发布时间:2020-07-30 00:44:26 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

美是理念的感性展现——黑格尔 Beauty is the ’sensuous appearing of the Idea. —Hegel


为了兼并美学与功能性, Objective的每一件单品背后,是设计师、艺术家与匠人们不断探索的过程:设计、选材到制作。在这里,生活之美是碰撞,是融合,亦相辅相成, 生活的无限可能性,皆在此间。

On July 3, Objective was established in Shanghai and presented its maiden exhibition “COEXIST”. The exhibition was staged in a dark green vintage Western-style house, gathering works by global artists. Filled with collaborations across territory and profession, the space takes you on a journey to appreciate objects with both beauty and functionality, and the essence of life.

Honoring the principle of merging beauty and functionality, each item from Objective articulates the ceaseless exploration by designers, artists and craftsmen: from design, material selection to production. Here, the beauty of life lies in collision, fusion, and mutual complement. Here, the infinite possibilities of life are tested one after another.

走进上海市井巷弄内的一间老洋房,Coexist 展览就隐秘其中。展览从建筑与空间为出发点,讲述跨越时间、空间的发现美的旅程。充满韵味的百年上海老洋房,被粉饰成灰绿色的楼梯与建筑外立面,仿佛六月上海的苔藓绿意跃入空间。由此,Coexist 展览定调淡雅绿色,从户外到室内延续一场生机盎然的美学探索。

Rambling into an old house located deep along an alley, you can start your exploration at the Coexist exhibition. Starting from architecture and space, the exhibition presents a journey to discover beauty across time and space. This century-old house is a perfect combination of Shanghai and western styles. The staircases and facades painted in gray-green bring the exuberant green moss of Shanghai summer into the space. Set to a light green tonality, the exhibition continues a vibrant aesthetic exploration from outside in.

庭院,courtyard©️Guan Li

走入一楼空间中,Objective 将艺术家韩冰的作品作为第一个展品。在 2019 年的香港 Art Basel 艺术博览会,Objective 的创始人 Chris Shao 与天线空间的创始人 Simon Wang 因一幅韩冰的作品相识,此次亦以这幅作品作为开场,意在讲述一场纯艺 (fine art) 和功能艺术品 (functional art) 碰撞融合的故事。

在这一层的展厅中,沙发、茶几、灯具、艺术品,这些看似简单的生活单品有着最质朴又发自内心的叙述——Living with Art (与艺术生活在一起)。这里也仿佛 Coexist 展览的客厅,映入眼帘的是略带莫兰迪灰的青绿色马海毛对半沙发、圆润活泼,一旁来自美国艺术家 Brecht Wright Gander 和他的团队手工制作而成的灯具。

Right on the first floor, Han Bing’s work is the first exhibit welcoming the visitors. At the 2019 Art Basel in Hong Kong, Chris Shao, founder of Objective encountered Simon Wang, founder of Antenna Space, because of a work by Han Bing. Today, it is displayed as the opening exhibit, intended for a story about the collision and fusion of fine art and functional art.

On this floor, sofas, coffee tables, lamps, artworks – these seemingly simple living items embody the most plain and heartfelt narrative: Living with Art. You can see this showroom as a living room of the Coexist exhibition. The halved mohair sofas in turquoise with a slight Morandi gray, round and lively, and next to them are the lamps handmade by American artist Brecht Wright Gander and his team.

▼一楼展厅,exhibition area – level 1©️Guan Li

漂浮沙发是来自 Objective 的原创家具设计系列,选用来自 Dior 前创意总监 RafSimons 与丹麦品牌 Kvadrat 合作的面料系列。从空间到产品,演绎来自室内设计师 Chris Shao 的设计与生活理念。而造型独特的来自 Gander 的落地灯,灵感来源于他在童年时期收集的海百合化石的美好回忆,这不仅仅是一件具有照明功能灯饰,由于它本身的独特性,更是能影响整个空间氛围的艺术品。

The floating sofa comes from an original furniture design series of Objective, featuring a fabric series created by former creative director of Dior Raf Simons in collaboration with the Danish brand Kvadrat. From space to products, all intended to interpret the design and life philosophy of interior designer Chris Shao.

The chic floor lamp from Gander is inspired by the marvelous memories of him collecting sea lily fossils in his childhood. More than a lighting fixture, due to its uniqueness, it is an artwork adding special vibes to the entire space.

▼从左至右:漂浮椅子、来自 Gander 的落地灯和漂浮沙发©️Guan Li from left to right: the floating chair, the floor lamp from Gander and the Marshmallow Sofa

漂浮沙发和扇形桌,Marshmallow Sofa and Fan Table©️Guan Li

沙发前的绿色“冷翡翠”大理石茶几采用了叠加石板的手法,打破传统思路。用材质的叠加丰富设计层次与使用感受。而沙发旁的“漂浮椅子”,由实心亚克力模具支撑,搭配来自 Fabric Union 的艺术印花面料,真如悬浮坐在云端。

In front of the sofas lies a marble coffee table in “cold emerald” green. Made by multiple layers of stone slabs, it is a breakthrough in design thinking, and helps diversify the user experience. The “floating chair” next to the sofas is supported by solid acrylic molds and covered with art print fabrics from Fabric Union – as if you were sitting on clouds.浮沙发和“冷翡翠”大理石茶几,the marble coffee table in“cold emerald”green in front of the sofas©️Guan Li

放置在“漂浮椅子”一旁的圆柱装饰摆件由不同材料的拼接组合而成,金属的光泽感与亚克力的通透感的结合带来了视觉上的平衡,配合着流畅的弧线切割,浑然一体,它即可作小桌台又可用作小凳子,亦是 Objective 的原创单品。

The cylindrical ornament placed besides the "floating chair" is a fusion of varied materials. The metallic luster and the transparent acrylic come to a visual balance, perfectly in harmony with the smooth curved cutting. It can be used as both a table and a stool – also an original from Objective.

右下方可以看见 Jelly Totemic 圆柱小桌,Jelly Totemic sidetable (bottom right)©️Guan Li

在客厅的壁炉旁放置着两张由橡木和布面拼合制作而成的圆凳,充满肌理质感的面料配合了圆凳小小的体积,使它具备了美观与实用性。而另一个壁炉前,来自上海的新锐设计师蔡贝轶 Bryce Cai 设计的 Fan Table,造型上如自由展开的扇形组合,透出神秘的东方意境,并大胆使用石头和木的台面拼接。

Two round stools made of oak and cloth are placed next to the fireplace in the living room. The grain-textured fabric comes in line with the small-sized stools, making them beautiful and practical at the same time. In front of another fireplace, the Fan Table by Shanghai-based young designer Bryce Cai is freely unfolded like a fan, adding a mysterious oriental touch to the room. Its bold combination between stone and wood as the countertop is impressive.

▼壁炉和 Jelly 圆凳,the fireplace and Jelly stools © Guan Li

▼地面上摆放着 Bordo 咖啡桌,Bordo coffee table on the floor©️Guan Li

▼Jelly 圆凳和扇形桌,Jellystools and Fan Table©️Guan Li

客厅外侧为一间长方形室内露台,采光极佳。一整块色泽清透的弧线不规则大理石雕塑桌放置于此,这件来自设计师 Lorenzo Bini 作品,意在通过不规则的弧线线条,让使用者错落相间而围坐,改变传统餐桌带来的沉重严肃的气氛。

Outside the living room is a rectangular indoor terrace with excellent natural lighting. A clear arc-shaped marble sculpture table is displayed here. This piece by designer Lorenzo Bini allows users to sit around it in irregular positions, breaking the restrained dining atmosphere at traditional tables.

▼Lorenzo Bini 设计的大理石雕塑桌,the marble sculpture table by Lorenzo Bini © Guan Li

▼露台,terrace©️Guan Li

从建筑、室内、家具、布料;从三维到二维,Coexist 讲述了艺术、家居、空间巧妙的融合,丰富不同维度的思考。

From architecture, interior, to furniture, fabric; from 3D to 2D, Coexist is a story about the ingenious integration of art, home furnishing, and space, inspiring thinking from more dimensions.

▼楼梯,stairs©️Guan Li

二楼的空间中设置了一个更为静谧的场所:一张 1950 年代的古董书桌,它由意大利著名建筑师和设计师 Gianfranco Frattini 设计,搭配来自巴黎的品牌 R&Y Augousti 的经典设计之一——Eden Chair(伊登椅),笔壳和青铜搭配了黑色的马毛,具有异域风情的造型,为空间带来一种神秘感。火炉上是主理人在摩洛哥旅行时的意外发现,这是三只由骆驼骨制成的器皿,都是当地匠人手拼接工制作而成,十分罕见稀有。与之相呼应的是壁炉内骨头造型的天然蜡烛,由 Studio Morrison 设计。

A quieter place is set up on the second floor: an antique desk from the 1950s designed by the famous Italian architect and designer Gianfranco Frattini, paired with one of the signatures of Paris brand R&Y Augousti – Eden Chair. Empty pens and bronze with black horse hair, exotic and mysterious. The objects on the stove were accidentally discovered by the Chris Shao while traveling in Morocco. They are three rare vessels made of camel bones, all hand crafted by local craftsmen. What’s in resonance with them is a natural bone-shaped candle in the fireplace, designed by Studio Morrison.

▼二层空间,the second floor©️Guan Li

Gianfranco Frattini 设计的古董书桌和来自 R&Y Augousti 的伊登椅©️Guan Li

theantique desk by Gianfranco Frattini, paired with the Eden Chair from R&Y Augousti

▼“Fork Handles”蜡烛,“Fork Handles”contemporary candles©️Guan Li

如果说一楼是与地面直接接触,拥有无限灵气的话,那么顶楼是与天空相接触,带给你无限的想象。哥特式风格的彩色窗花,一阶阶登上实木的旋转台阶,一步一景,充满古韵的羊皮吊灯一下子将你拉入一个奇幻的神秘之境。我们利用高达 4 米的层高,打造出一个极具宗教色彩的展厅,肃穆且神秘。

充满韵味的旋转楼梯之间,悬挂着同样来自 Bryce Cai 设计的“Back Stage”艺术挂毯,表达着年轻一代的内心呼声——做自己、展示自我。来到顶楼,首先用艺术家 Arno Declecq 的圆桌与餐椅作为开场,Arno 的设计极具自然简约之美,通过简单的黑色橡木,他完美地将西非中独特而又神秘的部落艺术融入其中,却也能完美地与周围家具相调配。

▼“Back Stage”艺术挂毯,thetapestry named“Back Stage”©️Guan Li

Along the chic stairs, a tapestry named “Back Stage”, another work by Bryce Cai, is hanged there, voicing for the younger generation: Be yourself and show yourself. Walking upstairs to the top floor, you will first see the table and dining chairs by artist Arno Declecq. Arno’s design is natural and simple. With plain black oak, he has perfectly blended the distinctive and obscure tribal art in West Africa into his works – which in turn fit the surrounding furniture organically.

层空间,the top floor©️Guan Li

另一边放置的则是设计师 Robert Kuo 的设计作品。他尤其擅长将自然界中有机的形式赋予到其设计作品中,更是通过借助传统工艺方法、技术、材料等技艺使得 Robert Kuo 在艺术创作上取得了极大的成就。这盏屏风也非常独特地用简单的梨形样式来传达出他那种对生活的深度挖掘。艺术来源于生活,却也高于生活。屏风前,是造型感十足的单人沙发,设计师 Bryce Cai 讲人体工学完美考虑其中,如喇叭般的造型让使用者如嵌入沙发中那样,舒适而温暖。一旁沙发则是来自设计师 Vladimir Kagan 设计,他将普通材料经过高度的艺术化整合,突破传统坐的方式,打造出别具一格、随心所欲的设计体验,是一款非常具有收藏价值的古董沙发。

On the other side is the work by designer Robert Kuo. He is good at conferring organic forms in nature to his design. On the other hand, his skilled use of traditional craftsmanship, technology and materials leads to great achievements in his artistic creation. Though this screen, he innovatively uses a simple pear shape to convey his insights into life. Art comes from life, but goes beyond life. In front of the screen sits a stylish armchair. Designer Bryce Cai, while taking ergonomics into account, has created a trumpet-like chair where users can sit comfortably as if being swaddled. The sofa next to it is designed by Vladimir Kagan. Through a highly artistic integration of regular materials, he gets unshackled from the traditional way of sitting, and replaces it with a distinct and free use experience, making the sofa an antique with high collection value.

▼Robert Kuo 设计的屏风和 Bryce Cai 设计的 Trumpet 沙发©️Guan Li The lacquer screen by Robert Kuo and the Trumpet chair by Bryce Cai

▼有机形态的置物架,theorganic formedrack©️Guan Li

每当房间内光线暗淡下来后,就会有一种幽深神秘的奇幻灯光笼罩一切。此落地灯同样出自艺术家 Brecht Wright Gander 之手,这盏灯的内部,艺术家采用的是镀金铜进行涂饰,使得灯光本身就非常的粗糙与低沉。至于立式灯的外部,他重点仍然突出的是那种张力的侵蚀美感。也许,我们每个人的内心总去向往一种奇幻的事物,这盏灯就可以完美地符合你的一切设想。

Every time the room dims, it will be coated with serene and mysterious glows of light. This floor lamp is also from created by artist Brecht Wright Gander. Inside the lamp covers a gold-plated copper finish, making the light itself rough and obscure. As for the exterior, he highlights the erosive beauty generated by that tension. Since every one of us, more or less, yearns for something marvelous, this lamp can perfectly fit your imagination.

▼Arno Declecq 的圆桌与餐椅以及 Brecht Wright Gander 的“发光机器 1 号”©️Guan Li thetable and dining chairs by artist Arno Declecq with the Illumination Machine #1byBrecht Wright Gander

抬头则可看见横梁上悬挂的两条珍珠项链造型的吊灯,此款灯出自法国的灯光设计师 LudovicClementd’Armont 之手,所有灯饰均为环保材质,可爱既典雅的造型,为这个充满神秘感的展厅,注入浪漫情怀。

Looking up, you can see two chandeliers inspired by pearl necklaces hanging from the beam. Created by French lighting designer Ludovic Clement d’Armont with environmentally friendly materials., these adorable and elegant ornaments add certain romance to the mystical showroom.

▼Ludovic Clement d’Armont 设计的珍珠项链吊灯和 Vladimir Kagan 设计的沙发组合©️Guan Li the Pearl Necklace Pendant Lights and the seating section and lounge byVladimir Kagan

展览尾声,来到由原本浴室改造的一间隐秘展厅,映入眼帘是巴西的建筑师 Bruno de Carvalho 所设计的秋千椅,意在还亚马逊热带雨林的原始风貌,当这件展品融入进展厅,则平添了一丝趣味与挑逗。

At the end of the exhibition, you will come upon a hidden showroom transformed from a bathroom. Leaping into the eyes is a swing chair by Bruno de Carvalho, a Brazilian architect. Originally intended to reproduce the Amazon rainforest in its primitive state, the exhibit injects a touch of fun and teasing to this old house in Shanghai.

▼Bruno de Carvalho 设计的秋千椅,theswing chair by Bruno de Carvalho©️Guan Li

展厅旁侧,墙上挂着的是由荷兰设计工作室 STUDIO OS ∆ OOS 设计的一面镜子,丰富的层次与令人有趣的配色,为此次展览画上一个愉悦的结尾。多重的艺术设计,各自风格独具,将自然与生活中的那些普通的事物赋予一些新的概念。我们在静止中追寻,在追寻中探索。

On the wall hangs a mirror from Dutch design studio STUDIO OS ∆ OOS. The intriguing sense of layers and color shades draw a delightful ending to the exhibition. All these dazzling and unique artistic designs render the ordinary objects in nature and life some new meanings. We pursue while standing still, explore while pursuing.

STUDIO OS ∆ OOS 设计的镜子,Repeated Mirrors bySTUDIO OS ∆ OOS©️Guan Li

Coexist 展览既是老洋房与新艺术的共存,也是 Objective 与天线空间共同呈现的艺术盛宴,它讲述了生活与艺术并存的方式,喧哗与思考的平行,这也是 Obejective 所坚信的:No matter what it is research and rigor, multiple tests and errors, it is our humanity that reveals, in the end, the presence of the object.

The Coexist exhibition is a tribute to the coexistence of an old house and new art, as well as an art feast presented by Objective and Antenna Space. It demonstrates the way how life and art coexist, and how noise and idea take shape parallelly. This is also what Objective firmly believes: No matter what it is research and rigor, multiple tests and errors, it is our humanity that reveals, in the end, the presence of the object.

▼发光机器 2 号,Illumination Machine #2©️Guan Li

“生命之美在于碰撞,在于调和。以客观之眼,呈现真实的物体。It is my objective to present an object in an objective way.”——Objective 创始人、设计师 Chris Shao

"The beauty of life lies in collision and harmony. It is my objective to present an object in an objective way." —Chris Shao, founder and designer of Objective


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