of the project


Location analysis


The location is at the east entrance of Yundang Lake, near the residential area, and adjacent to egret’s habitat. The tidal inlet brings in many fish and egrets, creating a unique scene. However, the tidal prism is insufficient, which affects the water system’s cleanliness.


the location is adjacent to egret’s habitat


Original condition


The park needed more space for social activities, and the landscaping was disorganized with mainly trees. The bird-watching area needed design features. The entrance and exit had poor accessibility due to damaged railings and bamboo bushes.

▼场地原状,original condition


The visions were to create a framework for activities, a sustainable ecosystem, a public space for residents, ecological awareness, and showcase the city’s urban transformation history.

▼构思手绘,sketch of concept




To address the issues, the park preserved the ancient banyan trees and ecosystem and constructed a bird-observation corridor with peepholes. The design for the Tideline was influenced by the area’s history and ecosystem when it was once part of the sea before the 1980s. The design incorporated tidal elements like traces, reefs, and waves to reflect the natural evolution. The Tideline consists of three sections: Bird-Observation Corridor, Tide Square, and Lakeside Landscape Area.

▼设计保留了古老的榕树和生态系统,the park preserved the ancient banyan trees and ecosystem


The Bird-Observation Corridor design was inspired by the experience of walking in natural surroundings like mountains and rivers. It aims to provide a space where egrets can live in their natural form while enveloping humans. The design allows people to observe egrets’ dynamics from a distance while being unable to touch them. The corridor is constructed using timber-textured bamboo, an environmentally friendly material, and it separates human and wildlife in their own space. The bird-watching “peepholes” on one side of the promenade facing the lake come in different heights, shapes, and positions to accommodate different viewers.Tree-stump structures were created on the diversion dike, where the egrets can perch and rest. This creates a space where humans and egrets can meet and interact.

▼观鸟廊,the Bird-Observation Corridor

▼观鸟廊侧部的窥视孔,bird-observation corridor with peepholes

▼观鸟廊近景,closer view of the bird-observation corridor

▼观鸟廊内部,interior of the bird-observation corridor

▼景观画框,frame view of the bird-observation corridor

▼导流堤上的站鸟桩,bird stakes on the diversion levees


Tide Square is a wavy multi-functional public space that showcases the historical geographical characteristics of the site. The “tidal traces” and “reefs” were designed based on the local terrain, creating a well-arranged, multifunctional space for activities. This area also features an outdoor art museum of stone sculptures, formed by five collections of sculptures using over 100 pieces of Southern Fujian volcanic stones. The sculptures are carefully curated and displayed to highlight their unique beauty and craftsmanship, exhibiting the Southern Fujian ocean culture.

▼潮汐广场,the Tide Square

▼广场俯瞰,top view of the square


▼分析图,analysis diagram

The five collections of sculptures are composed of :1. Fishing activities; 2. Lights of fishing boats on the Yundang Lake; 3. Various protected birds on the Egret Island; 4. Pictures showing the growth of egrets; 5. Fossils of fishes and other marine organisms.  In combination with the Lakeside Landscape Area, this museum forms an ecological art space that celebrates both art and nature, while educating visitors about the importance of preserving natural habitats and our impact on the environment.

▼室外石雕艺术博物馆,outdoor stone art museum

▼石雕艺术博物馆之渔村,stone art of Fishing Village

▼石雕艺术博物馆之筼筜渔火,stone art of the boats


The landscape pavilion takes on the shape of a ray swimming in the water, which offers a space for resting and highlights the regional characteristics of the ocean. Inspired by an opened bird cage, the bird pavilion at the northwest entrance features four doors in the four directions of east, west, north and south respectively. At the top, two “magpies” made of bronze open the bamboo chips of the cage and talk to each other, which is a scene of ease and freedom. At the bottom are seats in the shape of a bird’s nest and the floor paved with the square tiles of southern Fujian, implying that the home of birds and human beings are integrated and co-exist in nature.

▼远观候鸟亭,viewing the bird pavilion at distance

▼候鸟亭细部,details of the bird pavilion

▼景观亭,the landscape pavilion

▼景观亭细部,details of the pavilion


In May 2022, Tideline was unveiled to the public, and upon its completion, it increased the tidal prism by 50%. This resulted in clearer water, more fish to Yundang Lake, and providing a better habitat for egrets to nest. Local residents and scholars warmly received Tideline, as it improved both the social space and ecosystem. The organized and open park space allows for more social activities and conversations to take place. It is important to note that no photos have been manipulated in any way to reflect the true condition of the project site after completion.

▼潮汐广场夜景,night views of the Tide Square



设计方:  中国市政工程中南设计研究总院有限公司;厦门都市环境设计工程有限公司





设计团队:卢树林、陈震、陶光辉、刘海岩、戴丽娟、刘雨、黄波、陈秋林、 陈丽敏、徐艳





客户: 厦门市市政园林局、厦门市筼筜湖保护中心

实施单位:福建省水利水电工程局有限公司  厦门都市环境设计工程有限公司

Project name:Tideline

Project type: Landscape architecture

Design: China Municipal Engineering Mid-south Design and Research Institute Co., LTD

Xiamen Urban Environment Design&Engineering Co.,Ltd


Design year:2021

Completion Year:2022

Leader designer :Min Yiming

Team: Lu Shulin,Chen Zhen,Tao Guanghui,Liu Haiyan,Dai Lijuan, Liu Yu,Huang Bo, Chen Qiulin,Chen Limin,Xu Yan,Lin Qingyong,Luo Jinwei, Chen Feng

Project location:  Xiamen,China

Gross built area: 11327㎡

Photo credit:  Luo Lianbi

Clients: Xiamen Municipal Garden Bureau,Xiamen Yundang Lake Protection Center

Implementation units:Fujian Water Conservation and Hydropower Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd

Xiamen Urban Environment Design & Engineering Co.,Ltd


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